Babel user information
pl-N Polski jest językiem ojczystym tego użytkownika.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
de-4 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf muttersprachlichem Niveau.
ru-2 Этот участник владеет русским языком на среднем уровне.
cs-2 Tento uživatel má střední znalosti češtiny.
This user would like to be able to speak more languages.
Users by language

My name is Waldemar Zboralski. I am British, but I am origin from Poland. I live in Greater Manchester (England) since January 2007. I work mainly for Polish edition of Wikipedia, but I check the English Wikipedia for resources to complete some of my articles. And I try to download licensed files to Wikimedia Commons, of course.