Filters using In2=BackgroundImage only works in IE/Edge browsers, and not on the svg root element


Hi there!

I am working in the Microsoft Edge team and was investigating with a co-worker a complaint (about flickering and disappearance) of parts of <a href="">your linux kernel schema</a> on wikipedia. As it turns out, you accidentally used an svg filter on a rectangle between two sections. Unfortunately, in doing so, you introduced a usage of the In2=BackgroundImage feature of SVG Filters which is not supported in Google Chrome and Safari (ignored, resulting in the rectangle showing unfiltered which in this case is actually fine) and purposefully disabled in Firefox (which means the rectangle is actually fully hidden there); in addition, sadly, to the flakiness of the feature in Edge when enable-background is used on the root svg element (a feature we had to disable because Inkscape added this attribute to every exported svg, hurting our performance unnecessarily; the feature now only works on non-root svg elements).

At this point it doesn't seem very likely we will be able to fix our bug in the feature given it doesn't work in any other browser, but since in your case the usage is accidental (and this is probably why you haven't set enable-background:new to make the filter work), it would be beneficial for Firefox, Edge, and IE users to remove this filter (that doesn't work anyway in any other browser). I would have done it myself if I could but apparently I don't have rights to edit the file.

Thank you very much for your time! Francois — Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 02:59, 19 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

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