User talk:Yann/List of paintings by Paul Cézanne

SELECT ?item ?ref ?date1 ?date2 ?height ?heightU ?width ?widthU ?collection WHERE {
  ?item  wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213.
  ?item  wdt:P170 wd:Q35548.
  ?item  wdt:P195 ?collection .
  optional {?item wdt:P973 ?ref. }
  optional {?item  wdt:P571 ?date1. }
  optional {?item p:P571 ?dobstatement .
  ?dobstatement psv:P571 [
                wikibase:timePrecision "9"^^xsd:integer ;
                wikibase:timeValue ?date2 ;
              ] }
  optional {?item p:P2048/psv:P2048 ?heightD.
            ?heightD wikibase:quantityAmount ?height.
            ?heightD wikibase:quantityUnit   ?heightU.}
  optional {?item p:P2049/psv:P2049 ?widthD.
            ?widthD  wikibase:quantityAmount ?width.
            ?widthD  wikibase:quantityUnit   ?widthU.}

order by ?date1

Try it!

concatenated using =CONCATENATE("{{Painting table row|",B424,"|date=",D424,"|size=",E424," × ",G424," cm|institution=",I424,"}}")

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