Commons:Featured pictures/Photo techniques/Styles and Techniques

  Gallery of Photo Styles and Techniques edit

This page is a gallery of featured pictures that the community has chosen to be highlighted as some of the finest on Commons.


Other galleries containing featured pictures related to photo techniques:

Composites & Montages

Styles & Techniques

Modern Black & White Photos

This gallery is for photos where a specific style or technique is the dominant subject.

Photography Styles and Techniques edit

Abstract edit

Bokeh edit

Filters edit

Intentional camera movement (ICM) edit

Long exposure edit

Intentional motion blur edit

Light trails edit

Light painting edit

Minimalism edit

Panning edit

Photo art edit

Reflections (only) on objects edit

Texture photography edit

Ultraviolet light edit

Vignetting edit

Zoom bursts edit

Others edit

Significantly digitally altered images edit

Unsorted edit

The FPCBot will place images here, they can manually be sorted into more specific sections. When moving away images do not remove the gallery itself and let this section be the last on the page.