
This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Localization and the translation is 54% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Localization and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
"COM:LOC" redirects here. For information on the Library of Congress, see Commons:Library of Congress.

Shortcuts: COM:I18N • COM:INT



  1. ソフトウェア
    1. MediaWikiソフトウェア(およびコモンズで利用される拡張機能)
    2. カスタマイズ可能なMediaWikiインターフェイスの要素
    3. ユーザスクリプト(特に個人設定を通じて導入可能なガジェットスクリプト))
  2. コンテンツ
    1. プロジェクトページ
    2. コンテンツ(ファイル、カテゴリ、ギャラリー)
    3. コンテンツとプロジェクトページで利用されるテンプレート



MediaWikiはコモンズを機能させるソフトウェアです。翻訳により MediaWikiのインターフェース (MediaWikiのインストールと同梱) はTranslatewiki上に作成されます。リンクを開いてぜひ貢献をお願いします。

特定のMediaWikiのメッセージのローカライズを translatewiki 上で検証するには、translatewiki:Special:Translations/MediaWiki: を開いてその MediaWiki メッセージ名を入力します。メッセージ名がわからない場合には、コモンズのそのメッセージがあるページを開き、URL欄の末尾に?uselang=qqxと書き加えてからページをリロードします。するとページ内の文字列の代わりに、文字列を表示させるメッセージ名が画面に現れます。 (Commons:Localization を使ったサンプル)

コモンズ内で MediaWiki メッセージを探すには (例:テンプレート内) {{int:messagename}} を使い、実例として MediaWiki:edit-conflict を探すなら {{int:edit-conflict}} と入力します。ローカライズした MediaWiki メッセージの保存先は下位ページで、該当する言語コードが例えば MediaWiki:edit-conflict/deMediaWiki:edit-conflict/fr のように補足されます。存在しないメッセージ (実在するメッセージ名の綴りを間違えた場合も) は、三角カッコで挟んで返し (例:<message name>)、よくあるエラーとして "{{int:license}}" を "{{int:licensing}}" とコードしたりします (出力は間違いの印の三角カッコに挟まれた形⧼licensing⧽)。

テンプレート内で役に立つ可能性のある MediaWiki のメッセージについては、Commons:Localization/useful MediaWiki messages を参照してください。mw:Localisationそのシステムメッセージも参照してください。

Commons MediaWiki : 名前空間カスタムメッセージ

The text of default messages supplied with the installation of MediaWiki can be overridden locally.[1] In addition, completely new messages can be created in the MediaWiki: namespace for purposes of localization. In both cases, such "custom messages" will only be available on Commons' installation of MediaWiki.





Project pages (in the Commons: and Help: namespaces) are important to translate. A new user visiting Commons may not know much about Commons and its purpose. Project pages explain the scope of Commons, what content is appropriate and what content not, how uploading works and what rules are to be observed.



Content pages are categories, galleries, and file description pages. Localization of these has two elements:

  1. Standard text elements. These should normally be included via appropriate content templates. For example, a category may include the template {{See also}}, which provides the text "see also" in various languages. In a few cases, standard text elements that are part of the MediaWiki software can be accessed directly, using the construction {{int:mediawiki-message-name}}.
  1. Non-standard text elements. These are included directly on the page, but should be wrapped in translation templates so that if/when translations are added, the software can distinguish them. The usual means are the simple language templates or the {{LangSwitch}} or {{Mld}} templates.

Content templates

Templates are strings of text that occur on dozens, thousands or even millions of pages. By translating the most widely used templates you can greatly extend the usefulness of Commons pages to speakers of your language who do not speak English or who do feel more comfortable in their native tongue. Template:Information for example is used on more than two million file description pages. It's just some short strings of text, but it can greatly help to make the information on the description pages be more accessible. (Not all templates can be translated, some don't need translation, because they are language-neutral).

If a template is already internationalised, it should be clear how to add a new language localization. (The template documentation should make this clear, or it may be obvious when you look at the template in edit mode.) If a template is not yet internationalised, see the section below.

See most used translatable templates and modules.

Content internationalization methods

The major methods for internationalization are

  1. Autotranslate, using the {{Autotranslate}} template, which uses subpages in the standard /xx language code format to store localizations
  2. LangSwitch, using the {{LangSwitch}} template, which stores localizations within the page or template being translated.
  3. Simple list, using a header linking to different language versions of a page.
  1. Language templates, using the individual templates listed at Commons:Language templates
  2. Multilingual tags are templates devoted to translating a particular message, without providing any formatting, for re-use in multiple templates.
  3. MediaWiki messages– in a few cases, standard text elements that are part of the MediaWiki software can be accessed directly, using the construction {{int:mediawiki-message-name}}

Content templates with complex layouts tend to use {{Autotranslate}}, whilst simpler ones use {{LangSwitch}}. Content pages largely use LangSwitch or language templates, with a handful of MediaWiki messages. The "simple list" method is generally used only by project pages. Multilingual tags and most MediaWiki messages are normally used only by templates. For templates, {{TemplateBox}} facilitates creating a documentation page, including providing a standard explanation of how to localise the template for a new language version, given the specified internationalization method.

An additional method is demonstrated by {{Talkbox}}, which supports the construction of talkpage templates (e.g., {{Permprot}}). Here, the translations are stored in subpages of the calling template, and {{Talkbox}} switches the content as needed. The approach is similar to autotranslate, but the setup of the subpages is slightly different, and there is no /layout subpage.



  • Simple list: some templates/categories are localised using the simple list approach demonstrated by {{Lang-CatHelp}}, allowing each page to have its own localised name. The list template should be referenced using {{Header}}, for example {{header|Lang-CatHelp}}.
  • Commons:Language templates are used for galleries, categories description, file description pages. Each is simply the ISO code of the language. Example: {{en|English description}}.


  1. "Default messages" includes those which are supplied as part of MediaWiki, and the additional wm- messages (e.g., MediaWiki:wm-license-information-description) provided by mw:Extension:WikimediaMessages.



  • 「ローカライズの作業中に問題が発生しました。誰か助けて!」 ➜ Commons:ヘルプデスクへどうぞ