Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/Results/R1/Diagrams

  Picture of the Year
    The Sixth Annual Wikimedia Commons POTY Contest
Thanks for your participation! The 2011 winners have been announced!

Category - Diagrams

Diagrams #1 – 203 votes in Round 1;'
Animation of the act of unrolling a circle's circumference, illustrating the ratio π. (POTD)
John Reid (edited version by MGTom).

Diagrams #2 – 160 votes in Round 1;'
3-Ring release system animation. It allows a skydiver to cutaway a main parachute. (POTD)
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/Credit/3Ring release animation.gif.

Diagrams #3 – 132 votes in Round 1;'
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/Caption/Plastic screw anchor-animation.ogv
Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/Credit/Plastic screw anchor-animation.ogv.

All in this category