Commons:Picture of the Year/2019/R1/v/Golden-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis annae) 1.jpg

Picture of the Year 2019
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Golden-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis annae) 1.jpg

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  1. Kiril Simeonovski
  2. Wouterhagens
  3. Toyotsu
  4. Nemracc
  5. Duży Bartek
  6. Cybularny
  7. DrPZ
  8. SirEdimon
  9. Meiræ
  10. Sujalajus
  11. Shesmax
  12. Diorit
  13. Migebert
  14. Siren-Com
  15. Donald Trung
  16. Vincent Simar
  17. Brackenheim
  18. Megalogastor
  19. Khamul1
  20. Tournasol7
  21. Abductive
  22. ஆராவமுதன்
  23. NGC 54
  24. Eman235
  25. Mænsard vokser
  26. FelixL.
  27. The Squirrel Conspiracy
  28. Betau
  29. StromBer
  30. BD2412
  31. Tibet Nation
  32. Jccali1214
  33. Gufosowa
  34. Polypterus
  35. Rasmus 28
  36. Marrovi
  37. Mykola Swarnyk
  38. Felvalen
  39. Yosy
  40. Nightenbelle
  41. Olga-lisenkova
  42. Jeeputer
  43. BíláVrána
  44. Fontema
  45. Frettie
  46. Sally V
  47. Luman sahe
  48. Lhimec
  49. Humani65
  50. Elmi1966
  51. Reade
  52. Wolverène
  53. Indil77
  54. Soulreaper
  55. Haplochromis
  56. ChristianCS20
  57. Julle
  58. Herzi Pinki
  59. CaZeRillo
  60. Elisauer
  61. Gap9551
  62. Bluerasberry
  63. Turamichele
  64. Mardus
  65. Angela-quidam
  66. Scrawlspacer
  67. Totodu74
  68. Justus Nussbaum
  69. Hirvelaid
  70. Professorcornbread
  71. PaulThePony
  72. Ganímedes
  73. Luisalvaz
  74. Irina Gelbukh
  75. Αλεξάνδρα Ασκλ
  76. IvaBerlin
  77. Mpn
  78. Jdx
  79. RobertLechner
  80. Hatovix
  81. Nocowardsoulismine
  82. Kseniya 7
  83. Djiboun
  84. Skiasaurus
  85. Seven twentynine
  86. Aleksey Churushkin
  87. DragonflySixtyseven
  88. Ldorfman
  89. Minoo
  90. Mr.Amjad.Attal