Commons:Picture of the Year/2020/R1/v/Looking up at The View From The Shard, Level 72.jpg

Picture of the Year 2020
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Looking up at The View From The Shard, Level 72.jpg

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  1. W.carter
  2. Mbkv717
  3. 1234qwer1234qwer4
  4. Գարիկ Ավագյան
  5. KlauRau
  6. BD2412
  7. זים הפולש
  8. OwenBlacker
  9. Bibeyjj
  10. Viola Luchansky
  11. Kruusamägi
  12. GaiusAD
  13. CHih-See Hsie
  14. KrmezljavKuza
  15. Pompilos
  16. RaveDog
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  19. Kiril Simeonovski
  20. Borvan53
  21. MargaretRDonald
  22. ShadZ01
  23. Gabriel D. R. Botelho
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  25. Fadly kurniadi
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