Commons:Picture of the Year/2022/R1/v/Tartu asv2022-04 img26 Vanemuine small building.jpg

Picture of the Year 2022
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Tartu asv2022-04 img26 Vanemuine small building.jpg

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  1. Fralambert
  2. Another Believer
  3. Red-tailed hawk
  4. Kruusamägi
  5. BD2412
  6. Mostafameraji
  7. Apisite
  8. Nann Chhay
  9. 名字长的让人受不了
  10. Lvova
  11. Avtandil
  12. Ата
  13. MS2054
  14. TeriEmbrey
  15. Raubdinosaurier
  16. Mesterderebeldia
  17. Kaganer
  18. DaSupremo
  19. Meno25
  20. Julle
  21. DrPZ
  22. Nina Shenturk
  23. Le Loy
  24. Daehan
  25. Филин07
  26. Thi
  27. בן-ימין
  28. Finnusertop
  29. S8321414
  30. Kgbo
  31. Giaccai
  32. MarcelBuehner
  33. Ajpvalente
  34. Nk
  35. Dmitry G
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  37. Patrik Kunec
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  40. Lawrence142002
  41. খাঁ শুভেন্দু
  42. Vgo61
  43. Ryse93
  44. Piotr Bart
  45. Dispe
  46. Michael Barera
  47. Joost Pauwels
  48. Jianhui67
  49. Diablo Cris
  50. Frantishak
  51. Lord Ya
  52. Simeon
  53. Dokuo350
  54. Kiril Simeonovski
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  68. Shayi ngolu
  69. Dirtsc
  70. VulpesVulpes42
  71. Tetraktys
  72. Daniel Case
  73. Lystopad
  74. Dhtwiki
  75. UnpetitproleX
  76. Alhadis
  77. Donald Trung
  78. SAKRI
  80. Gce
  81. GdB
  82. Quenhitran
  83. Ammarpad
  84. Yishayl