Commons:The National Archives (United Kingdom)/unknown artists

The following report shows images in this category with the artist indicated as "Unknown". Please delete from this list if the artist has been added. Drop a note on my talk page if you would like this report re-run or a similar suitable query to be generated. -- (talk) 11:47, 14 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Date of report: 14 June 2012.

Report: War Art images with unknown artists (210 items)

  1. File:INF3-100 Food Production Village Produce Associations Artist Xenia.jpg
  2. File:INF3-101 Food Production Lend a hand with the potato harvest (workers in basket).jpg
  3. File:INF3-102 Food Production Lend a hand with the potato harvest (workers in field).jpg
  4. File:INF3-103 Food Production Lend a hand on the land Artist O'Connell.jpg
  5. File:INF3-104 Food Production Lend a hand on the land Whatever your front line job Artist Showell.jpg
  6. File:INF3-105 Food Production Lend a hand on the land at a Volunteer Agricultural Camp Artist Nunney.jpg
  7. File:INF3-107 Food Production Lend a hand on the land at an Agricultural Camp Artist Le Bon.jpg
  8. File:INF3-111 Forces Recruitment Skilled hands are needed - join the RAF Artist Grey.jpg
  9. File:INF3-112 Forces Recruitment WRNS rating at railway carriage window Artist Davis.jpg
  10. File:INF3-114 Forces Recruitment Nazi surrender draws nearer every time a woman joins the ATS.jpg
  11. File:INF3-115 Forces Recruitment ATS the job for you.jpg
  12. File:INF3-119 Forces Recruitment ATS and WAAF.jpg
  13. File:INF3-120 Forces Recruitment ATS and WAAF.jpg
  14. File:INF3-121 War Effort Lord Beaverbrook - Urgency must be the watchword.jpg
  15. File:INF3-124 War Effort To the Merchant Navy - Thank You.jpg
  16. File:INF3-126 War Effort In Germany... someone is doing the same job as you - Beat him!.jpg
  17. File:INF3-127 War Effort Under the Red Duster they sustain our Island Fortress.jpg
  18. File:INF3-138 War Effort The downfall of the Dictators is assured (Invasion convoy passing Gibraltar).jpg
  19. File:INF3-140 War Effort We beat 'em before. we'll beat 'em again.jpg
  20. File:INF3-143 War Effort Battle scene Artist Nunney.jpg
  21. File:INF3-146 War Effort Convoy passing Gibraltar.jpg
  22. File:INF3-148 Quicker turnround helps to quicker victory (Football theme).jpg
  23. File:INF3-149 Quicker turnround helps to quicker victory (Boxing theme).jpg
  24. File:INF3-150 Quicker turnround helps to quicker victory (Cycling theme).jpg
  25. File:INF3-151 Quicker turnround helps to quicker victory (Football theme).jpg
  26. File:INF3-152 Quicker turnround helps to quicker victory (Greyhound racing theme).jpg
  27. File:INF3-153 Quicker turnround helps to quicker victory (Swimming theme).jpg
  28. File:INF3-159 Man heaving on rope.jpg
  29. File:INF3-161 Foundry scene (men supervising pouring of molten metal).jpg
  30. File:INF3-163 Foundry scene (men stoking smelting furnace).jpg
  31. File:INF3-168 A-hoy there! We want more ships....jpg
  32. File:INF3-169 Thanks, Chum... Keep it up (ship-building).jpg
  33. File:INF3-172 You're doing a fine job - carry on, Canal Workers Artist Ing.jpg
  34. File:INF3-174 We work or want (John Bull figure).jpg
  35. File:INF3-175 They can only go up together - Production, and Wages and Salaries.jpg
  36. File:INF3-176 Fuel Economy Turn that gas down.jpg
  37. File:INF3-177 Fuel Economy ...The country needs more coal now... Artist Gaffron.jpg
  38. File:INF3-186 Fuel Economy Save fuel for the factories (exterior factory scene) Artist Whitear.jpg
  39. File:INF3-193 Fuel Economy Hi! Switch off the power - we need it!.jpg
  40. File:INF3-203 Salvage Help put the lid on Hitler by saving your old metal and paper.jpg
  41. File:INF3-205 Salvage Remember - Salvage saves Shipping (seamen on up-turned boat being rescued).jpg
  42. File:INF3-208 Salvage Save waste for war weapons (scarecrow with scrap).jpg
  43. File:INF3-209 Salvage Save waste for war weapons.jpg
  44. File:INF3-210 Salvage Weapons from scrap metal - school scrap metal dump.jpg
  45. File:INF3-211 Salvage You lose miles of rubber every time you jam on your brakes.jpg
  46. File:INF3-212 Salvage I need your waste paper (infantry soldier figure calling).jpg
  47. File:INF3-213 Salvage I need your scrap metal... (tank or armoured car, soldier calling).jpg
  48. File:INF3-215 Salvage I need your waste rubber (airman calling).jpg
  49. File:INF3-216 Salvage I need bones for explosives (naval rating calling).jpg
  50. File:INF3-218 Salvage Please put litter in the bin... (waste paper on railway lines).jpg
  51. File:INF3-225 Make do and mend (Stuffed doll figure patching cloth).jpg
  52. File:INF3-226 Make do and mend (Running figure composed of needlework mending materials).jpg
  53. File:INF3-227 Anti-rumour and careless talk Pay no heed to rumour - official news will be issued freely.jpg
  54. File:INF3-230 Anti-rumour and careless talk Be like dad - keep mum! (view through window to writing on wall) Artist Reeves.jpg
  55. File:INF3-232 Anti-rumour and careless talk You never know who's on the wires (Hitler figure sitting on telephone wires).jpg
  56. File:INF3-233 Anti-rumour and careless talk The torpedo is listening - careless words may cost both lives and ships.jpg
  57. File:INF3-234 Anti-rumour and careless talk Going ashore Keep what you know to yourself.jpg
  58. File:INF3-235 Anti-rumour and careless talk The more you keep information under your hat, the safer he'll be under his.jpg
  59. File:INF3-236 Anti-rumour and careless talk Furtive Fritz is always listening.jpg
  60. File:INF3-237 Anti-rumour and careless talk Be careful what you say over the telephone.jpg
  61. File:INF3-238 Anti-rumour and careless talk Mr. Hitler wants to know.jpg
  62. File:INF3-239 Anti-rumour and careless talk Furtive Fritz is always listening.jpg
  63. File:INF3-242 Anti-rumour and careless talk Be like dad - keep Mum.jpg
  64. File:INF3-243 Anti-rumour and careless talk Be like dad - keep Mum Artist Alexander.jpg
  65. File:INF3-244 Anti-rumour and careless talk Keep mum - she's not so dumb.jpg
  66. File:INF3-245 Anti-rumour and careless talk Play your part in the battle of the Atlantic.jpg
  67. File:INF3-246 Anti-rumour and careless talk Three words that sank a ship.jpg
  68. File:INF3-247 Anti-rumour and careless talk There's often a listener - silence is safety.jpg
  69. File:INF3-249 Anti-rumour and careless talk That kind of talk often leads to factories being bombed.jpg
  70. File:INF3-25 British soldiers and tanks advancing 1939-1946.jpg
  71. File:INF3-250 Anti-rumour and careless talk Be tough with people who talk too much - it's taboo to mention sailing dates.jpg
  72. File:INF3-251 Anti-rumour and careless talk Be tough with people who talk too much - it's taboo to mention sailing dates.jpg
  73. File:INF3-252 Anti-rumour and careless talk Be tough with people who talk too much.jpg
  74. File:INF3-253 Anti-rumour and careless talk Never mention sailing dates.jpg
  75. File:INF3-254 Anti-rumour and careless talk You never know who may hear you.jpg
  76. File:INF3-255 Anti-rumour and careless talk That kind of talk leads to attacks on troopships.jpg
  77. File:INF3-256 Anti-rumour and careless talk Now more than ever - forget what you hear.jpg
  78. File:INF3-257 Anti-rumour and careless talk That kind of talk leads to bombing.jpg
  79. File:INF3-258 Anti-rumour and careless talk Follow his example. Never discuss secret matters.jpg
  80. File:INF3-259 Anti-rumour and careless talk A confidential notice from the Ministry is not a family secret.jpg
  81. File:INF3-26 British soldiers throwing grenades at pill-box fortification 1939-1946.jpg
  82. File:INF3-260 Anti-rumour and careless talk He won't talk - but some of you are talking too much.jpg
  83. File:INF3-261 Anti-rumour and careless talk Don't ask your Service friends embarrassing questions.jpg
  84. File:INF3-262 Anti-rumour and careless talk Be rude to people who ask questions.jpg
  85. File:INF3-263 Anti-rumour and careless talk Work hard to win the battle of the Atlantic but don't overwork your tongue.jpg
  86. File:INF3-264 Anti-rumour and careless talk It's the kind of talk that puts U-boats on our trail.jpg
  87. File:INF3-265 Anti-rumour and careless talk Someone talked.jpg
  88. File:INF3-266 Anti-rumour and careless talk A soldier told the barmaid.jpg
  89. File:INF3-267 Anti-rumour and careless talk German Intelligence Officer.jpg
  90. File:INF3-268 Anti-rumour and careless talk Ports are often bombed when convoys are in.jpg
  91. File:INF3-27 Invasion scene in Europe, 1939-1946.jpg
  92. File:INF3-270 Anti-rumour and careless talk Keep mum - she's not so dumb.jpg
  93. File:INF3-271 Anti-rumour and careless talk You forget - but she remembers.jpg
  94. File:INF3-272 Anti-rumour and careless talk The chatterbug will get you if you don't watch out.jpg
  95. File:INF3-273 Anti-rumour and careless talk Be like dad - keep Mum.jpg
  96. File:INF3-274 Anti-rumour and careless talk Zipp it! Careless talk costs lives.jpg
  97. File:INF3-278 Anti-rumour and careless talk Careless talk costs lives Artist Reeves.jpg
  98. File:INF3-281 Health Urgent call for blood Artist W S B.jpg
  99. File:INF3-289 Road safety Keep Death off the road Artist Ashley.jpg
  100. File:INF3-298 Unity of Strength Troops and tank moving through crowded street, man giving directions to soldier.jpg

  1. File:INF3-299 Unity of Strength Hands grasping neck of predatory bird arising from the ruins of bombed town.jpg
  2. File:INF3-300 Unity of Strength Unite (Feet marching in step).jpg
  3. File:INF3-301 Unity of Strength Arms with hands clasped superimposed on globe.jpg
  4. File:INF3-302 Unity of Strength Together we will finish it.jpg
  5. File:INF3-303 Unity of Strength Unity brings victory (arm and hand, pulling aside dark curtain).jpg
  6. File:INF3-304 Unity of Strength La liberté pour la France, les libertés pour les Français.jpg
  7. File:INF3-305 Unity of Strength Tanks pointing into sun on horizon, with a rainbow overhead.jpg
  8. File:INF3-306 Unity of Strength To Victory together!.jpg
  9. File:INF3-307 Unity of Strength Infantryman receiving directions from old ploughman.jpg
  10. File:INF3-308 Unity of Strength Man with lighted torch at head of a column of civilians.jpg
  11. File:INF3-309 Unity of Strength Man with lighted torch at head of a column of civilians.jpg
  12. File:INF3-31 Horseguards Parade 1939-1946.jpg
  13. File:INF3-310 Unity of Strength Man, with woman and baby, greeting soldier.jpg
  14. File:INF3-311 Unity of Strength Shield with flaming sword on golden sky background.jpg
  15. File:INF3-312 Unity of Strength La liberté pour la France.jpg
  16. File:INF3-313 Unity of Strength La liberté pour la France.jpg
  17. File:INF3-314 Unity of Strength Tank with allied flags on track driving wheels.jpg
  18. File:INF3-315 Unity of Strength Reinforcements are coming up.jpg
  19. File:INF3-316 Unity of Strength Concert hall and orchestra against picture of Russian infantryman.jpg
  20. File:INF3-317 Unity of Strength A sword pointing vertically upwards, on a section of rainbow.jpg
  21. File:INF3-320 Unity of Strength Cog-wheel with tri-star and rays of light.jpg
  22. File:INF3-321 Unity of Strength Russian infantryman, standing amidst ruins of town.jpg
  23. File:INF3-322 Unity of Strength Unless we can divide those two fellows - we're sunk!.jpg
  24. File:INF3-323 Unity of Strength Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.jpg
  25. File:INF3-324 Unity of Strength Together we shall strangle Hitlerism.jpg
  26. File:INF3-325 Unity of Strength Cette fois - on les aura!.jpg
  27. File:INF3-326 Unity of Strength Flag, with flaming sword on shield motif.jpg
  28. File:INF3-327 Unity of Strength British and Russian servicemen over body of swastikaed dragon.jpg
  29. File:INF3-329 Unity of Strength Fascism shall perish.jpg
  30. File:INF3-33 Admiralty entrance 1939-1946.jpg
  31. File:INF3-330 Unity of Strength British soldier with bren gun, allied servicemen in background.jpg
  32. File:INF3-331 Unity of Strength Chiang-Kai-Shek and Winston Churchill heads, with Nationalist China flag and Union Jack.jpg
  33. File:INF3-332 Unity of Strength British airman and Russian airman, with aeroplanes in background.jpg
  34. File:INF3-334 Unity of Strength American, Chinese and British soldiers with flags of their countries.jpg
  35. File:INF3-335 Unity of Strength Together we shall strangle Hitlerism.jpg
  36. File:INF3-337 Unity of Strength British sailor and Russian sailor, with bayonetted rifles.jpg
  37. File:INF3-339 Unity of Strength Officer presenting sword; head of Russian soldier with Red Flag and Union Jack.jpg
  38. File:INF3-340 Unity of Strength Liberté (Belgian flag).jpg
  39. File:INF3-341 Unity of Strength The greatest crusade.jpg
  40. File:INF3-342 Unity of Strength USSR and RAF bombs falling together on factory and docks Artist Stephen.jpg
  41. File:INF3-343 Unity of Strength Unis pour la liberation.jpg
  42. File:INF3-345 Unity of Strength United Nations for freedom from fear Artist White.jpg
  43. File:INF3-346 Unity of Strength Invincible asociation to the friendship of the English speaking peoples.jpg
  44. File:INF3-347 Unity of Strength La liberté pour la France.jpg
  45. File:INF3-348 Unity of Strength Together to victory.jpg
  46. File:INF3-349 Unity of Strength La liberté pour la France.jpg
  47. File:INF3-35 Back up the fighting forces Artist Mackinlay.jpg
  48. File:INF3-350 Unity of Strength La liberté pour la France.jpg
  49. File:INF3-351 Unity of Strength La liberté pour la France.jpg
  50. File:INF3-352 Unity of Strength Unite.jpg
  51. File:INF3-353 Unity of Strength Together to victory.jpg
  52. File:INF3-354 Unity of Strength Unité.jpg
  53. File:INF3-355 Unity of Strength Sword piercing land mass of Germany and a swastika.jpg
  54. File:INF3-37 Opposed landing Artist Raffan.jpg
  55. File:INF3-38 Aeroplane taking off from aircraft carrier 1939-1946.jpg
  56. File:INF3-42 Commando attack 1939-1946.jpg
  57. File:INF3-43 Mountain road, Army transport 1939-1946.jpg
  58. File:INF3-44 Bombing scene.jpg
  59. File:INF3-62 A V Alexander Artist's signature E A B.jpg
  60. File:INF3-63 Sir Archibald Sinclair Artist E.A.B.jpg
  61. File:INF3-66 Winston Churchill.jpg
  62. File:INF3-67 Winston Churchill.jpg
  63. File:INF3-68 Sir Harold Alexander.jpg
  64. File:INF3-69 Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Cunningham, Bart., G.C.B., D.S.O..jpg
  65. File:INF3-7 Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke 1939-1946.jpg
  66. File:INF3-70 Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser.jpg
  67. File:INF3-71 Sir Bernard Montgomery.jpg
  68. File:INF3-73 Field Marshal von Rundstedt.jpg
  69. File:INF3-74 Anthony Eden.jpg
  70. File:INF3-75 pt1 HRH Princess Margaret.jpg
  71. File:INF3-75 pt2 Winston Churchill.jpg
  72. File:INF3-75 pt3 Anthony Eden.jpg
  73. File:INF3-75 pt4 Franklin Roosevelt.jpg
  74. File:INF3-75 pt5 Mackenzie King.jpg
  75. File:INF3-75 pt6 Sir Stafford Cripps.jpg
  76. File:INF3-76 pt1 General Sir Harold Alexander Artist Tim.jpg
  77. File:INF3-76 pt2 General Mark Clark Artist Tim.jpg
  78. File:INF3-76 pt3 Admiral Sir John Cunningham Artist Tim.jpg
  79. File:INF3-76 pt4 General MacArthur Artist Tim.jpg
  80. File:INF3-76 pt5 General Sir Bernard Montgomery Artist Tim.jpg
  81. File:INF3-76 pt6 Air Chief Marshal Sir Richard Peirse Artist Tim.jpg
  82. File:INF3-77 pt1 Admiral Lord Mountbatten.jpg
  83. File:INF3-77 pt2 General Eisenhower.jpg
  84. File:INF3-77 pt3 Air Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder.jpg
  85. File:INF3-77 pt4 General Claude Auchinleck.jpg
  86. File:INF3-77 pt5 Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Cunningham.jpg
  87. File:INF3-77 pt6 General George C Marshall.jpg
  88. File:INF3-77 pt7 Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris.jpg
  89. File:INF3-77 pt8 Admiral Sir James Somerville.jpg
  90. File:INF3-77 pt9 General R E Laycock.jpg
  91. File:INF3-78 pt1 HRH King George VI.jpg
  92. File:INF3-78 pt2 HM The Queen.jpg
  93. File:INF3-78 pt3 HRH Princess Elizabeth.jpg
  94. File:INF3-78 pt4 General Chiang-Kai-Shek.jpg
  95. File:INF3-78 pt5 Marshal Stalin.jpg
  96. File:INF3-78 pt6 Field Marshal Viscount Wavell.jpg
  97. File:INF3-78 pt7 Mr Curtin (Australia).jpg
  98. File:INF3-78 pt8 Mr Fraser (New Zealand).jpg
  99. File:INF3-78 pt9 General Smuts.jpg
  100. File:INF3-79 King Feisal of Iraq Artist Tim.jpg

  1. File:INF3-80 General Sir Bernard Montgomery.jpg
  2. File:INF3-81 HRH Princess Elizabeth in uniform of Sea Rangers.jpg
  3. File:INF3-85 Anti-litter.jpg
  4. File:INF3-88 pt1 Child minding Artist Andi.jpg
  5. File:INF3-97 Food Production Dig for Plenty Artist BAN.jpg
  6. File:INF3-98 Food Production Dig for Plenty Artist Le Bon.jpg
  7. File:INF3-99 Food Production Plan and grow for Winter Falconer.jpg
  8. File:TNA INF3-3 Winston Churchill in RAF uniform 1939-1946.jpg
  9. File:TNA INF3-4 Sir Henry Royce 1939-1946.jpg
  10. File:TNA INF3-5 General William Slim 1939-1946.jpg
