Commons:Wiki Erdi Sineno 2024 de Tırkiya

This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2024 in Turkey and the translation is 74% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Wiki Loves Earth 2024 in Turkey and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
1-30 Heziran 2024
Wiki Erdi Sineno 2024 de Tırkiya

Viki Erdi Sineno, dormey dınyay de pê pheştiya organizasyonanê mehaliyê Wikimedia de be terefê Ezay cemiyetê wikipedia ra aşmanê Gulane u Heziran de tetbiq biyaye internasyonel mısabeqay fotoğrafiyo. İştirakwani wareyanê go ra fotoğrafanê cayanê mirasê tabi bıancê u bıerzê Commons'i. Meqsedê aktivitey, iştirakwani wa fotoğrafanê nê caya antışi rê teşwik kerdış u reyna nê fotoğrafa tetna wikipedia de nê,zewbina mecrayan de karnayışi rê teşwik kerdışo.Fına ninan belaş lisans kerdış u tabi mirasanê dewleta ano werte.

Tırkiya, organizeyê iştirakê Wikimedia Gruba Karberia Tırkiya reya panciya naser kewna miyan

"Tewrê iştirakê fotoğrafanê bêlisansanê seveknayê cayanê Tırkiya "

Tewr bê

Deyaye lista ra tabi yew miras ya zi warey ziyari bıvinê u fotoğrafanê cı bıancê u barê Wikimedia Commons’i kerê.

Obceyê bıvinê!

Cayo tabi ya zi ziyari bıvinê
Warey şıma de zaf ziyari u miraso kulturel esto!

Resime bıance
For example: Here are the uploads from previous events.

Cayanê seveknayan ra fotoğrafê ho bar kerê

Baş bıyayışê Temuz 2024 de qezencwan fotoğrafi vinayışi rê pela ziyeret kerê


The top 15 photos qualify for the international final. The Turkish jury also awards national prizes:
1. Place (landscapes): ₺15000 (TL) Gift Card
1. Place (macro/close-up): ₺15000 (TL) Gift Card
2. Place: ₺10000 (TL) Gift Cards
3. Place: ₺7500 (TL) Gift Cards

  • Winners will receive vouchers for Amazon or other online shops; the value depends on the participant's place;

Çıra tewr bê?

Turkey is a large country, covered with nature. In every corner, there are spots in the nature well worth a visit. This competition is a great opportunity to bring your camera, go to the natural heritage sites listed, take some photos and show the planet from your point of view to the rest of the world!

Participating in the competition is a great way to experiment and learn which photos that gain recognition. You certainly don't need to be a professional photographer to take photos useful for Wikipedia. Here's a great chance to try it out! Entries to the local competition are eligible for selection to the international finale and did we mention there are prizes to win?

Şertê mısabeqay

We try to keep the competition clean and simple to participate. There are only a few rules for photos to participate in the contest in Turkey. Let's quickly go through them.
Wa be terefê nuştekaranê ho ra bar biyaye fotoğrafê oricinali bê
Fotoğrafi pêro gani hetana baş biyayişê Heziran 2024 bar bıbê
Fotoğrafi pêro gani bınê lisansê xoseri de bê
İştirakwani gani aktiv yew hesabê eposta bıbo
Lists of eligible sites are published on Turkish and on English. Photos of representative species (animals, plants etc.) taken in an eligible site also qualify if they are properly identified.
Bınnuşte u izahat cıkerê
Make sure that there are no visible watermarks
Fotoğrafi cêrek ra wa 2Mpx bo

Fina, tay tewsiyey u qaidey fotoğrafanː
Sign in or Create a New Account on Wikimedia Commons
Fotoğrafa hewl name kerê
Use the Find an object! button above or, if you already know the identifier of the depicted site you can Click here to upload the images
Fotoğrafê ho re kategoriy kerdışi ho vira mekerê- no herks bıweyniyo deyne pêroyın rê phesti dano
Fotoğrafanê ho, be #hashtags medya sosyal de vıla kerê.
Neticeya vinayışi re sebır bıkerê! Weş be!

Taxıma organizasyoniya irtibat kewê

* Wikimedia UG Turkey


Please visit our Instagram and X account for updates and other news.


In June, you may upload pictures (old or new) as you want from the given list that you have visited. At the end of the month, the national jury will evaluate the photographs and select the best 15 pictures of the natural monuments in Turkey to submit to represent in the international finale. If there are any doubts about the implementation of the rules, the jury decides.

Kriterê ercnayışi

Jüri, mısabeqayanê internasyonala ercnayışi tesbit kerdış de kriteranê cêrêna çıman ver kerê: (Maddey, hetê muhimey rêz biyê)

  • Hunerê tekniki (tujey, zerq, perspektiv uçb.);
  • Oricinaliyey;
  • Wikipedia de karniyayiya fotoğrafi

Organizatorê mehali

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