
  • 日本を今一度せんたくいたし申候
  • 武士道とは死ぬこととみつけたり
  • 朝に道を聞かば夕べに死すとも可なり
  • 己の欲せざる所は人に施すこと勿れ
  • 義を見てせざるは勇なきなり







Constitutional amendment of Japan - preamble 日本の憲法改正 - 前文 (GOOGLE先生に応援要請)

We (Japanese citizens) argue that the national citizens have a sovereignty that became independent. Then, in the hope of nation continuity and prosperity, we will enact this Constitution. Japan is beautiful country , blessed with rich nature and peaceful people, made by stable and traditional culture through the terrible failure of many wars in and out of the country. The cores of nation are the food carried by the sun and the descendants who link wisdom to the future. We keep these to develop a good and vigorous society . So, the Japanese royal family is a symbol of integration that is based on national consensus, and a role model of the country. We will protect and retain this identity.

We (Japanese citizen) desire permanent peace and we believe every national people which love peace , so we abandon armed forces and other power because of faith of fairness. We recognize variety of the sense of values in the global community and we contribute to maintenance structure of the peace positively and we make our honorable country. We convince that all peoples of the world has the right to live in peace spared from the fear and deprivation. We believe that the morality political rule are universal, and following this law is the responsibility of the nations who would stand up to peer-to-peer relationship with other nations to maintain the country's sovereignty.

We (Japanese citizens) respect the rights together that all people have and receive the well-being each other. The Government occur from the rights of local residents.So we will respect the autonomy self-reliance of local communities and we live fairly for the government by chosen member in election. We ensure freedom by personal benefits all of our communities. We live on this philosophy to foster a fair society in which there is vitality.

We (Japanese citizens) raise the best swear promise to achieve this lofty ideals and objectives for national honor. And we eliminate all of the contrary Constitution,laws,regulations and edict.


身はたとひ 駿河の野辺に朽ちぬとも 留め置かまし大和魂

  • やってみせ 言って聞かせてさせてみせ ほめてやらねば人は動かじ
  • 話し合い 耳を傾け承認し 任せてやらねば人は育たず
  • やっている 姿を感謝で見守って 信頼せねば人は実らず
  • 敷島の 大和心を人問はば 朝日に匂う山桜花
  • 国を思ひ 世を憂うればこそ何事も 忍ぶ心は神ぞ知るらん




