This is a page setting out work for the foreseeable future.

  • 1. Go through each council area moving images down to the most appropriate subcategory; create new categories as appropriate, checking any existing cats for unnecessary disambiguation, and using this site and any other sources for required disambiguation and properties.
    • 1.1 Start with Category:Aberdeen; useful as the city is also the council area.
      • 1.1.1 Exclude anything outside the boundaries, consider List of places in Aberdeen as a guide to usable partitions of Aberdeen. Started 20130916. By 20130918 number of images in top cat reduced from ~1150 to 400. By 20130921 most images removed to more particular categories.
      • 1.1.2 Next task to go through each category, further refining as necessary and checking generally. Started 20130921, estimated finish 20130928. Finished 20130927.
      • 1.1.3 Checked using CatScan for duplicates across Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen/Kincardineshire. Issues: 1. Are "Aberdonians" those from Aberdeen or Aberdeenshire, and 2. Is a rural dirt track a lane, track trail or other?
    • 1.2 Dundee; an initial CatScan shows 429 images in both Dundee and Angus. Started 20130927. Finished 20131002; no overlaps with other council areas except where you'd expect them and none unchecked. Where next?
    • 1.3 Fife. It seems that I have been working on this since the beginning of October, i.e. for three months and so far have managed to remove all the "categories to be checked" images and currently (20131215) working through the "uncategorised" images, with about 700 to go. And Fife is quite a small county. My estimate of April 2016 may have been optimistic.


End of January and still dealing with Category:Fife. Although it has been an on-and-off activity, I would have liked to have finished this by now. However, it is a lot clearer to me how future work should progress:

  • 1. Check orphaned Geograph images for the council area to ensure that images are not missed. (use CatScan with "Geo images in X but not in X tree")
  • 2. Check for overlaps with neighbouring council areas to check boundaries & cross-boundary categories, e.g. mountain ranges, rivers. - as work proceeds this happens naturally but might require some reviews later
  • 3. Diffuse images in main category to subcategories, preferably by location.
  • 4. Check through each "Towns and villages in Y" to ensure correctness (I've found several places with the same name in each council area this way).
  • 5. Check through each subcat of the main cat (i.e. X in Y) to find opportunities for new cats.
  • 6. Check images for {{Check categories-Geograph}} and {{Uncategorized-Geograph}} - this can be done "on the fly".


  1. Category:Aberdeen   Done
  2. Category:Dundee   Done
  3. Category:Fife   Done
  4. Category:Clackmannanshire   Done
  5. Category:Falkirk -> #Category:Falkirk council area   Done
  • At this point, I find that there are numerous Geograph images outside any of the above categories, and this applies also to the other council areas. So these will have to be incorporated somehow, and it's probably better to do this now than later.
  1. Category:Aberdeen (279 files)   Done
  2. Category:Dundee (45 files)   Done
  3. Category:Fife (209 Files)   Done
  4. Category:Clackmannanshire (5 files)   Done
  5. Category:Falkirk council area (103 files)   Done
  • Continue: (Existing + uncategorised)

Category:East Renfrewshire (888 + 49)   Done

Category:Glasgow (14 files)   Done (1 file)
Category:East Ayrshire (10 files)   Done
Category:North Ayrshire (none)   Done
Category:Renfrewshire (50 files)   Done (17 files)
Category:South Lanarkshire (13 files)   Done (8 files)
Orphaned Geograph images (35 images)(22 images)   Done
Top level Category:East Renfrewshire (475 images)   Done
Category:Towns and villages in East Renfrewshire   Done
Other categories in Category:East Renfrewshire   Done

Category:East Dunbartonshire (947 + 82)   Done

Category:Glasgow (293 images)+(45 images)   Done
Category:North Lanarkshire (110 images)+(26 images)   Done
Category:Stirling council area (164 images)+(62 images)   Done
Category:West Dunbartonshire (2 images)+(13 images)   Done
Orphans in Category:Geograph images in East Dunbartonshire (82 images)   Done
Top level Category:East Dunbartonshire (967 images -> 672 -> 227 -> 0)   Done
Category:Towns and villages in East Dunbartonshire   Done
Other categories in Category:East Dunbartonshire   Done

Category:Renfrewshire (2287 + 218)   Done

Category:East Renfrewshire (3 images)   Done
Category:Inverclyde (139 images)   Done
Category:Glasgow   Done
Category:North Ayrshire   Done
Category:West Dunbartonshire   Done
Orphans in Category:Geograph images in Renfrewshire (218 images)   Done
Top level Category:East Dunbartonshire (800 images -> 923 -> 0)   Done
Category:Towns and villages in Renfrewshire   Done
Other categories in Category:Renfrewshire   Done

Category:Midlothian (2475)   Done

Orphans in Category:Geograph images in Midlothian (45)   Done
Category:Edinburgh (133)   Done
Category:Scottish Borders (28)   Done
Category:West Lothian (22)   Done
Top level Category:Midlothian (1829 images -> 1593 -> 1361 -> 1153 -> 862 -> 0)   Done
Category:Towns and villages in Midlothian   Done
Other categories in Category:Midlothian   Done

Category:West Lothian (2615)   Done

Orphans in Category:Geograph images in West Lothian (36)   Done
Category:Edinburgh (41 -> 7)   Done
Category:Falkirk council area (7)   Done
Category:North Lanarkshire (41 -> 4)   Done
Category:Scottish Borders (6 -> 0)   Done
Category:South Lanarkshire (57 -> 9)   Done
Top level Category:West Lothian (1584 -> 1374 -> 1257 -> 0)   Done
Category:Towns and villages in West Lothian   Done
Other categories in Category:West Lothian   Done
Orphans in Category:Geograph images in North Lanarkshire (236)   Done
Top level Category:North Lanarkshire (1558 -> 1124 -> 896 -> 0)   Done
Category:Towns and villages in North Lanarkshire
Other categories in Category:North Lanarkshire

Category:East Ayrshire (3498)   Done

Orphans in Category:Geograph images in East Ayrshire (216 -> 3)   Done
Top level Category:East Ayrshire (1328 -> 778 -> 330)   Doing…
Category:Towns and villages in East Ayrshire
Other categories in Category:East Ayrshire

Rodhullandemu (talk) 19:53, 23 January 2016 (UTC)

1. In Category:Geograph images in North Ayrshire but not in Category:North Ayrshire: 250