Commons:Picture of the Year/2011/R1/1730 Homann Map of Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and the Baltics - Geographicus - Scandinavia-homann-1730.jpg

  Picture of the Year
    The Sixth Annual Wikimedia Commons POTY Contest
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No. 2011/04-31, 1730 Homann Map of Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and the Baltics - Geographicus - Scandinavia-homann-1730.jpg

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  1. ...have registered before Sun, 01 Apr 2012 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
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  1. Katarighe
  2. Jakubhal
  3. DimiTalen
  4. Kaganer
  5. Courcelles
  6. Linnea
  7. Another Believer
  8. Wer?Du?!
  9. Assanges
  10. Sammyday
  11. Kor!An
  12. Abderitestatos
  13. M.K.
  14. Viscontino
  15. Pmsyyz
  16. Grrahnbahr
  17. Trongphu
  18. Wholle
  19. Gunnar.offel
  20. AutoGyro
  21. Emw
  22. Beria
  23. Silesianus
  24. NobbyHH
  25. Azgar
  26. Ælfgar
  27. Limulus
  28. 117Avenue
  29. Ö
  30. Alexmar983
  31. Torstein
  32. Kilopi
  33. Johnanth
  34. MOTOI Kenkichi
  35. Ibapahombreperomequedeenmono
  36. Feydey
  37. INS Pirat
  38. Glossologist
  39. Themightyquill
  40. VonTasha
  41. Johnny Freak
  42. Johann Grimm
  43. Popo le Chien
  44. Xil
  45. Vibhijain
  46. U5K0
  47. Droodkin
  48. Monty845
  49. Wwwwolf
  50. Amadscientist
  51. Nouill
  52. Raskiy
  53. TheCatalyst31
  54. TakuyaMurata
  55. Romanm
  56. Nihonjoe
  57. Pucesurvitaminee
  58. Matthiasb
  59. Gap9551
  60. Boréal
  61. Consulnico
  62. Ephief
  63. W.SE
  64. TarzanASG
  65. Yaamboo
  66. Gorivero
  67. Achird