Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2017/Evaluation

The process is done in accordance to this general guidelines

Merged categories


Countries removed before the last local deadline


Countries removed after the last local deadline




The template Template:Wiki Science Competition 2017-uns should be used adding "uns" remove any problem of double categorization, keeping a correct WSC template.



Second-level jurors are listed on the main website



As expressed in the general guidelines, we used bot a simple manual screening and the Montage tool.

Alessandro Marchetti, head of the academic commitee, acted as reviewer of the selections and coordinator of the Montage tools for all countries without national juries.

Countries with local organization decided autonomously their finalists to send to the main jury, and among them they also decided the type of winners for their local competitions. Such winners can be listed also in their local competition pages. Entries that are also national winners are marked by a laurel icon  , but this title gives no advantage at the international jury level.

During the final revision, few files in national selection can be added by the second-level jury and such information is marked by this icon  . This is done when there are good candidates to give better chances to other uploaders.

Set of images


They are listed in Category:Image sets from Wiki Science Competition 2017 by country and subcategories.

Summary table


Here you can find the work-in-progress table with all jurors associated with the WSC2017 countries.

One column is the country (flag and codice ISO), one is the country subcategory (all are listed here) with the number of total files and unsuitable files in italics, one is the methods used for the selection, which are "direct" (d) or "tool" (t, montage), than you can read the surnames of the jurors involved, and a summary of the final output.

The global coordinator of the jury duty table is Alessandro Marchetti, head of the academic committee and also a second-level juror.

Please this table lacks information about the set of images and the comments. Depending on the final overall quality some files might be included later, while other files marked with "?" might be a national finalist with minor doubts but not sent to the final competition. We will take a final decision at the end.

Table: countries with no national juries

Country (icon, ISO) final upload (number) start and end of revision method Jurors Finalists (number)
  Rest of the world link (336-33) 2018-02-14 to 2018-03-XX t (Bita), Chow, Fochi, Kaur, Kim, Richards, Stroobant 21 + 6 sets
  AE link (20-6) 2018-02-27 to 2018-03-0x d Felletti, Prandi, Stroobant x
  BD link (18-1) 2018-02-06 to 2018-02-14 d Felletti, Stroobant 1
  BE link (21) 2018-01-02 to 2018-01-07 t Delaune, Stroobant 4
  CO link (11-0) 2017-12-31 to 2018-01-15 d Fochi, Prandi 1 + 1 set
  CH link (15-1) 2018-02-13 to 2018-02-17 d D'Amico, Felletti, Marchetti 5 + 2 sets
  DE link (108-3) 2018-01-01 to 2018-01-07 t Cobbe, Fochi, Stroobant X
  DZ link (14-2) 2018-04-0x to 2018-04-0x t Amir, Felletti, Boll X
  FR link (59-5) 2018-01-16 to 2018-01-XX t Delaune, Marchetti, Stroobant X
  GB link (15-0) 2018-02-0x to 2018-02-xx d Felletti, Kim, Pell X
  GR link (117-5) 2018-01-16 to 2018-01-xx t Fochi, Peel, Richards, Stroobant X
  ID link (34-8) 2018-03-31 to 2018-04-1x d D'Amico, Felletti, Rai X
  IN link (1403) 2017-12-XX to 2017-12-XX t Amin, Antonetti, Boll, Delaune, Fochi, Kim, Kaur, Richards, Pavanaja, Rai, Sanchez, Stroobant X
  IR link (796) 2018-01-03 to 2018-01-xx d Amin, Antonetti, Boll, Fochi, Richards, Sanchez, Stroobant X
  IQ link (19) 2018-01-02 to 2018-04-20 d Amin, Marchetti, Stroobant 4+1 set
  JO link (29-0) 2018-02-24 to 2018-02-26 d Antonetti, Felletti, Strobant X
  ME link (21-0) 2017-12-31 to 2018-01-14 d Sanchez, Stroobant X
  OM link (41-6) 2018-02-20 to 2018-02-2x d Amin, Boll, Felletti X
  PH link (15) 2018-01-01 to 2018-01-08 d Boll, Marchetti, Stroobant 3
  RO link (86-24) 2018-01-08 to 2018-01-24 t Boll, Delaune, Fochi, Stroobant X
  SG link (16-0) 2017-12-31 to 2018-01-05 d Marchetti, Peel X
  SV link (18-7) 2017-12-15 to 2017-12-31 d Felletti, Marchetti 0
Countries with local organization
  CN,  HK,   MO link (73-4) 2018-01-03 to 2018-01-1x t Chow, Kim, Marchetti X
  EG link (51-23) 2018-01-2X to 2018-02-3X t Amin, Marchetti, Stroobant X
  PL link (411-xx) 2018-01-XX to 2018-01-XX t Antonetti, Cobbe, Fochi, Kim, Marchetti, Stroobant, Richards X

Please if you have any comments, leave them below the following table.

Winners and finalists


They are listed in Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2017/Winners.

The finalists given by a country are selected in agrrement with the international academic and organizing commitee based on their overall number of high-quality image.