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Goedemorgen carter

Heel hartelijk dank voor het bewerken van mijn foto File:Waaierbuisjeszwam (Polyporus varius) op een dode lijsterbes (Sorbus). Locatie. Natuurterrein De Famberhorst. 08-07-2019. (d.j.b). 03.jpg. Ik zou uw versie graag willen gebruiken, maar ik weet niet hoe ik de foto moet importeren. Wilt u uw versie plaatsen? Alvast hartelijk dank!
Nog een vraagje: Hoe doet u dat, foto's stapelen? Ik ben er nu even niet meer. Maar als ik thuis kom zie ik wel als het is gelukt. Nogmaals hartelijk dank. Met vriendelijke groet, --Famberhorst (talk) 04:43, 21 July 2019 (UTC)

Goedemorgen Famberhorst! Ik ben erg blij dat je mijn versie van je foto leuk vond. Ik zal het uploaden en plaatsen als een "Alternatief" op je nominatie. Ik kom binnenkort terug naar deze discussie en vertel je over het foto's stapelen. :-) --Cart (talk) 08:19, 21 July 2019 (UTC)
Geweldig! Nogmaals dank.--Famberhorst (talk) 09:58, 21 July 2019 (UTC)
  • Zo, Famberhorst, foto staplen: Wanneer u twee of meer foto's maakt, selecteert u de scherpste onderdelen en combineert u deze tot één afbeelding. Dit is gemaakt in een fotoprogramma zoals Photoshop, waar u lagen kunt gebruiken. U kunt het programma het stapelen laten doen of u kunt het handmatig doen als het een ongecompliceerd foto is. Met deze foto heb ik het handmatig gedaan.
Vervolgens pas je de lagen aan zodat ze volledig op één lijn liggen met elkaar. Neem de "wisser/gom" en verwijder de onscherpe delen van de bovenste laag zodat de scherpe delen van de onderste laag door "de gaten" heen kunnen kijken. Vervolgens voeg je de twee lagen samen tot één. Nu heb je een gestapelde foto.
Je kunt het programma ook de scherpste delen van de twee foto's laten selecteren, maar het kan vaak fouten maken en het resultaat ziet er vreemd uit. Voor meer dan twee foto's moet je het programma meestal het werk laten doen en moeten de foto's heel goed op elkaar zijn afgestemd. U moet ze van dezelfde positie nemen met een statief.
Er staat hier een artikel over op je wikipedia, ook al noemen ze meestal macro-foto's: Focus stacking. Laat het me weten als je nog meer vragen hebt. Als dit niet voor u werkt, kan ik u altijd van tijd tot tijd helpen en twee foto's combineren.   Al het beste, --Cart (talk) 10:06, 21 July 2019 (UTC)
Goedenavond carter. Hartelijk dank voor uw uitleg over foto's stapelen. Ik ga me erin verdiepen. Zelf bewerk ik de foto's met Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7, maar daarmee kun je volgens mij niet stapelen. Ik wist, van de foto die u heeft gestapeld, dat de scherpte niet overhield. De hoed van de paddenstoel kwam volgens mij teveel naar voren en dan is goed scherpstellen een probleem. Met vriendelijke groet,--Famberhorst (talk) 15:23, 21 July 2019 (UTC)


Rhododendrites talk16:25, 21 July 2019 (UTC)

A bowl of strawberries for you!

  Thanks for all your work here. Please don't hold off on your nominations – Commons needs more people with a fresh perspective like you! Frank Schulenburg (talk) 20:33, 22 July 2019 (UTC)
+Some ice cream on top from me. --Podzemnik (talk) 20:40, 22 July 2019 (UTC)
Thanks guys, that is so sweet of you, but I think I can hold my own with normal FPCs too. And be less bruised. It will take a long time for me to reload now, so please bear with me. Why don't you try to think about some outrageous noms yourselves to rock FPC with? That would make me even more happy. :-) --Cart (talk) 20:54, 22 July 2019 (UTC)
I feel like I've gone crazy here, here or here. It's nothing compared to you but I need to take it slowly you know :) --Podzemnik (talk) 21:26, 22 July 2019 (UTC)
You are certainly on the right track, My Young Apprentice... :-P --Cart (talk) 21:34, 22 July 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Underwater slope in Gullmarn fjord 2.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Underwater slope in Gullmarn fjord 2.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 21:01, 26 July 2019 (UTC)

Wikimania Stockholm - Update

Rhododendrites, Frank Schulenburg and others. Due to some benevolent peer-pressure (yes, I'm looking at you Rhod  ) I will attend Wikimania. I have found some cheap bus tickets and commandeered a sofa at a friend's house. I'll arrive in Stockholm late Wednesday night 14/8 and leave early Tuesday 20/8. No fixed calendar. I will probably loiter about the convention venue and buy a couple of day-passes (As I understand, you can register and pay directly at the door). Perhaps I should be wearing my old scruffy-looking leather jacket so people will know who I am.   --Cart (talk) 14:48, 24 July 2019 (UTC)

Heyyy. Good news! Also, I am relieved to remember it will be jacket weather there. The heat index in NY has been between 90-110 F for the last week. — Rhododendrites talk15:04, 24 July 2019 (UTC)
Yeah!!! Great news! I'm very much looking forward to our meeting in Stockholm. --Frank Schulenburg (talk) 16:36, 24 July 2019 (UTC)
Final update, Rhododendrites, Frank Schulenburg: Sorry guys, new obstacles have turned up and I will not be able to make it to Stockholm after all. Will also be less active here for a while. Just wanted to let you know. --Cart (talk) 09:42, 8 August 2019 (UTC)
:( :/ Sad to hear. Maybe next time (whichever time that may be), and hope you won't have to be less active here for long. — Rhododendrites talk20:26, 8 August 2019 (UTC)
Unfortunately it will be at least a month until I can resume normal activity here. --Cart (talk) 12:05, 11 August 2019 (UTC)

JJ Harrison editing discussion on Commons FPC

Hi, I couldn't find an email for you, hence this post. As you know, I have been in discssuion with JJ about blurring foregrounds etc. and he has assured me he doesn't do it. A. Savin is another doubter on the current FP nom. This is really tricky for me as I don't have the same equipment, but can I ask a favour? Have a look closely at the foreground of this photo. Am I seeing things? It so looks like manual blurring. I'd love to be proved wrong. BTW, it's a nom on English Wikipedia FP and I've opposed on aesthetic grounds. Thanks. Charles (talk) 09:24, 2 August 2019 (UTC)

Charles, I'm convinced these photos are perfectly legitimate with no added blurring in post-production. At first, I too thought that this and some other photos were intentionally blurred both in foreground and in background, but after having a look at most of JJ Harrison's photos, it seemed a stretch that he would do that to so many photos. So I went to the Flickr group for this very expensive and unusual lens and many, many of the photos there looked the same: Really sharp bird in a "short" DOF surrounded by extremely smooth blurry foreground and background. Here are some links:
It's a choice of style for this lens. Either that, or there is a world-wide conspiracy including all photographers using this lens to blur their photos in post exactly the same way.   I also went to YouTube for a video review, made in cooperation with Nat Geo Wild, (link, I think National Geographic will do this right...) and it shows the same result. Check out the pheasant at about 3:00 minutes into the clip. A bit later the guy testing the lens exclaims: "Most importantly, the bokeh! It's brilliant!"
As with so many other gadgets you can buy for your camera, this lens will sort of create an effect instantly and save you a lot of work in post-processing if you like this kind of bokeh/effect. Of course, the effect also varies with the f-number and how wide you make your shot. If you shoot a bird/flock of birds in the sky, no one will notice the effect and you get a perfect bird in a smooth sky. It is when the critter is on the ground that we may see this as looking "artificial".
So often when something new turns up here, people get suspicious and start hurling accusations instead of checking things out on other sites. The Internet is large and can often provide explanations. --Cart (talk) 10:02, 2 August 2019 (UTC)


Dear W.carter, do you remember this? Today I had to fix a "small and perhaps innocent correction" by you because you signed a comment in the middle of someone else's speech. In this interference, you use a double indentation, which is not in the standard format recommended on the wiki projects. See en:Wikipedia:THREAD and en:Wikipedia:INDENT. Similar double indents already created trouble in previous nominations on FPC, thus I think that's important now to really respect the form of normal communications, for the clarity, and for the others. Please see this illustration showing how multiple indents can generate confusion. Any discussion starting small on a talk page can expand quickly, and when many users intervene with long and multiple branches in the tree, any unconventionally formatted adding almost inevitably generates more mess. We almost never check the timestamps of each individual, so it's essential everybody make the effort to speak when their turn comes. Certainly your intention here was to avoid a further problem with the bot, however a simple link instead of this image would certainly have been enough, with your signature added at the end. Hope this makes sense for you too ;-) Kind regards -- Basile Morin (talk) 05:56, 19 August 2019 (UTC)

Dear Basile, like I said in that comment, it is allowed to fix things with the code and other technical things that might disrupt how things work on a page. In this case I left the comment between two passages after having replaced a gallery in a very long post. For clarity, it seemed best to leave the comment where the correction had been done. Making several indentations and putting it in double 'small' made it very clear it was not part of the original text nor part of the discussion, only a maintenance note like a sticker a janitor may leave when he has fixed something in a building. Hope this makes sense for you too. --Cart (talk) 08:39, 19 August 2019 (UTC)
No, signing a comment in the middle of other users' edits is like signing for them. When I read the discussion this morning on a smartphone, where the <small> tag is ignored by the interface, the first interpretation of the conversation at this point was clearly that you, W.carter, invited us to examine that "Comparison of mosaics" with the link. Particularly because the 2 following sentences started by "please". The second part sounded like WolfmanSF was bouncing on your words. Good you fix the link, but why interfering like that in the middle of a speech? Where's the problem to add your comment after as it remains now? Sorry, this comparison with a sticker really doesn't make sense to me. These kind of edits give more the impression you take the place of the worker. Beware of the subjectivity. Better to mind the standard and common practices. Greetings -- Basile Morin (talk) 09:18, 19 August 2019 (UTC)
Basile, what is wrong with doing maintenance work as a "worker" on this project? Am I excluded from such work for some reason I didn't know? --Cart (talk) 09:26, 19 August 2019 (UTC)
We're all workers here, just not the same job each. You've removed this dispensable part now. Even better I was expecting. Great! -- Basile Morin (talk) 00:51, 21 August 2019 (UTC)
Yes, and finished here and here. All the best -- Basile Morin (talk) 00:51, 21 August 2019 (UTC)
Basile, are you ok? I'm getting genuinely concerned and worried about you because you are not making any sense. The links to nominations you posted above have nothing to do with the Indentations discussion. I also tried to be kind to you at that discussion and you slapped me with a WP:CIVIL. Your posts and reasoning are becoming difficult to understand. I have no idea why you behave this way and perhaps a break from the Wiki-prjoect would be good for you. --Cart (talk) 06:10, 21 August 2019 (UTC)
Really, sure, not a "brake"?.   Thanks, but everything's fine here :-) Makes sense to me. Those indentations are clear. Namaste   -- Basile Morin (talk) 08:42, 21 August 2019 (UTC)
Oh you are hilarious. Well, then I don't have to worry. Good to know. --Cart (talk) 09:04, 21 August 2019 (UTC)
Exactly, enjoy your quiet life, W.carter -- Basile Morin (talk) 09:15, 21 August 2019 (UTC)
I was enjoying my quiet life until you showed up here and dropped this circus on my talk page. --Cart (talk) 09:18, 21 August 2019 (UTC)
Well... that's life.   Fixed now, isn't it? -- Basile Morin (talk) 09:29, 21 August 2019 (UTC)

Goedenavond Carter,

Als u het goedvindt, hebben wij een vraagje aan u. U heeft kortgeleden een foto van mij (van een paddenstoel) gestapeld. Het resultaat was verbluffend! Graag wil ik van u weten met welk programma u dat heeft gedaan. Zodat we dat programma ook kunnen aanschaffen. Dat lijkt me vooral bij macrofoto's erg handig. Bij voorbaat hartelijk dank voor uw antwoord. Met vriendelijke groet, --Famberhorst (talk) 16:08, 11 August 2019 (UTC)

Goedenavond Famberhorst en Agnes! Geen probleem. Het programma was Photoshop CC. Het is een zusterprogramma van Lightroom en veel van de functies worden gesynchroniseerd tussen de programma's. Tegenwoordig koop je geen programma, je abonneert je erop. U neemt hiervoor een licentie en daarmee uploadt u deze op één of misschien meerdere computers, waarbij het programma continu wordt geüpgraded naar de nieuwste versie.
Ik en vele andere fotografen hier op Commons abonneren zich op de speciale fotograaf's combinatie van Photoshop en Lightroom. Het is ook de goedkoopste van alle combinaties die Adobe heeft. Het kost zelfs minder dan proberen te kopen of te abonneren op alleen Photoshop. Ik weet dat je al een oudere versie van Lightroom hebt, maar ik denk dat je de nieuwste versie ook leuk zou vinden, omdat deze een aantal nieuwe handige functies heeft.
Hier is een link (scrol naar beneden naar de onderkant van de pagina voor "Fotografielidmaatschap"), en hier, naar de website waar u uw abonnement bestelt. Het kost € 12,09/maand.
Er zijn andere gratis programma's online die u kunt downloaden, die ook functies voor lagen hebben. Maar dan moet je een nieuw systeem leren, met Photoshop ben je al bekend met veel van het programma van Lightrom. Omdat zoveel mensen deze programma's gebruiken, zijn er VEEL zelfstudie online en video's op YouTube over elk probleem dat je zou kunnen hebben. Een paar voorbeelden: Lagen en maskers & Focus stapelen. --Cart (talk) 17:00, 11 August 2019 (UTC)
Beste Carter, Hartelijk dank voor uw snelle- en uitgebreide reactie. Wij gaan ons erin verdiepen en kijken waarmee we het beste uit de voeten kunnen. Met vriendelijke groet, Agnes & Dominicus --Famberhorst (Overleg) 17:16, 11 August 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Sheep lounging in the shade of a tree with matriarch standing guard.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Sheep lounging in the shade of a tree with matriarch standing guard.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 21:02, 11 August 2019 (UTC)

Wikimania update

Got back from Sweden on Tuesday. Overall a great trip. Photos mostly uploaded to this category. As you probably saw, Frank already got an FP out of it on one of our two photowalks (that one thanks to ArildV). We got to Vaxholm, Beckholmen, and some of the nice subway stations. Then there was the culture crawl, which brought us to the Royal Palace, Nobel Museum, Medieval Museum, a cathedral (the one with the sculpture of George and the Dragon), etc. Went off on my own to walk all around Djurgarden once. Tried surstromming. Then on Sunday night went up to Oregrund, where a friend has a cottage. Did the Swedish sauna experience, did some fishing, explored the old fishing village. Kicking myself that I didn't book a few more days. Ah well. Lovely country you have there. :) You were missed at the Commons/photo events. Next time. :) — Rhododendrites talk02:09, 24 August 2019 (UTC)

The beautiful setting, the perfect infrastructure, the friendly people – you're truly living in an amazing part of the world! I've been a long-term admirer of Sweden and Scandinavia as a whole (my wife's grandparents are Norwegian and we love it when we sometimes discover similarities in vocabulary between Norsk and my own lower-saxon dialect). All the best and big hugs! --Frank Schulenburg (talk) 02:52, 24 August 2019 (UTC)
Hey guys! I'm so glad Sweden behaved and gave you a nice experience. :-) I'm really miffed I missed it all. My eye is now sufficiently back online to work with photos, but only for shorter computer sessions yet. And yes, there will be other opportunities.
Rhod, you are one brave man, surströmming and sauna!! I know non-Scandinavians who blanche at the mere thought of going into a sauna. :-) Öregrund is a nice little outpost on the northern frontiers of the archipelago, small but imbedded in us as a fixed star of the sea weather forecast. Just hoping Öregrund didn't leave a "glowing" impression on you (bet you didn't know you were close to such things). ;-D I will gingerly paw through your uploads (as always) and see if there are some gold nuggets.
Frank, congrats on your speedy FP! I have a special relationship with Rådhuset metro station since I used it every day when it had just been built to get to my first real job. Back then it was freezing! Even in summer you had to bring an extra jacket to endure waiting there. Same with the other stations along that line. They said that it would take about 30 years before it would heat up to more normal temperatures, so I hope it was cozier for you now. :-) Great job with all the reports and fast upload of photos, they were enjoyed as they popped up.
All the best to both of you,   --Cart (talk) 09:55, 24 August 2019 (UTC)
Rhododendrites, I think File:Djurgarden gate (52112).jpg might be an FPC contender. My personal favorites are File:Waldemarsviken (62433)p.jpg and File:Oregrund (93018)p.jpg. Both have great compo IMO, they could perhaps stand a bit more contrast and light for FPC. --Cart (talk) 10:12, 24 August 2019 (UTC)
Glad to hear things are on the mend!
We have saunas in the states, but [at least in my experience] for the most part they're a feature of gyms where a bunch of old men talk about last night's baseball game and say "phew that heat" and then leave. They were a novelty when I was little, and I don't think I've bothered since then. I still haven't quite wrapped my head around how they occupy the cultural space they do in Sweden (maybe the usefulness of the heat in the winter combined with not experiencing an outdoor sauna like much of the world in the summer, and add some folk medicine in along the way? -- I should really just find an online encyclopedia to read about it in, I suppose). I was struck by the apparent ubiquity of saunas -- or at least their celebration. Partly ritualistic, but one of those traditions that people actually really enjoy. I get the sense that these saunas are typically smaller and more rustic than the gym saunas I know, and doing it in the dead of night followed by an immediate jump into a freezing lake made it much more interesting. The sauna also seemed a lot hotter than I remember it -- maybe because it was a smaller space. Definitely to the point of hurting my nostrils and eyes a bit. :)
I'd do the sauna experience again. Surstromming, on the other hand, is a box I was happy to check off, but don't feel any particular need to revisit. :)
I did know about the power plant, in fact. We had a conversation about the HBO miniseries Chernobyl (which was very good), and we talked about how in the US it was kind of unnerving, but ultimately something that was happening "over there," while in Sweden people were paying anxious attention to the direction of the winds (and people in Oregrund, like everywhere else with a power plant, were freaking out a bit).
Thanks for the feedback on the pics. When I saw the picture of the gate, I was kicking myself for not stepping back a bit more -- it feels like it needs some space around the edges. It was quite tall and there was a road behind me, but I could've switched lenses or something to open it up a bit -- I was more preoccupied with making sure the marina was visible through the gate and getting the gate's features sharp enough. :) I'll see about tweaking the other two sometime in the next couple days. — Rhododendrites talk11:53, 24 August 2019 (UTC)
Rhododendrites: Trying to explain our sauna culture to outsiders is always hard. Much of it has to do with tradition (no folk medicine at all), it's a way to relax and get really warm in the cold of winter. It is mostly to cleanse your body (we are talking real, today medicine) and keep the colds at bay. It also has a very social function. In a sauna we are all equals with only our imperfect bodies, and conversations in such places tend to go deeper and be more meaningful than when you have all the social trappings around you. The small size of them makes them easier to heat and also adds to the closeness and seclusion; think confession booth. It's a kind of therapy, we use saunas, not shrinks. I bet it was hotter that you had experienced before, you are supposed to feel it in your nostrils. :) In some places they do crank up the heat and pour water on the heater to get steam for better cleansing effect.
The Chernobyl series is still on my to-do list. Shht! No spoilers! :-D --Cart (talk) 12:20, 24 August 2019 (UTC)

Advice on FP Categories

Hi Cart - hope you'll forgive me posting on your talk page but I was hoping for a little advice about the FP categories. I've been going through the two Religious Building categories putting everything in the correct sections, and I noticed that in the Places/Architecture/Religious_buildings category there are quite a few images that would be better placed in the Interiors of Religious Buildings category. So I was wondering - this might be a stupid question - but is there any problem with me putting them in the Interiors category instead, or would it break something if I cut them and paste them into an entirely different category page?

Thanks in advance, Cmao20 (talk) 14:57, 28 August 2019 (UTC)

No problem Cmao20, you are always welcome here. It's totally ok for you to do the cut-paste thing. Files are mislabeled and misplaced all the time. Thank you for finding the right destination and fixing things for them. :-) --Cart (talk) 15:24, 28 August 2019 (UTC)
Thanks very much. All the images should be in the right categories now; I have also gone through all the categories Colin mentions on the discussion at FPC talk, and there should be no unsorted pictures in any of them. Cmao20 (talk) 15:40, 28 August 2019 (UTC)
That's great! Good job, Cmao20. Thanks! --Cart (talk) 15:45, 28 August 2019 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Monuments in the United States – Back for 2019!

 This user participated in Wiki Loves Monuments 2019.

Want to show your participation in Wiki Loves Monuments 2019? Add {{User Wiki Loves Monuments 2019}} to your userpage!

Hello! Last year you contributed to Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in the United States. Thanks to people like you it was a great success, with over 1,900 people contributing over 10,000 photos of cultural and historic sites from all over the country. Hundreds of these photos now help illustrate Wikipedia articles, improving our open knowledge about United States history, culture, and heritage. If you haven't seen the winners yet, be sure to check them out here.

I'm pleased to say that we're back this year with Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 in the United States, and I'd like to welcome you to participate once again in the event. Check out our updated event page for more information. Just like last year, you'll be able to upload your photos of any registered historical site in the United States through the end of September (even if the photos were taken before this month).

If you've traveled and taken photos of monuments in non-US countries, you can see if those countries are also participating here.

Once again, thank you for participating in Wiki Loves Monuments 2018, and we hope to see you again in this year's event! If you'd like to respond to this message directly, please do so on on my talk page. ~Kevin Payravi (talk) 05:15, 1 September 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Swallow Prominent on a grey wall.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Swallow Prominent on a grey wall.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 13:02, 2 September 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Tree with red apples in Barkedal 4.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Tree with red apples in Barkedal 4.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 21:02, 7 September 2019 (UTC)


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Hello. This message is being sent to inform you that there is currently a discussion at Commons:Administrators' noticeboard/User problems#W.carter. -- Basile Morin (talk) 03:46, 9 September 2019 (UTC).

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Bladder wrack in Sämstad harbor 1.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Bladder wrack in Sämstad harbor 1.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 05:01, 14 September 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:A dip in the road in Färlev.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:A dip in the road in Färlev.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 05:01, 17 September 2019 (UTC)

Zoom viewer

When you look at a file description page, I get this text below the image:

Original file ‎(15,732 × 10,488 pixels, file size: 55.73 MB, MIME type: image/jpeg) (165.00 Megapixel); (request rotation); ZoomViewer: flash/no flash

I know the (165.00 Megapixel) bit is a Javascript add on I've included but I thought everyone now got the Zoom viewer links for all images. -- Colin (talk) 15:47, 17 September 2019 (UTC)

@Colin: Yes, that text is on all pages now, but the zoom viewer info is so buried in the the non-descript text it's not easy to spot. With large photos like this it is best to put the {{LargeImage}} on them for the benefit of newbies and those not so savvy at reading file pages. The pink frame makes it more visible. Especially with FPCs and FPs, I think all bases should be covered to make the file and info as accessible as possible. Better one sentence too much than one too little. --Cart (talk) 15:54, 17 September 2019 (UTC)
Yes i see how it can help, and have used it in the past. I just wanted to check the the links were what everyone sees. -- Colin (talk) 16:22, 17 September 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Window on a barn in Färlev.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Window on a barn in Färlev.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 21:01, 26 September 2019 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Monuments in the United States 2019 – Last day to enter!

 This user participated in Wiki Loves Monuments 2019.
Want to show your participation in Wiki Loves Monuments 2019? Add {{User Wiki Loves Monuments 2019}} to your userpage!

September 30th is the last day to upload photos for Wiki Loves Monuments! We're thrilled that the United States has almost reached 4,000 contributions so far this year. Of these images, ~370 (~9%) have already been used to help illustrate Wikipedia articles and pages on other wiki projects, which is fantastic.

If you've already made a photo contribution this year, thanks so much! If you have any last-minute photos of U.S. historical sites to upload and enter into the contest, today's the day to do it. Check out the United States event page for more information. Judging will take place throughout the month of October, after which the top-ten national finalists will be announced in early November.

If you've traveled and taken photos of monuments in non-US countries, you can see if those countries are also participating here.

As always, thank you for participating in Wiki Loves Monuments! If you'd like to respond to this message directly, please do so on on my talk page. ~Kevin Payravi (talk) 05:49, 30 September 2019 (UTC)

Thanks very much

I took a long wiki-break and came back to upload a few photos for WLM. I also saw that you kindly edited my photo File:Kinvara_-_Dunguaire_Castle_-_20180706210924_-_edited.jpg- thanks very much for doing so! Ruhrfisch (talk) 14:28, 1 October 2019 (UTC)

My pleasure. :-) Good luck at the WLM! --Cart (talk) 06:08, 2 October 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Shattered light fixture 3.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Shattered light fixture 3.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 05:02, 15 October 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Waxing half moon over Brofjorden 1.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Waxing half moon over Brofjorden 1.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 21:09, 16 October 2019 (UTC)

Sunken wrecks found outside Vaxholm

@Rhododendrites and Frank Schulenburg: Hi guys! Since I lured you to Vaxholm, this might be a fun bit of news for you hot of the presses. Marine archeologists have found two big sunken wrecks outside Vaxholm that looks like they might be sister ship(s?) of the Vasa: link link video --Cart (talk) 16:39, 8 November 2019 (UTC)

Wow. Thanks for sharing! --Frank Schulenburg (talk) 16:52, 8 November 2019 (UTC)
Next time we'll have to spring for the underwater tour. :) I do like a good ship graveyard. A few years ago a diver learned that a body of water close to where I grew up was actually Rhode Island's biggest ship graveyard (granted, "biggest [X] in [the tiniest state]" isn't a big claim to fame). Hence I wrote the article on en:Green Jacket Shoal, among the highest ratio of [how much I like the article] / [how many people will ever read it]. :) — Rhododendrites talk21:38, 8 November 2019 (UTC)
Rhod: Hehe! Nice article though! Thanks for showing me. Re underwater tour: I'm sure the Russians have some handy submarines lurking nearby. Perhaps some of our Russian users can pull some strings. :) I too have some connection to wrecks on WP. Since my pet project of making articles for all things Gotland is moving along, I get constant 'pings' about "A link was made from XX shipwrecks/list of shipwrecks to XX, Gotland". I had no idea that island was connected to so many other articles!! I'm only doing the articles for the hell of it and for my own amusement, little did I know... Right now an editor is going through all Sutton Hoo-like helmets and fragments found on Gotland. I love all the slightly nutty people on the project, makes me feel right at home. :) Have a good weekend! --Cart (talk) 22:05, 8 November 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Torvsjökvarnar 5 Åsele.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Torvsjökvarnar 5 Åsele.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 21:07, 2 November 2019 (UTC)

Important message for file movers


A community discussion has been closed where the consensus was to grant all file movers the suppressredirect user right. This will allow file movers to not leave behind a redirect when moving files and instead automatically have the original file name deleted. Policy never requires you to suppress the redirect, suppression of redirects is entirely optional.

Possible acceptable uses of this ability:

  • To move recently uploaded files with an obvious error in the file name where that error would not be a reasonable redirect. For example: moving "Sheep in a tree.jpg" to "Squirrel in a tree.jpg" when the image does in fact depict a squirrel.
  • To perform file name swaps.
  • When the original file name contains vandalism. (File renaming criterion #5)

Please note, this ability should be used only in certain circumstances and only if you are absolutely sure that it is not going to break the display of the file on any project. Redirects should never be suppressed if the file is in use on any project. When in doubt, leave a redirect. If you forget to suppress the redirect in case of file name vandalism or you are not fully certain if the original file name is actually vandalism, leave a redirect and tag the redirect for speedy deletion per G2.

The malicious or reckless breaking of file links via the suppressredirect user right is considered an abuse of the file mover right and is grounds for immediate revocation of that right. This message serves as both a notice that you have this right and as an official warning. Questions regarding this right should be directed to administrators. --Majora (talk) 21:36, 7 November 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

File:Woolsey Fire - tree ridge in flames 20181119-PB-008.jpg
This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Woolsey Fire - tree ridge in flames 20181119-PB-008.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Woolsey Fire - tree ridge in flames 20181119-PB-008.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/(Manual fix due to faulty Bot) --Cart (talk) 10:00, 18 November 2019 (UTC)

Goedemorgen Carter

Hartelijk dank voor alle verbeteringen en de toelichting bij mijn foto van de gespleten steen. Dat stel ik bijzonder op prijs.
Met vriendelijke groet, --Famberhorst (talk) 05:53, 18 November 2019 (UTC)

Geen problem, Famberhorst. :-) --Cart (talk) 09:22, 18 November 2019 (UTC)
Famberhorst: "I don't think this picture will make it". Ha!! Je was fout.   Gefeliciteerd! --Cart (talk) 13:39, 22 November 2019 (UTC)
Ik was zeker fout! Gelukkig maar. Bedankt voor al uw hulp. Een prettig weekeind gewenst. Groetnis,--Famberhorst (talk) 16:11, 22 November 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Midvinterblot (Carl Larsson) - Nationalmuseum - edited.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Midvinterblot (Carl Larsson) - Nationalmuseum - edited.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 05:01, 23 November 2019 (UTC)

FP-Set Nomination Étang de Salses-Leucate

Thanks for your help. I made a new nomination (I think it is correct now) and informed Ikan. Greetings --Llez (talk) 11:01, 25 November 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Naissance du Wetr.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Naissance du Wetr.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 05:03, 27 November 2019 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:La horde - Surfers riding a wave in Paea, Tahiti.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:La horde - Surfers riding a wave in Paea, Tahiti.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 21:01, 2 December 2019 (UTC)

Thank you for participating in Wiki Loves Monuments 2019! Please help with this survey.

Wiki Loves Monuments logo

Dear W.carter,

Thank you for contributing to Wiki Loves Monuments 2019, and for sharing your pictures with the whole world! We would like to ask again a few minutes of your time. Thanks to the participation of people like you, the contest gathered more than 210K+ pictures of cultural heritage objects from more than 40 countries around the world.

You can find all your pictures in your upload log, and are of course very welcome to keep uploading images and help develop Wikimedia Commons, even though you will not be able to win more prizes (just yet). If you'd like to start editing relevant Wikipedia articles and share your knowledge with other people, please go to the Wikipedia Welcome page for more information, guidance, and help.

To make future contests even more successful than this year, we would like to invite you to share your experiences with us in a short survey. Please fill in this short survey, and help us learn what you liked and didn't like about Wiki Loves Monuments 2019.

Kind regards,
the Wiki Loves Monuments team MediaWiki message delivery 12:32, 3 December 2019 (UTC)

Happy holidays 2020!

    * Happy Holidays 2020, W.carter! *  
  • Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
  • Joyeux Noël! Bonne année!
  • Frohes Weihnachten! Frohes Neues Jahr!
  • Счастливого Рождества! С Новым годом!
  • ¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo!
  • Щасливого Різдва! З Новим роком!

   -- George Chernilevsky talk 14:18, 23 December 2019 (UTC)


Your best shot 2019

Dear member of the Commons Photographers User Group,

It's early 2020, which means it's time again to look back at photographs taken over the course of the past 12 months. As always, I'm curious – what would you consider your best shot of 2019 and why? I invite you to share your image and your thoughts in order to provide others with the opportunity to celebrate, learn, and enjoy:

Your best shot 2019

Thanks for all your effort in sharing your vision of the world with others under a free license!

All the best, --Frank Schulenburg (talk) 20:20, 19 January 2020 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Jetty with the ladders in last light of the day.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Jetty with the ladders in last light of the day.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 21:01, 21 January 2020 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Angreifende Silbermöwe auf Spiekeroog, Nationalpark niedersächsisches Wattenmeer - edited.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Angreifende Silbermöwe auf Spiekeroog, Nationalpark niedersächsisches Wattenmeer - edited.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 13:01, 25 January 2020 (UTC)

FP Promotion

This image has been promoted to Featured picture!

The image File:Solaris grapes in Chateaux Luna vineyard 24.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Solaris grapes in Chateaux Luna vineyard 24.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so.


/FPCBot (talk) 21:02, 1 February 2020 (UTC)

Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Mugello circuit gare in corso.jpg‎

OK no problem. I am not an expert and I will take your suggestions into account for the next few times. I also think I made a mess, but I can't take away my favorable vote. Autovotarmi was not in my intentions. The photo was taken in panoramic mode with a huawei P10lite phone and corrected with the snapseed program for mobile phones. Thank you so much. PROPOLI87 (talk) 16:56, 4 February 2020 (UTC)PROPOLI87PROPOLI87 (talk) 16:56, 4 February 2020 (UTC)

  • No problem PROPOLI87, users new to the FPC are allowed to make mistakes, how else will they learn. :-) Photos taken with smartphone are very difficult to get up to FP standards. If you are wondering if a photo has the potential for FP, please nominate i for Quality image first and perhaps get a soem advice at COM:CRIT. I'll add a template in the file regarding your camera, but without the Exif data, computers can't read the photo's color profile so the colors can come out a bit random. --Cart (talk) 17:08, 4 February 2020 (UTC)

Thank you, I had tried to nominate this in the past: Commons: Featured picture candidates / File: David and Goliath - Fisherman laying his nets while the merchant ship stops at the pier.jpg could you check, please? I think I made a mistake in this too. The photo represents a merchant ship at the Solvay pier in Vada Rosignano, while a humble fisherman spreads his nets. In fact, I had called her David and Goliath. I took it with a Canon Powershot sx540 hs. Thanks for your time you are dedicating me. PROPOLI87 (talk) 08:09, 5 February 2020 (UTC)PROPOLI87PROPOLI87 (talk) 08:09, 5 February 2020 (UTC)

PROPOLI87: You didn't mess up the creation of the page on that one, you just forgot to add it to the list at Commons:Featured picture candidates/candidate list. You have to do that manually, the nomination is not done automatically. I have added it to the list now for you. Like on the other nomination, you had forgot to fill in the FP category and I have done so for you. You have to select one from the FP categories/galleries in Template:Commons FP galleries and add it to to nomination page. You also need to have the correct normal categories for an FP, I have added what I could to the file page, please take a look at that and also read Commons:Categories.
The photo is quite small for such a scene and it has the same problem as the first one, in that it doesn't have any Exif, but at least it has an embedded color profile. It would also be good to know what time of day it was taken, not just the date. The more info you can provide about a photo, the better. It is good that you added a description in the title to the name "David and Goliat", such fanciful names are good for photo exhibitions, but useless and sometimes misleading when the photos are used for encyclopedias as they are here on Commons. I think you should skip such names here in the future; just a friendly advice. The photo has some technical shortcomings, but overall a nice scene. It reminds me of my own photo of a man fishing in front of an oil refinery with tankers: File:The fisherman's bicycle.jpg. --Cart (talk) 11:44, 5 February 2020 (UTC)

Thanks for the advice, which I will take into account for the future. Your photo File: The fisherman's bicycle.jpg is beautiful and meaningful. My photo david and goliath was taken around 5 pm, at the beginning of the sunset on the sea. Thanks again. PROPOLI87 (talk) 11:59, 5 February 2020 (UTC)PROPOLI87PROPOLI87 (talk) 11:59, 5 February 2020 (UTC)

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