Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, CANALS BAYÉ!

-- Wikimedia Commons Welcome (talk) 18:41, 14 January 2018 (UTC)Reply

Marques d'aigua a les fotos


Hola, Canals: Només fer-te avinent que no s'han de pujar fotos a Commons amb marques d'aigua. Ja ho tindràs en compte en futures ocasions. Un cordial saludo,--Isidre blanc (talk) 11:34, 8 March 2019 (UTC)Reply

Pujades de fotos


Bona nit, Canals: Veig que has pujat noves fotos de monuments, ara sense marques d'aigua. Ben fet. Però cal que et faci algunes observacions:

  • Els títols de les fotos han de concretar el que representen de forma que es pugui identificar clarament i fàcil l'objecte fotografiat. No s'hi valia, per tant "esplèndides filigranes". Observaràs que he canviat (reanomenat) el títol de les teves fotos per a corregir aquest defecte. Per sort has fet una cosa molt important: pujar les fotos a partir de les llistes de monuments (fes-ho sempre que puguis). Fent-ho des de les llistes surt a la fitxa de la foto una descripció, les coordenades, la ID-del monument i la categoria "Cultural heritage monuments in .." o la categoria del monument si està ja creada a commons, com per exemple a Category:Can Masllorens. Així les fotos queden ben identificades encara que el títol no sigui massa concret, com a File:ELS 2 BROCS.jpg. Ara categoritzaré (crearé la corresponent categoria a Commons) les fotos que has pujat. Menys dues que no sé d'on són perquè no les vas carregar des de les llistes de monuments i el títol no és concret: File:Porta lateral..jpg i File:Paret exterior..jpg. Et prego que em diguis d'on són per a poder-les categoritzar.
  • Veuràs que els títols que he creat són variats, alguns fins i tot amb un curt text descriptiu. Tots, crec, són acceptables. Les descripcions, tan extenses com vulguis, han d'anar al camp "descripció" de la fitxa. I, només com a orientació, jo pujo les meves fotos amb un títol semblant a File:Mare de Déu del Tura - Olot - 279.jpg, on "279" són les tres últimes xifres del fitxer de Panasònic (serveixen per a desambiguar).--Isidre blanc (talk) 20:20, 12 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for participating in Wiki Loves Monuments 2019! Please help with this survey.


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Thank you for contributing to Wiki Loves Monuments 2019, and for sharing your pictures with the whole world! We would like to ask again a few minutes of your time. Thanks to the participation of people like you, the contest gathered more than 210K+ pictures of cultural heritage objects from more than 40 countries around the world.

You can find all your pictures in your upload log, and are of course very welcome to keep uploading images and help develop Wikimedia Commons, even though you will not be able to win more prizes (just yet). If you'd like to start editing relevant Wikipedia articles and share your knowledge with other people, please go to the Wikipedia Welcome page for more information, guidance, and help.

To make future contests even more successful than this year, we would like to invite you to share your experiences with us in a short survey. Please fill in this short survey, and help us learn what you liked and didn't like about Wiki Loves Monuments 2019.

Kind regards,
the Wiki Loves Monuments team MediaWiki message delivery 12:32, 3 December 2019 (UTC)Reply

Invitation to participate in Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 Participant Survey (Reminder)


Wiki Loves Monuments logo


Thank you for contributing to Wiki Loves Monuments 2019, and for sharing your pictures with the whole world! We would like to ask again a few minutes of your time. Thanks to the participation of people like you, the contest gathered more than 210K+ pictures of cultural heritage objects from more than 40 countries around the world.

You can find all your pictures in your upload log, and are of course very welcome to keep uploading images and help develop Wikimedia Commons, even though you will not be able to win more prizes (just yet). If you'd like to start editing relevant Wikipedia articles and share your knowledge with other people, please go to the Wikipedia Welcome page for more information, guidance, and help.

To make future contests even more successful than this year, we would like to invite you to share your experiences with us in a short survey. Please fill in this short survey, and help us learn what you liked and didn't like about Wiki Loves Monuments 2019.

Kind regards,
the Wiki Loves Monuments team MediaWiki message delivery 03:42, 23 December 2019 (UTC)Reply