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social shape vs change part 1


What make a differences in an individual – is it personalities, attitudes, interests, aptitude. Yes! But, it is, nature that make the most important functions in making differences in an individual. Citing an example of a rose, can we make the red rose bloom white? No, that’s out of question. But, if we plant variety of roses in one garden that sound more beautiful than just planting one type of rose. The answer here is, no matter how much a talented an individual maybe if he, don’t adjust or go-along with other individual than he became a figment in a society.

           Today, the world as we see is the world of technology. The latest wins over other. In the early 18,19th century we say about an idea that can change our society, wisdom that can guide our society and the knowledge that can construct our society. Yet, we still strive for perfect society. But it is also to be noted that these factors led to the birth of so call ‘technology society’ they are like a mother of technology. With those not been there technology have not been born. We can see the war of wisdom and acquiring knowledge are detaching now we can see the rage of latest invention in every field. In this fast changing society how can we take a place, how can we survive? The option is ‘the survival of the fittest’ though I wouldn’t use that word precisely. I prefer to use ‘the survival of the smartest’. In early history the war is won by the strongest clan, who hold the large army and equipment win the war. However, in this generation we don’t need large human power in fact we need latest technology and machine to win the war of economic crises in our country. Many developed countries are now running on 10th generation technology but, we are still in the 3th generation. Why is that so, most basic answers are- population, low resources do we ever answer- corruption? Our system is not up-to-date the capitalist, industries, top-bureaucrats know better why is it not up-to-date. If we are to solve the problem we would have solve it long back. But still it is increasing not decreasing, nor even in a stable condition.
           The key concept here is we need change, yes but how we can totally wash away the corruption, nor we can make shifts in the working system. No, it is not possible, not today, not tomorrow, not after a year or two. But what if we ‘shape our society towards better’ I conclude “to change means to remove that existing system, everything in it, modifying it into new system. But it is impossible to change the system without proper set-up. In this shape comes into picture ‘shape’ means to modify but it involve the old system to upgrade the traditional system into new system”. Both term are similar, and used synonym to each other both define towards modification. The former in a sense is more functional and systematic, because every system works according to its operation and to modify such working operating system is possible only if we modified it while we still working on it. The later modification can be seen in many form, example- feminist movement, dhandi-march, women-empowerment etc. it involve organization and mostly needed organization. But ‘social shape’ involve a group might not be a big organization but whoever still working on system, maintaining some balance in that system. If certain system breakdown such groups checks on the dysfunctionality of that system and brings modification through such system. –we can’t totally neglect the importance of ‘social change’ nor give less importance to ‘social shape’- both are interlinked and functions accordingly to the system along. 
          Our world has been functioning accordingly, but the question here is how? Yes, this question always arise -see the birds in the sky- or watch the sun goes down- and the trees produces flower, do you ever wonder how this function?... It all functions according to plan and according to how it should function. i call it the 'divine function'_powers that control all forms of life in this univers. The divine energy that cannot be seen but can be feel.
      Do you still believe the 'evolution'? but that another subject.


      Human-being live in a society, society is the social institution. If we need to change we have to change everything- in the sense, that If change is the solution to our social progress, why are we still in the process of change. The question remain unanswer becos, if we say Social Change it means- change in functioning, structure, status etc. but what we are observing in our present society is actually a 'social-shape' not change. eg- Think of removing division of class from our society, Marxist-term as 'agarian' or 'classless' society but it is impossible to have classless society. Because where there is society there will be a division of member- in which each member have to work accordingly. that way society will run-smoothly and have progress, so call social-progress.
      What is Shape- shape is a modification, shape can be of two type- fast, slow- (which i will provide in the next talk). So the question arise- why shape and how it play a role in social progress-

that simple, eg; you went to a shop and buy 1 bag of rice ie, assam-rice and put it in Andhra-bag- that is not a change of product, it woundnt make you assam rice to Andhra rice. the simply a shape are just making it sound like Andhra.. to people but you yourself know that it not Andhra but Assam rice.....

to be con,,..