Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, Matthias Gehricke!

-- Wikimedia Commons Welcome (talk) 10:55, 15 August 2019 (UTC)Reply

Matthias Gehricke, your photos are incredible, you have talent for this! I have never been to Sudan unfortunately, as I am sure it is quite an experience. I think that the current situation has its advantages on the long run as the country likely cannot flourish under the boots of dictators like Omar al-Bashir. Would you open to the ideas that perhaps a few of your photos could be uploaded to wikicommons for use on wikipedia to illustrate relevant articles ? Iry-Hor (talk) 09:06, 9 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

So I enquired a bit to make sure about the procedures that would best work and there are two possibilities: i) you yourself upload selected photos on wikicommons; or 2) I upload them for you but then I must be able to prove that this is copyright free, which would be difficult as your photos are on your website which unlike say flickr does not have an official marker that you can add stating the photos as free for re-upload on commons.

Thus the procedure I recommend is as follows: I and a few other active wikipedia editors will propose some photos we would like to see on commons for use on wikipedia from your website. We will tell you which photos we like and then you can decide whether you still want to upload them or not. Then, go on wikicommons and click « Upload » on the left column. From there the procedure is fairly simple: it asks for the file, who did the photo and if you click that it is yourself you won’t have any more issues with licences. I will then asks for a title for the picture and a short description. You can also put it in one or more existing categories (Sudan would be appropriate or perhaps Nubia as well). You will be forever named as the uploader and author of the photo. Once uploaded we will be able to insert the photos in wikipedia!Iry-Hor (talk) 08:49, 15 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Procedure I is perfectly all right with me. I guess I can handle the upload specifications. To select and describe the photos You choose You may do as follows: If You click on a thumbnail it will enlarge. On the left of the screen some buttons will appear. One of the will show “Photo Details”. There are several categories and one of them in the section CAMERA INFO is Name for instance 5D4_9250.JPG. But You could also try another way to describe them by position or title. However not all titles may be unique. I am looking forward to Your and Your colleagues choices.--Matthias Gehricke (talk) 19:32, 15 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Below is a list with the photos that topped our interest. I hope there aren’t too many of them, it was hard to choose !

Name: LRM_20190101_130853-Pano.JPG Amazing stela by this king, which will serve to illustrate his article.

Name: LRM_20190101_131947.JPG Statue of Atlanersa, I had never seen him before.

Name: 5D4_1256-Bearbeitet.JPG This queen is as yet unknown on wikipedia. Thanks to this photo, we will research her and write her an article.

Name: 5D4_8620-B.JPG Well known group but your photo is by far the best we have seen of it !

Name: 5D4_1257.JPG The only picture I have seen to give a good idea about the plan and layout of the cathedral of Faras. Also this will be a good icentive to develop the wiki article on this monument.

Name: 5D4_1260.JPG Salvaged temple of Sesotris III from Semna, I had never seen it until now.

Name: 5D4_1259.JPG Salvaged temple of Sesotris III from Semna, I had never seen it until now.

Name: 5D4_8614.JPG An early complete tomb showing the bull skulls so typical of late Predynastic tombs.

Name: 5D4_8608.JPG A technically important photography illustring early Kerma. Ideal for the article on the city. Thank you very much again for your helping the wikipedia community and spread freely accessible knowledge to all!Iry-Hor (talk) 10:41, 16 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

The first on Your list is uploaded. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:LRM_20190101_130853-Pano.jpg. You might check whether the discription and metadata are suitable.21:06, 16 September 2019 (UTC)~ — Preceding unsigned comment added by Matthias Gehricke (talk • contribs) 21:07, 16 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

This is perfect ! The metadata is really complete you even included the geographical location of tht photo. It is now up on wikipedia: here. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Iry-Hor (talk • contribs) 08:06, 17 September 2019 (UTC)Reply
If this is still ok for you, could ou also upload the picture of Nu 4, here, with file name 5D4_9596.JPG ? This would go straight on Siaspiqa's article.Iry-Hor (talk) 18:39, 17 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Uploaded Statue of Atlanersa https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:LRM_20190101_131947.jpg and Pyramids Nu 4 King Siaspiqa https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:5D4_9596.jpg. Will continue uploading tomorrow.20:39, 17 September 2019 (UTC)

Your extended content of Siaspiqa is great, Iry-Hor. I just uploaded queen Amanimalil. Please not that I darkened and blurred the background to emphasize her: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:5D4_1256-3.jpg. I published this new version on my homepage as well. There I added a photo of the signboard for that statue because I found slightly different writingss of her name in the internet. The photo also was taken o location in the Sudan National museum. In case You need further investigation: She is metioned on the German Wikipedia page of Senkamanisken, on https://www.akg-images.de/archive/-2UMDHUJFR8LN.html and on http://www.jebelbarkal.org/frames/VisGuide.pdf (page 72). That's it for today. --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 20:39, 18 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for your kind message, I am trying to have articles that match the qualities of your photos. I still have a few things to add to Siaspiqa, then will create the article on queen Amanimalel. I found a couple of references to her in the books I dug up on Kushite archeaology so there is enough to create an article.Iry-Hor (talk) 16:09, 19 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

You were busy. So was I. Added

In case You didn't find it yet: You can download the Illustrated Visitors' Guide of Sudan National Musuem: http://sfdas.com/IMG/pdf/livretmuse_etenglight.pdf . There are some mistakes may be due to translation errors such as Page 18 "the Christian kingdom of Makuria from the 7th cent. BC.". As I noticed You updated Atlanersa already mentioning that his pyramid is Nu 20 in Nuri. I assume that I have the remainders of his pyramid on one of my photos and I added a photo with an indication here https://www.matthiasgehrickephoto.de/Africa/Äthiopien-Sudan-201819/Sudan-Altertum/Nuri-Pyramiden-Sammlung/n-tLHMzw/i-gksPHFQ/. There is hardly anything visible. But to the left of Atlansera the remainders of Senkamanisken's pyramid are more prominent. May be You want to use it. --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 22:27, 19 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thank you , this is great, I will take some time to put the relevant wikipedia articles up to a higher standard. I did not find much on Amanimalel (for example I did not find the explanation why Nuri 22 is attributed to her, nor why it is thought that she was Senkamanisken's wife) but at least she has her article now. I might add details about Nuri 22 in her article, do you have a pic by the way ? Now I also need to focus on Atlanersa whose article is currently really crappy.Iry-Hor (talk) 09:44, 22 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

On https://www.matthiasgehrickephoto.de/Africa/%C3%84thiopien-Sudan-201819/Sudan-Altertum/Nuri-Pyramiden-Sammlung/n-tLHMzw/i-gksPHFQ/A I just added an indication to what I guess shoul be Nu 22 (Amanimalil`s pyramid). I also added one version zommed at Nu 22: https://www.matthiasgehrickephoto.de/Africa/%C3%84thiopien-Sudan-201819/Sudan-Altertum/Nuri-Pyramiden-Sammlung/n-tLHMzw/i-3SwT8K8/A. Tell me if You want to use it. Then I would upload it to Commons. The pyramid really hard to identify, the remainders are poor. Very helpfull was this site https://www.heritagedaily.com/2018/02/pyramids-kingdom-kush/118369 with a map You can zoom in and there are indications one every Nu-number. Dunham notes that the identification as Amanimalil`s tomb was Reisners proposal. Dunham mentions Amanmalenra which is to be found in a Reisner article "The Barkal Temples in 1916". This is not much. --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 11:19, 22 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thank you this is a brilliant reference about the reason for the identification. I think a lot of these things are actually quite conjectural (on Reisner's behalf) but it is worth stating on the wiki article. Meanwhile, I also found a lot of material on Atlanersa to go with your statue picture, so I have plenty of wiki work to do with all this! For the Nuri pyramid, my point of view is that a picture is always better than no picture, so if you feel like uploading, do it without hesitation. You have to realise also that your pictures will now be seen thousands upon thousands of time. Indeed, even a single small Wiki article like that on Atlanersa receives c. 10-15 readers a day see here. Adding up all the pages with your pictures and letting 1 year pass you are having a highly significant impact.Iry-Hor (talk) 07:40, 23 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Very interesting link to statistics, thank You Iry-Hor. I uploaded the zoomed-in pic of her pyramid https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pyramid_Amanimalel_Nuri_22.jpg --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 21:11, 25 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Dear Matthias, I am now nearing completion of Atlanersa, which I have greatly expanded. I still have some sources to scoure. Meanwhile, I was wondering do you have a picture of Nuri 20?Iry-Hor (talk) 06:35, 28 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Hard to identify. I wish I had been more informed when I was on location in Nuri. Uploaded https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pyramid_Atlanersa_Nuri_20.jpg. --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 06:08, 30 September 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thank you I have put it up on Atlanersa's article. The article is now is a really good shape, I will try to have it promoted to Featured Article, which would then allow us to have it as "Today's article" on the main wikipedia page (typically attract tens of thousands of readers in 1 day). Then I will continue to improve pages here and there with your pictures.Iry-Hor (talk) 08:42, 1 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Your Atlanersa page is massive. Tens of thousand readers? Would make me speechless. I added the photo of an info display at the entrance of the Semna Tempel at Sudan National Museum https://www.matthiasgehrickephoto.de/Africa/%C3%84thiopien-Sudan-201819/Sudan-Altertum/Sudan-National-Museum/i-xKH2cbw/ But it has very poor qualilty. I had energy problems on our visit. The battery of my main camera was nearly done, so I could only take one picture per scene. Can't tell You how annoying this was. May be You can read and use the text. I also added three more pictures of Buhen temple on that page but this is probably not Your main interest. On saturday I plan to visit the Staatliche Museum Ägyptischer Kunst in Munich. They have a Nubian chamber and they also conduct an archaeological research project in Naqa, Sudan. http://naga-project.com/en/the-excavation-project/about-this-project/ . So long and fingers crossed for Your promotion! --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 19:25, 3 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Sorry for another message: On https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_monarchs_of_Kush the text under the picture of the seven statues shoul indicate that theses statues are in Kerma Museum (and not in Sudan National Museum). On https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Kush zhe text under that picture is correct. --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 20:45, 3 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Things are going rather well at the FA promotion for Atlanersa, see here. I think it will pass within a month or 2, then I will have it up for today's featured article. By the way, have you ploaded the picture with the prehistoric grave ?Iry-Hor (talk) 14:45, 8 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Ouch! Seems I forgot that pic. Now I have added it: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tumulus_Kerma.jpg . In the descriptions I stated that it is a C-Group tomb allthouggh the plate said "2500 to 2450 BC" what would be slightly before the C-Group as Raisner dated ("2400"). I will have to add another pic, the one of the model of early Kerma. I will do this tomorrow because it is to late now ... --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 22:40, 10 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Just added the picture of the model of early Kerma: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Model_Kerma_capital.jpg --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 18:23, 11 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Thanks I will pu tthem up on the Kerma culture article.Iry-Hor (talk) 06:02, 12 October 2019 (UTC)Reply
That's it, Atlanersa has been promoted to FA status. I will now start the process of nominating it for the spot on the main wikipedia page.Iry-Hor (talk) 13:09, 22 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Sounds exciting. Sorry for delay but I was very busy. Tell me if I can do anything to promote it. --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 21:21, 24 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

No worries, I am only happy to report any progress to you as this would not have happened without your kind uploading of your picture on wikicommons. Given how the nomination is going, I can confidently say that Atlanersa will be selected to appear on the main page of the English wikipedia, probably in a month or so. I will let you know the exact date when it is known. Make sure to check wikipedia's main page on that day and thank you once more!Iry-Hor (talk) 06:38, 25 October 2019 (UTC)Reply
That's it, Atlanersa will be the article featured on the main page of wikipedia on 13 November 2019. Your picture of the statue of Atlanersa will be the main image showing up on wikipedia's host page on that day. Make sure to remember and check it on the 13th!Iry-Hor (talk) 14:12, 27 October 2019 (UTC)Reply

Congratulations, dear Iry-Hor. This will be a great day for Your efforts to generate and spread knowledge. For me it is an unexpected honour to participate in Your success. Unfortunately I am likely not to attend the event because I will be far away and probably won´t have access to the internet: Last week very spontaneously I booked a hiking tour in Uganda. In addition to african wildlife the sources of the White Nile are the waiting attractions. So after my visit last year to the sources of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia this is due to complete my urge to see. I regret that I won´t bring any news or pictures of egyptian and adjacent history from there. But: I instructed a friend to download and save wikipedia´s main page on 13 November 2019 and Your glorious Atlanersa. Bye! --Matthias Gehricke (talk) 21:17, 3 November 2019 (UTC)Reply

Dear Matthias Gehricke, I hope you trip is going well (or more precisely went well as I guess you will read this after returning)! I am glad to announce that the article on Atlanersa was viewed 55,469 times yesterday alone, and that 10,990 people have especially clicked on your photograph of Atlanersa's statue to access its full detailed technical information (which you have entered while uploading). Congrats!Iry-Hor (talk) 09:17, 14 November 2019 (UTC)Reply