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-- 10:33, 12 June 2011 (UTC) My friend, I did that map according to the 2011 CIA GDP NOMINAL PER CAPITA ranking. In this ranking Brazil is above 12800. Please check the ranking for GDP NOMINAL PER CAPITA at the CIA site. Thanks!

Hey man, it is really above $12800 according to the 2011 CIA ranking. Unfortunately, hackers are currently attacking the CIA site and the info is not available. Please, look after Brazil's nominal GDP PER CAPITA at this site https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ later, because it is offline now. Thanks!

Hi, unfortunately the CIA site is extremely slow for me, so I can't see what is the population they have put to Brazil. But Brazil's per capita will only be below $12800 if Brazil's population is above 197 000 000, what is not the case. The CIA nominal GDP ranking for 2011 states that Brazil's nominal GDP is $2 518 000 000 000, so if you divide by the real population Brazil has (193 000 000), you will find a GDP nominal per capita close to $13000. I will happily update the map if I can see any error there, but I still can't find any error. Like I said before, I did all that map taking CIA ranking into account, not IMF's ranking.


Ok, I guess you have a point there. The map is indeed inaccurate, but not very much as you can see, because I am missing Brazil s per capita by only $11 dollars *according to IMF figures*, this is far from being a big discrepancy. But you are right and I will fix it. Just please give me a week to do so, since I have several tests this week at University and I won t be able to do that just now. Thanks!


I'll create a new map this week with 2011 data. I use these figures: the average of the IMF and World Bank figures. If no number was available for a country from IMF or World Bank, CIA figures were used.

Regards Sarah / Sadib from Amsterdam


I use a map made by someone else (can't remember where on Wikipedia I got it, but that person deserves the credit of the map - it's so handy because you can give each country a different color with one click) and I just use Microsoft Paint to edit it.

I tested a few different color schemes and my husband (he's a designer) helped me pick the right one.

I've finished, will upload the new pic tomorrow.