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Hallo Wutsje, ich schreibe auf Deutsch und hoffe, das ist in Ordnung.

Du hast die Hauptkategorie Category:Grégoire Sport gelöscht. Mit der Begründung C1. Die Anleitung schreibt dazu: Falsch benannte Kategorien können schnellgelöscht werden, nachdem ihr Inhalt in eine richtig benannte Kategorie verschoben wurde.

Die Kategorie ist nicht falsch benannt! Das Fahrzeugmodell heißt Grégoire Sport und nicht anders. Siehe de:Grégoire Sport. Es ist kein Einzelstück und wurde sogar in 2 verschiedenen Karosserieversionen (Cabriolet und Coupé) hergestellt.

Die Existenz von separaten Unterkategorien für einzelne erhaltene Fahrzeuge ist kein Problem. Aber das darf nicht die Hauptkategorie für das Fahrzeugmodell ersetzen. Die Folge der Löschung ist, dass man über de:Grégoire Sport#Weblinks Commons nicht mehr zu den Fotos auf Commons kommt. Über Wikidata auch nicht. --Buch-t (talk) 10:16, 18 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hallo Buch-t, Entschuldigung für die späte Antwort, ich war zwei Wochen nicht da. Mir war nicht klar, dass es zwei verschiedene Grégoire-Autowerke gibt (gab). Ich werde darum den alten Zustand wiederherstellen. Grüße, Wutsje 19:29, 27 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
Schön. Das gleiche Problem besteht auch bei Category:Grégoire R. Ebenfalls von mir angelegt, passend im Artikel de:Grégoire R eingebunden. Dann folgte ohne Diskussion:
Der de-Artikel beschreibt die komplette Baureihe Grégoire R, nicht nur das erhaltene Exemplar in der Cité de l'Automobile. Daher brauchen wir eine Hauptkategorie Grégoire R. Die Unterkategorie für das Fahrzeug in der Cité kann weiterhin existieren.
Weiteres Beispiel: Category:Bugatti Type 28. Das ist ein Prototyp, aber das ändert ja nichts an der Sache, dass das Fahrzeug offiziell so genannt wurde und eben nicht "Bugatti type 28 torpédo 1921 (Cité de l'Automobile)".
Es gibt noch mehr solcher Fälle vom selben Benutzer. Ich finde es ärgerlich. Ich diskutiere schon längere Zeit mit ihm, aber das ist schwierig. Gleich folgt ein längerer Beitrag auf seiner Diskussionsseite. Vielleicht schaust Du mal rein. Gruß --Buch-t (talk) 11:50, 4 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Meerdere accounts?


Ha Wutsje, Zijn er voor Commons andere regels dan op de encyclopedie w.b.t. meerdere accounts te hebben door een gebruiker? Waarom vraag ik dit, omdat ik een vermoeden heb dat acht nieuwe gebruikers die pas actief zijn op Commons en die aan de lopende band veranderingen aanbrengen die veelal op elkaar lijken ik mij daarbij afvraag of het niet een en de zelfde persoon betreft. Dat had ik al toen het er nog maar twee waren, maar nu zijn het er inmiddels acht die praktisch de zelfde handelingen aan de lopende band verrichten waarbij ik mij zelfs afvraag of het niet een bekende van vroeger is? Omdat ik weet dat jij je hier geregeld mee bezig houdt vraag ik het daarom aan jouw. Maar mocht op Commons hier geen regels voor zijn, beschouw dit dan als niet geschreven! Vr. gr.   Antoine.01 overleg(Antoine) 17:14, 20 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hoi Antoine.01, sorrie voor de late reactie, ik was er even tussenuit. De regels op Commons zijn inhoudelijk hetzelfde als op en:wiki (en nl:wiki): meerdere accounts gebruiken is op zichzelf niet verboden, maar die misbruiken wel (blokontduiking, dubbel stemmen, discussies beïnvloeden, et cetera). Zie en:abuse of multiple accounts. Mogelijke gevallen van foute sokpopperij kun je aan de orde stellen op het Administrators' noticeboard (onder Other). Als daar blijkt dat er daadwerkelijk sterke aanwijzingen voor een probleem zijn, dan komt Requests for checkuser in beeld. Zie laatstgenoemde pagina voor meer informatie over het beleid en de procedure. Groet, Wutsje 19:15, 27 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hallo Wutsje, Bedankt dan ga ik daar een kijkje nemen! Dit gezien er inmiddels nu acht accounts zijn aangemaakt waarvan ik sterk het vermoeden heb dat deze door een en de zelfde persoon zijn aangemaakt omdat het de zelfde soort bewerkingen zijn en het ook steeds de zelfde onderwerpen betreft op Commons en ze allen recentelijk zijn aangemaakt. Want waarom heb je hier acht account voor nodig daar je die bewerkingen toch ook met een account kan doen. Maar mogelijk gaat het hier om een blokontduiking daar ik anders niet de logica hiervan kan inzien om er zoveel accounts op na te houden!? Vr. gr.   Antoine.01 overleg(Antoine) 10:35, 28 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ha Wutsje nogmaals, Het heeft wat lang op zich laten wachten maar nu heeft ook iemand anders geconstateerd dat er sprake is van een persoon die meerdere accounts gebruikt zie (hier). Vr. gr.   Antoine.01 overleg(Antoine) 21:35, 16 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Dag Antoine.01, dank voor de melding. Wat de andere accounts betreft moet ik me er nog even in verdiepen, maar de werk- en schrijfstijl van zowel Eissink als Wwikix kennende lijkt het me extreem onwaarschijnlijk dat die twee gebruikers sokpoppen van elkaar zouden zijn. Heb je een linkje naar een cu-onderzoek? Groet, Wutsje 21:46, 16 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ha Wutsje, Vandaag weer thuis gekomen dus lees nu pas je reactie. Nee ik heb geen linkje naar een cu-onderzoek, wel heb ik je raad opgevolgd door er melding van te maken (hier) maar daar geen reactie opgehad dus heb ik het maar zo gelaten. Wat betreft Eissink alsook Wwikix daar heb ik geen zicht op dat het hun beiden betreft die gebruik maken van diverse accounts of dat ze sokpoppen van elkaar zouden zijn!? Maar wat betreft de vele nieuwe accounts die de laatste maanden aan worden gemaakt, nu de bewerkingen die men uitvoert op Commons hebben heel veel overeenkomsten zo dat ik er stellig van overtuigd ben dat het een en de zelfde persoon betreft alsook dat het geen nieuwkomer is! Vr. gr.   Antoine.01 overleg(Antoine) 14:52, 22 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Dag Antoine.01, ik heb Eissink verward met iemand anders. Nu ik dit en dit heb gezien kan ik alleen maar zeggen dat je volledig gelijk hebt. Groet, Wutsje 00:38, 24 May 2023 (UTC)Reply



I would appreciate if you would give your input on the talk page of Commons:AI generated media Trade (talk) 22:53, 18 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Trade, I just did. Thanks for drawing my attention to that discussion. Regards, Wutsje 23:08, 18 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
Might wanna tell the uploader not to upload more images like this until we get a response from the legal team Trade (talk) 01:05, 19 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
Without jumping to legal conclusions (not my call) this should be enough. Wutsje 01:08, 19 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Uhm, you might wanna look at the age in the description here. I can't believe this somehow managed to get even weirder. Suffice to say it's either the same person behind both accounts or there's some meatpuppetry going on. @Wutsje: --Trade (talk) 02:32, 19 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Sigh, another user--Trade (talk) 02:33, 19 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yet another one--Trade (talk) 02:36, 19 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
This is literally a child corpse... --Trade (talk) 02:37, 19 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
Turns out the above corpse is based on the child victim of a serial killer--Trade (talk) 02:44, 19 March 2023 (UTC)Reply
I deleted the lot and blocked the uploaders. Thanks for the notification. Wutsje 03:02, 19 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Missed this one and this one--Trade (talk) 03:10, 19 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

Josef Hedinger cropped.jpg


Hello - there IS a permission - look here: Commons:Undeletion_requests/Current_requests#File:Josef_Hedinger_(cropped).jpg_and_File:TRIBBS_Polish_music_producer_(cropped).jpg and ask the one who got permission. Myan1948 (talk) 06:25, 31 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

The problem was that this image is a derivative file of File:Josef Hedinger.jpg, an image that was deleted as copyvio. I don't know why that one wasn't undeleted too. I left a message at Polimereks talk page, see here. Wutsje 12:37, 31 March 2023 (UTC)Reply

A kitten for you!


thanks for contributing and deleting all the files to my speedy deletion nomination requests of ads and selfies files!!!!!!! i awarded a kitten for your support!!!!!!! from me

--BoulevardBowl27 (talk) 18:12, 6 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

You're welcome, and thank you! Me likes kitties. Wutsje 18:16, 6 April 2023 (UTC)Reply



Hi, I added a file on that page and posted it. Thank you for the clarification Kigdol (talk) 02:27, 9 April 2023 (UTC)Reply



Hey @WutsjeI

I appreciate all the work you are doing here on Wikimedia Commons.

As a new user, I have some questions to ask the more experienced users here. Is it allowed to delete content from the discussion/talk page? Riad Salih (talk) 11:33, 13 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Riad Salih, technically 'yes', but archiving to a subpage is much more preferred. See Commons:Talk page guidelines#User talk pages. Regards, Wutsje 21:06, 13 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thank you @Wutsje for your help I really appreciate it. Riad Salih (talk) 14:36, 15 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Question 2


Hey @Wutsje

If it's possible, I have an additional question about the FoP-Algeria license. I uploaded a picture from a public Algerian company (here is the link) and applied that license, but someone has nominated it for deletion. Can you please advise me on whether this license permits me to share the picture or not? I'm asking for your input as you have a lot of experience in this matter.

Riad Salih (talk) 15:59, 16 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Riad Salih, the legal notice on the source site states: © Copyright Ratp Développement 2019. All rights reserved, so I'm afraid the FoP-Algeria license does indeed not apply. Regards, Wutsje 16:22, 16 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Wutsje Even though the law states that "... to communicate to the public, without authorization of the author and without remuneration". ? Riad Salih (talk) 16:37, 16 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Legally, the site is not Algerian: Le site et son contenu sont régis par le Droit Français, et tout litige éventuel s’y rapportant sera soumis à la compétence des tribunaux français. Wutsje 17:40, 16 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Speedy deletion


Hi @Wutsje

Is it possible to remove the speedy deletion tag from this picture, which was randomly selected for deletion? The picture is in the public domain of Algeria and even Alamy states clearly: " This image is a public domain image, which means either that the copyright has expired in the image or the copyright holder has waived their copyright. Alamy charges you a fee for access to the high-resolution copy of the image ".
I'm extremely grateful for your assistance.
Riad Salih (talk) 22:39, 24 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for verifying this is truly a PD picture. Without an author, a reference and a 2012 date, this could have been questionable. I have added the URL to the description and removed the incorrect date so this is clear for all users.
BTW @Riad Salih, I think you should remove the watermark you have added to this picture (and others if you did the same elsewhere) as it goes against Commons:Watermarks (not an invisible watermark which is the one allowed). Users are actively removing those so let’s try to make their life easier by not adding more. Moumou82 (talk) 06:09, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi @Wutsje
I'd like to clarify that @Moumou82 has more than 175,000 edits (xtools). Instead of adding the speedy deletion tag, he should have nominated the picture for deletion. However, he did conduct research on TinEye and found the photo on Alamy, and as an expert, he should have added the missing details to the description himself. He has since done so after your intervention.
This incident occurred after some edits were made to the Jebba (North African traditional dress) article on French Wikipedia (link). Moumou82 wanted to keep only the Tunisian version and delete the picture related to Algerian people wearing it.
In reply to Commons:Watermarks, at that time I was new and learning the rules gradually. I didn't add the watermark to mark the picture, but just to indicate that the photo had been enhanced and modified. After that, I used an invisible watermark for all other pictures I uploaded as you can see here. However and I no longer use this technique.
Again @Moumou82 I'm extremely grateful for your assistance. Riad Salih (talk) 14:15, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
I would like to correct an inaccurate statement about the Wikipedia article in French: I never keep an article version based on a certain country, I work with others to ensure content is only added and maintained if it has reliable sources per Wikipedia rules. @Riad Salih: you know it as I made it clear here so would appreciate you reflect this accurately and do not give Wutsje partial information.
As for the picture, I indeed made a search on TinEye and found multiple occurrences, not just the Alamy one, so I did not open them all to find further details. I recognize I might have been too fast on that particular one, but the picture description was seemingly erroneous since upload 11 years ago so I am glad this action led to a positive clarification.
@Riad Salih: will you remove the watermark then since this is not an action you practice now? Moumou82 (talk) 14:48, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi you two, now that the copyright issue is clarified I don't see much point in further discussing that subject on this talk page, although you're of course free to do so somewhere else. As for the watermark I agree with Moumou82: that should be removed from the image, see COM:WM. Regards, Wutsje 17:25, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

File:Neil Armstrong reviews flight plans.jpg


Hi. Thanks for deleting the duplicate. I'm surprised there isn't a redirect in place now. If external websites were using this picture, they would now be broken. Cheers. Cryptic-waveform (talk) 19:02, 27 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

Haha. I just see you created it. Nevermind :) Cryptic-waveform (talk) 19:02, 27 April 2023 (UTC)Reply
Yeah, most things here take some time, at least half a minute. Take it as proof that I'm not a bot. Wutsje 19:10, 27 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

About my file


Hi, I recently have noticed you want delete my file File:26-01-2015 - WHITE AO DAI - QUAN NGUYEN PHOTO.jpg. I have done the permission through licensing. Can you review it and reply to me? If anything wrong I will rewatch it. Thank you. Mickey Đại Phát (talk) 09:06, 14 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Mickey Đại Phát, that was a mistake, my apologies. Your file is safe. Regards, Wutsje 13:56, 14 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Oh my god. So I thought. No problem, friend. Have a good day. Mickey Đại Phát (talk) 14:51, 14 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Re: File:Arizona's Family Sports Logo.jpg


Hi, I see you put that this file is a copyright violation and meets the may meet the criteria for speedy deletion. However, the logo consists only of simple geometric shapes (circles) and text, I could be wrong, but I believe it would not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection in the United States and can only be trademarked protected. Please see the licensing tags I placed on the page and Commons:Threshold of originality. Thank you. Powergate92Talk 04:52, 21 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Powergate92, I did notice those licensing tags and although I'm no specialist in Anglo-Saxon law, the provisions in the ToS on the source site however make it not unlikely that the logo can't be used in for instance the EU, especially due to the stated non-commercial use limitations. Imo that raises significant doubt that the image is not copyrighted as meant in COM:TO. Regards, Wutsje 05:09, 21 May 2023 (UTC)Reply



Could you please change this guy's block to permanent? Trade (talk) 22:09, 21 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Trade, that user has never been blocked (link), so what do you mean with 'change to permanent'? Perhaps you mean someone else? Wutsje 22:18, 21 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
No i did meant him specifically Trade (talk) 22:24, 21 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Done. Wutsje 22:27, 21 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
The reason was for uploading nude photos of Mia Goth that was leaked during the "Fappening". I asked him to be blocked due to privacy violation, not due to copyright Trade (talk) 22:52, 21 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Sorry, I don't do mind reading. Anyway, it doesn't really matter: Yann already warned this user that uploading copyvio files again would lead to a block. Wutsje 22:57, 21 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
The warning was posted after the images were uploaded so the ban would never have been valid regardless. Could you please correct the ban reason? Trade (talk) 00:15, 22 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Only now I understand you were referring to this request. You might have mentioned that in the first place. Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not blocking someone on hearsay for uploading a file that I haven't seen with my own eyes - which is impossible now. Wutsje 00:31, 22 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Can't admins see deleted files? Trade (talk) 00:36, 22 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Not if they're oversighted. Wutsje 08:12, 22 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Maybe ask the oversighters? Trade (talk) 14:15, 22 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi- you just deleted my picture


I just created my account so I can upload my picture to my WIKIPEDIA page. why did you delete it? can you please help me with my image please so I can upload it to my wiki page? Thanks Israelbachar (talk) 18:01, 24 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Israelbachar, was this explanation not clear enough? The WMF projects, including all Wikipedias, are not part of the social media, so there is no such thing as my WIKIPEDIA page. Regards, Wutsje 18:07, 24 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
bro same! Loosinator (talk) 00:47, 6 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

File:2022 cover Wordsworth Circle.png


Hi, why did you delete File:2022 cover Wordsworth Circle.png as fair use material? This is plain text and a simple geometric shape published in the United States. This is well below the threshold of originality. plicit 10:49, 28 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi, in short: see Commons:Fair use. The image was originally uploaded on 13:39, 18 May 2023 (UTC) with {{Non-free use rationale serial publication | Article = The Wordsworth Circle | Use = Infobox | Title = The Wordsworth Circle | Issue = 4 | Volume = 53 (2022) | Owner = University of Chicago Press | Type = journal | Source = https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/toc/twc/current | Portion = All | Low_resolution = No | Replaceability = Impossible }}, an explicit reference to the fair use doctrine. You're of course welcome to file a undeletion request, although just uploading the image to en:wiki instead will save you that trouble. Regards, Wutsje 11:20, 28 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
The file originally being uploaded as fair use has no bearing on the fact that it's too simple to qualify for copyright, hence I re-licensed it as {{PD-text}} and transferred the file from the English Wikipedia in the first place. This should not have to require an undeletion request. COM:TOO US is clear and your deletion is out of touch with copyright policy. plicit 11:38, 28 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
You may have missed the part with "Fair use" media files uploaded to Wikimedia Commons will be deleted on sight, without warning. Your changing the license does not alter that. And I'm sorry, but when I look at that file I see a journal cover, not just "plain text and a simple geometric shape". This image would be unusable on WMF projects for non-common law countries. Please do file that udr, including a link to this discussion. Regards, Wutsje 11:54, 28 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

Logo Sonelgaz


Hi @Wutsje,

I hope you're doing well. Could you please take a look at this? I believe this logo is composed solely of basic shapes and uncomplicated fonts.

Regards Riad Salih (talk) 22:57, 9 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Riad Salih, you could very well be right, but then again, the font(s?) may be copyrighted and the image may be a registered trademark. As I can hardly read Arabic scripts, there's almost no way for me to know. Regards, Wutsje 01:18, 12 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Wutsje Hi, these are just simple fonts (Arial in French and Traditional Arabic in Arabic). Nothing is copyrighted, and even if there is a percentage of copyright, the company logo was made in 1968. According to this law, it's in the public domain.
Regards Riad Salih (talk) 14:44, 12 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Eggs etc


Just curious, your recent deletion request only seems to have included about half of their uploads. Were the others questionable or did they get uploaded after the nomination started? Primefac (talk) 11:35, 16 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Primefac, the latter. After the nomination I left a request to respond on their talk page. They obviously ignored that, but until now I wasn't aware that they had uploaded even more copyvios. Regards, Wutsje 14:21, 16 June 2023 (UTC)Reply



Dag Wutsje,

Zou je eens kritisch naar al deze uploads willen kijken?


Groet, ErikvanB (talk) 01:32, 25 June 2023 (UTC)Reply

Dag ErikvanB, dit lijken me stuk voor stuk gevalletjes no permission en ik heb ze dan ook alle vijf als zodanig "getagd". Dank voor je opmerkzaamheid. Groet, Wutsje 01:43, 25 June 2023 (UTC)Reply
Dank je zeer. ErikvanB (talk) 13:05, 25 June 2023 (UTC)Reply



¿Porque me borras las imágenes? Ns797977 (talk) 23:03, 13 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Dat witte jo donders goed, sjoch Special:Diff/783100588. Sjoch fierder Special:CentralAuth/Ns797977. Wutsje 23:27, 13 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Need for unused redirects after file renaming


Hello Wutsje, I wonder about this and similar. Is there a reason to keep unused redirects after file renaming that I'm not thinking of right now? There are quite a few such redirects among my files that unnecessarily inflate listing of file usage on commons, but before I unnecessarily send them a deletion request, I prefer to ask how to handle them first. Regards Anil Ö. (talk) 09:18, 15 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Anil Ö., see Commons:File redirects: there is almost always no need to delete file redirects after renaming. Even if they're not used in the WMF universe, they may be in use outside of that. Regards, Wutsje 01:48, 17 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Dag Wutsje. Hopelijk zo goed gedaan. Zie ook de paginageschiedenis daar. Die Nickelodeon-kleuters ook altijd... Groet, ErikvanB (talk) 00:41, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Dag ErikvanB, op dit soort dingen druk ik doorgaans No permission, dan wordt het probleem na zeven dagen automagisch opgelost. Met logo's bemoei ik me hier niet meer, Amerikanen hebben daar véél meer verstand van. Groet, Wutsje 00:50, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Dankjewel. En ik maar blijven moeite doen... ;-) Groet, ErikvanB (talk) 00:59, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Wanneer leren 'zullie' – die Amerikanen – trouwens eindelijk eens license als licence te schrijven.   ErikvanB (talk) 01:07, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
PS: Het zal wel weer behouden worden omdat de 'threshold of originality' niet gemeet wordt, ook al wilde de ontwerper er 70.000 dollar voor hebben, wat best duur is voor een ontwerp dat de originality niet meet. Ben benieuwd. ErikvanB (talk) 13:58, 24 July 2023 (UTC)Reply



Hoi Wutsje, Ik vroeg me af of deze wel helemaal correct is? De afbeelding is van recente datum, de uploader is niet de maker, en ik kan in het bewuste archief niks terugvinden (dus ook niks over rechten). Thieu1972 (talk) 16:46, 27 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hoi Thieu1972, ook dit lijkt me een gevalletje No permission, zie hierboven. Dat de uploader is gevraagd deze afbeelding op Commons te plaatsen geldt op zichzelf niet als toestemming van de auteur voor publicatie. De herkomstsite bezoeken levert mij in FF een Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead op, dus ik ga niet kijken of daar soms (toch) een vrije licentie wordt vermeld. Groet, Wutsje 17:00, 27 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Ik heb de website van AMVB zelf bezocht, want de gegeven link levert inderdaad niks op. Maar op die site kom ik ook niks tegen. Thieu1972 (talk) 20:13, 27 July 2023 (UTC)Reply
Oh wacht: dit lijkt me het betreffende portret. Althans, de omschrijving lijkt wel zo te zijn. Geen afbeelding helaas. En al helemaal niks over rechten. Thieu1972 (talk) 20:16, 27 July 2023 (UTC)Reply

Commons:Deletion requests/File:Didimaduo pl.jpg


As I recall, that file was COM:INUSE in a Wikipedia article about the duo. Was it suddenly no longer still in use when you deleted it, or if it was, what happened? -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 22:04, 12 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

The article in which the image was used was not in accordance with nl:WP:BLP en was therefore speedily deleted. Wutsje 22:09, 12 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I see. Thanks for explaining, and thanks for your work. -- Ikan Kekek (talk) 23:13, 12 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Commons:Deletion requests/File:Miss Bashirat 4.jpg


Do you mind updating the category from Pending to Deleted when taking care of deletion requests? Trade (talk) 17:06, 17 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

No, but I was under the impression that the bot/template takes care of that. If it doesn't, it should: avoidable useless extra edits should be exactly that: avoided. Wutsje 17:31, 17 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Would you be interested in helping out with spam? Its a bit exhausting after marking more than fifty images for speedy deletion Trade (talk) 22:34, 18 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Have you ever taken a look at my contribs on Commons? :-)  Wutsje 23:41, 18 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I meant deleting them without me having to tag them. Some of the images i tagged that you deleted were uploaded weeks, even months ago Trade (talk) 09:38, 19 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
Basically i wish i didnt had to spend spend so much of my time tagging files Trade (talk) 16:30, 19 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
I'm sure you do. But luckily, you don't really have to, there are many people watching the front door. Wutsje 16:32, 19 August 2023 (UTC)Reply
There are probably more effective ways to detect spam Trade (talk) 16:41, 19 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Could you please hide the entire file history of this image? Its nothing but obscenities--Trade (talk) 05:17, 27 August 2023 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for restoring my photo


I just wanna say, thank you for restoring my Urinal photo. We can all make mistakes, but you quickly corrected it and I appreciate that! Keep up the good work :). Amin (talk) 20:42, 20 September 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi, This file had a permission. Such files should not be deleted without a proper DR. Could you please undelete it? Thanks, Yann (talk) 10:45, 5 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Hi Yann, just did. I'm in a hurry. Thanks, Wutsje 10:55, 5 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
See also here. Wutsje 18:28, 5 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hello, I am the photographer of this image and I have given permission in an email. Why are you deleting my images that are not copyrighted? BenYaaminHusseini (talk) 22:06, 5 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Hi, there were two files you gave permission for in an email. I deleted (and subsequently undeleted) only one of them, because at the time the other one was still in use (on la:wiki). As for all files the problem is that Mr Qasemi is not regarded as notable on every single wiki where an article about him was published: all language versions are now deleted (see the Wikidata history). There is also a cross-wiki spam problem, see e.g. nl:Overleg_gebruiker:Garshaasp and m:Steward_requests/Global/2023-w40#Global_lock_for_Behzad_Qasemi_spammers. Regarding the remaining two files see User_talk:Tehonk#File:Behzad_Qasemi_at_Deep_in_Blockchain_Webinar_2021_Zoom.jpg. Wutsje 06:26, 6 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for the answer and explanation
I am not a writer, I am a photographer and I publish my photos publicly so that if a website or newspaper needs images, they can use the images that I am the creator of. I don't know whether Mr. Ghasemi is competent or not (because I don't know about the rules of Wikipedia), but I read the rules of the wiki repository and I publish the images that I own in this repository so that others can use them. .
Some of my images that I had previously sent the copyright email to have been deleted. BenYaaminHusseini (talk) 09:22, 6 October 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Wutsje so, why one of (many) socks of a globally locked cross-wiki spammer is regarded as a valuable contributor? "spam is spam, regardless of permission" as you wisely said. Can one also upload illegal files as long as it has "permission"? This is so senseless. Tehonk (talk) 01:56, 14 October 2023 (UTC)Reply

Delete image



Could you delete a specific image?

I'm not a Commons user, but I saw in Recent Changes that you deleted an image and on your user page here it says you are an administrator.

The image in question that I tell you to delete was sent by another user to insert in an article on the pt-wiki which is an attack directed at me, the page was deleted and the image I am coming to ask for help is missing, as this photo is mine and it was removed from my social networks, but it is not intended to be used for attack articles, and I didn't even send this file here on Commons precisely because I didn't know how to use it.

The image is this one. Elder N (talk) 05:09, 26 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

@Elder N: done. Wutsje 05:13, 26 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
I hope I don't see images of me here being uploaded by third parties anytime soon, but if that happens, I'll come back here.
I started following the discussion page to find it more easily. In fact, this message of mine is via Google translator, my native language is Portuguese.
For now, thank you. Elder N (talk) 05:16, 26 December 2023 (UTC)Reply
@Elder N: you're welcome. Should this happen again, you can nominate the image for speedy deletion by tagging the file page with {{SD|G3}}, see COM:GCSD (or Commons:Criteria for speedy deletion/pt-br). If a block is needed, ask any admin for assistance (via COM:AN). Best wishes, Wutsje 05:33, 26 December 2023 (UTC)Reply

Troy von Tempest's uploads


Hi, You speedy-deleted Troy von Tempest's uploads. However there is no valid reason for that. "Found on the Net" is not a valid reason for speedy deletion for old images. Thanks, Yann (talk) 20:24, 8 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi Yann, in hindsight, having read the undeletion requests, I agree a regular dr would have been the better option. Regards, Wutsje 01:38, 9 February 2024 (UTC)Reply



Hi, I am fixing descriptions of NDL books. Redirects will be replaced. I will revert back later. Wmr-bot (talk) 14:56, 20 February 2024 (UTC)Reply

Lope de aguirre.jpg


Hello, Wutsje.

As I'm not sure if I've notified you correctly : I have a few questions about the file Lope de aguirre.jpg.

Best regards. Guise (talk) 10:20, 12 April 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi Guise, I replied there. Regards, Wutsje 21:58, 12 April 2024 (UTC)Reply



Thank you for blocking that random IP. I didn't even revert their vandalism (I wasn't fast enough), they were mad for no reason. Dream Indigo 21:55, 2 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

You're welcome. They had it coming. Wutsje 00:23, 3 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Reminder to vote now to select members of the first U4C

You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki. Please help translate to your language

Dear Wikimedian,

You are receiving this message because you previously participated in the UCoC process.

This is a reminder that the voting period for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) ends on May 9, 2024. Read the information on the voting page on Meta-wiki to learn more about voting and voter eligibility.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. Community members were invited to submit their applications for the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, please review the U4C Charter.

Please share this message with members of your community so they can participate as well.

On behalf of the UCoC project team,

RamzyM (WMF) 23:17, 2 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Reversed file


Hi. I saw that you rolled back my edit on the image Redmi 9A, which was inverted. Why did you like it if it is not used + upside down. There is a better picture --Мункач Варош (talk) 08:48, 12 May 2024 (UTC)Reply

Hi Мункач Варош, with this edit you tagged this file as a duplicate or scaled down version of this file, but these images are clearly different, so I reverted your request for speedy deletion. You're welcome to file a regular deletion request instead. Wutsje 21:29, 12 May 2024 (UTC)Reply