Commons:Photo challenge/2015 - January - Outliers/Voting

Voting will end at midnight UTC on February 28 The theme was Outliers in terms of all but one are equal, one steps out of line, or swim against the current.

Voting is open to all registered contributors who have held accounts for at least 10 days and made 50 edits, and also to new Commons contributors who have entered the challenge with a picture.

Users cannot vote for their own picture.

Voters may select up to three photographs to award points to their 1st / 2nd / 3rd place images, but can give Highly Commended praise to any other photos they wish.

1st place ★★★ with *{{3/3*}} -- ~~~~
2nd place ★★ with *{{2/3*}} -- ~~~~
3rd place ★★ with *{{1/3*}} -- ~~~~
Highly commended with *{{0/3*}} -- ~~~~

In the interests of fairness, please try to review the images without looking to see who the photographer was and without looking at the current votes. That way, all the images get the same chance for your attention.

In addition to technical and artistic merit, voters should consider how well the photograph meets the challenge theme. Voting will be open for period of one month.

Voters who voted for more than one 1st, 2nd or 3rd place will have those votes converted to Highly Commended praises. Other votes not complying with the requirements will be removed. In some cases users might be asked to correct their votes after voting ends.


Sample caption.
(Full size image)
  • ★★★ Great font! -- Colin (talk) 18:22, 2 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
  • ★★ -- Another person 18:20, 2 January 2014 (UTC)
  • ★★ Cool. Love it. -- Yet another person 18:32, 2 January 2014 (UTC)
  • Beautiful -- Someone else 13:30 3 January 2014 (UTC)

The different reindeer

the different reindeer
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Taken: 15 December 2014 Uploaded: 01 January 2015 Size: 1024 × 731 (0.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Two digital and one analog mouse

Two optical, wireless, mouses and one analog mouse with cable.
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Taken: 01 January 2015 Uploaded: 01 January 2015 Size: 3648 × 1888 (6.8 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Swedish advent wreath

Swedish advent wreath
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Taken: 01 January 2015 Uploaded: 01 January 2015 Size: 4136 × 2616 (10.8 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Al Fursan display 4

Al Fursan display team, not quite in formation
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Taken: 15 February 2014 Uploaded: 02 January 2015 Size: 4608 × 3456 (15.9 MP)

Two wooden cats and one real cat (1)

Can you guess which one is real?
(Full size image)

Taken: 02 January 2015 Uploaded: 02 January 2015 Size: 3160 × 2984 (9.4 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Three AAA Batteries and one AA Battery

Three AAA Batteries and one AA Battery
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Taken: 02 January 2015 Uploaded: 02 January 2015 Size: 920 × 1044 (0.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

The Progress of Music

The Progress of Music
(Full size image)

Taken: 02 January 2015 Uploaded: 02 January 2015 Size: 4320 × 3240 (13.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Four gulls flying and one standing

Four gulls flying and one standing.jpg
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Taken: 30 April 2012 Uploaded: 02 January 2015 Size: 4288 × 2848 (12.2 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Goldegger Schützen

Eine Formation der Goldegger Schützen, Goldegg im Pongau, Salzburg (state) Austria
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Taken: 01 January 2014 Uploaded: 02 January 2015 Size: 4253 × 2859 (12.1 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking


(Full size image)

Taken: 21 July 2013 Uploaded: 02 January 2015 Size: 2250 × 4000 (9.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Goldegger Perchtenlauf

Perchtenlauf, 1. Jänner 2015, Goldegg im Pongau, Salzburg (state), Austria
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Taken: 01 January 2014 Uploaded: 02 January 2015 Size: 5458 × 3609 (19.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Firefighters at the Coblenz Carnival 2015

Firefighter Coblenz Carnival
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Taken: 03 January 2015 Uploaded: 02 January 2015 Size: 1186 × 536 (0.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Military uniforms of Belgium

Military uniforms of Belgium
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Taken: 04 October 2014 Uploaded: 04 January 2015 Size: 4288 × 2848 (12.2 MP)

Murbrücke P1050329a

Liebesschlösser auf der Murbrücke in Graz
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Taken: 03 January 2015 Uploaded: 04 January 2015 Size: 2560 × 1920 (4.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Lachmöven und eine fliegt davon

Lachmöwen auf der Flucht
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Taken: 03 October 2014 Uploaded: 04 January 2015 Size: 4222 × 2623 (11.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Villeneuve d'Ascq.- Carthago

Troupe Carthago, les guerriers d'Hannibal, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
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Taken: 09 June 2014 Uploaded: 04 January 2015 Size: 3223 × 2050 (6.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Tour de France à Villleneuve d'Ascq 2014

Arrivée de la 4e étape du Tour de France 2014, à Villeneuve-d'Ascq
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Taken: 08 July 2014 Uploaded: 05 January 2015 Size: 3582 × 2409 (8.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking


The Queen of Hearts sucks!
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Taken: 05 January 2015 Uploaded: 05 January 2015 Size: 6000 × 4000 (24.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Classroom planking

Classroom planking
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Taken: 07 June 2011 Uploaded: 05 January 2015 Size: 2048 × 1536 (3.1 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking


Cuckoo's pawn
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Taken: 04 January 2015 Uploaded: 05 January 2015 Size: 5707 × 3999 (22.8 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Angoraziegen L1550147

Angoraziegen in der Corrèze (Frankreich)
(Full size image)

Taken: 21 April 2014 Uploaded: 05 January 2015 Size: 3648 × 2736 (9.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

soeben erloschene Kerze wo es noch glüht

soeben erloschene Kerze wo es noch glüht
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Taken: 05 January 2015 Uploaded: 05 January 2015 Size: 4109 × 2625 (10.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Car show models

car show models
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Taken: 14 June 2014 Uploaded: 06 January 2015 Size: 1024 × 683 (0.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Weihnachtsstern in Hartenstein. Sachsen. IMG 9505WI

Weihnachtsstern in Hartenstein. Sachsen.
(Full size image)

Taken: 18 December 2014 Uploaded: 06 January 2015 Size: 4517 × 2876 (12.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Prag-8 00008 (2)

(Full size image)

Taken: 14 December 2014 Uploaded: 06 January 2015 Size: 2000 × 3008 (6.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

San francisco China town

Chinatown_(San_Francisco) quartier de' San Francisco.- Californie, USA
(Full size image)

Taken: 28 April 2012 Uploaded: 06 January 2015 Size: 3537 × 3163 (11.1 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Le combat des titans

Who do you think I am? - And who do you think you are?
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Taken: 01 January 0001 Uploaded: 06 January 2015 Size: 796 × 518 (0.4 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Schnecken L1590299c

Littorina obtusata - viele kleine Strandschnecken und ein Dentalium vulgare (Gemeiner Elefantenzahn) in der Bretagne
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Taken: 14 September 2014 Uploaded: 07 January 2015 Size: 2799 × 2049 (5.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Mumbai Elephanta Seagulls

Mumbai Elephanta Seagulls
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Taken: 29 November 2014 Uploaded: 07 January 2015 Size: 3402 × 1564 (5.3 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Techfeast 2014 Mumbai

IIT Bombay Techfeast 2014
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Taken: 28 December 2014 Uploaded: 07 January 2015 Size: 4272 × 2848 (12.1 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Парк Царицыно, самка и самец кряквы

Anas platyrhynchos swimming in pond with a lot of yellow-green leaves and the only one red. [
(Full size image)

] Taken: 28 September 2012 Uploaded: 08 January 2015 Size: 3072 × 2304 (7.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Mother's pants

Mother`s pants
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Taken: 23 May 2011 Uploaded: 08 January 2015 Size: 3538 × 2664 (9.4 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Dog and boats

Dogs and boats
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Taken: 09 June 2012 Uploaded: 08 January 2015 Size: 3996 × 2542 (10.1 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Cardinal, Tanager, Finchs

A Northern Cardinal, Scarlet Tanager and two Purple Finch
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Taken: 14 May 2014 Uploaded: 10 January 2015 Size: 2945 × 2208 (6.5 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Pygmy cormorant and gulls

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Taken: 10 January 2015 Uploaded: 10 January 2015 Size: 2000 × 1272 (2.5 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Strandkörbe östlich von Kiel

Beach chairs
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Uploaded: 10 January 2015 Size: 3990 × 2725 (10.8 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Villeneuve d'Ascq Parc d'activité de la Haute Borne

Drapeaux en berne à Villeneuve-d'Ascq, le 11 janvier 2015.
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Taken: 11 January 2015 Uploaded: 11 January 2015 Size: 2885 × 2297 (6.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Ten chicken eggs

10 Hühnereier
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Taken: 11 January 2015 Uploaded: 11 January 2015 Size: 2048 × 1536 (3.1 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Planta en la linea blanca del camino

Plant growing through the road line markings.<bɾ />Planta creciendo en la linea blanca del camino.
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Taken: 10 January 2006 Uploaded: 11 January 2015 Size: 1280 × 960 (1.2 MP)

2012 11 30 010 Weihnachtsmarkt

Umgefallener Schokokuss
Overturned chocolate kiss
(Full size image)

Taken: 30 November 2012 Uploaded: 12 January 2015 Size: 3258 × 2160 (7.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

2008 11 30 025 Weinberg

Vertrocknetes und abstehendes Staubblatt einer Hagebutte
Dried up and protruding stamen of a rose hip
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Taken: 30 November 2008 Uploaded: 12 January 2015 Size: 2788 × 2160 (6.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Guns small and bigger

Guns, from big to small
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Taken: 12 January 2015 Uploaded: 12 January 2015 Size: 3474 × 1956 (6.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Cat and mice on computer chair

Cat and mice
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Taken: 12 January 2015 Uploaded: 12 January 2015 Size: 4288 × 3216 (13.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Thalersee IMG 0122-1a

ducks and boat on the Thalersee near Graz, Austria in autumn
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Taken: 26 October 2006 Uploaded: 13 January 2015 Size: 2592 × 1944 (5.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

2006 09 06 111 Urlaub Ruegen

Strandkörbe am Hauptstrand von Sellin
Beach chairs on the main beach of Sellin
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Taken: 06 September 2006 Uploaded: 13 January 2015 Size: 3840 × 1488 (5.7 MP)

Raja Angkor Siemréab, Cambodge

Chiot du Raja Angkor, Siem_Reap, Cambodge
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Taken: 28 January 2014 Uploaded: 13 January 2015 Size: 2836 × 1597 (4.5 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Dancers in Wiki camp

Dancers in Wiki camp 2015
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Taken: 09 January 2015 Uploaded: 13 January 2015 Size: 2856 × 2144 (6.1 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

2012 08 05 030 Tomaten

Kirschtomaten, eine ohne Fruchtstiel.
Cherry tomatoes, one without fruit peduncle.
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Taken: 05 August 2012 Uploaded: 14 January 2015 Size: 3256 × 2160 (7.0 MP)

Schwibbogen in Seiffen. IMG 4891WI

Scwibbogen in Seiffen. Erzgebirgskreis. Sachsen.
(Full size image)

Taken: 14 December 2013 Uploaded: 14 January 2015 Size: 4543 × 3080 (13.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

3 plus 1

Three white stones, one black one.
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Taken: 22 January 2014 Uploaded: 15 January 2015 Size: 2880 × 1234 (3.5 MP)

C2014 Q2 Lovejoy, Pleiades e Hiades

Many stars of the Taurus constellation, but only one comet, the greenish Lovejoy (left).
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Taken: 15 January 2015 Uploaded: 16 January 2015 Size: 2592 × 1728 (4.4 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Sonnengratbahn, Schmittenhöhe

A single skier and many empty chairs
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Taken: 13 January 2015 Uploaded: 16 January 2015 Size: 4627 × 3169 (14.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Watering cans

One headless watering can together with others off duty
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Taken: 30 June 2013 Uploaded: 16 January 2015 Size: 4078 × 1557 (6.3 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Artificial tulips

Artificial tulips
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Taken: 16 January 2015 Uploaded: 16 January 2015 Size: 4749 × 3169 (15.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Artificial roses

Artificial roses
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Taken: 16 January 2015 Uploaded: 16 January 2015 Size: 3359 × 3367 (11.3 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Scrabble Outliers

Scrabble [
(Full size image)

] Taken: 17 January 2015 Uploaded: 16 January 2015 Size: 3740 × 3303 (12.3 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Lovebird outlier

Lovebird outlier
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Taken: 25 July 2014 Uploaded: 17 January 2015 Size: 2800 × 1629 (4.5 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking


Bulb fields in the Netherlands
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Taken: 18 April 2009 Uploaded: 17 January 2015 Size: 1728 × 2304 (3.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Марш мира Москва 21 сент 2014 L1450230

Gigantesque anti-war and anti-Putin MARCH OF PEACE in Moscow, 21 September 2014
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Taken: 21 September 2014 Uploaded: 17 January 2015 Size: 2223 × 1600 (3.5 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Red chillies between green

red chilli between green ones
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Taken: 18 January 2015 Uploaded: 18 January 2015 Size: 3023 × 1447 (4.3 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Ervatamia coramaria

flower in a different posture
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Taken: 18 January 2015 Uploaded: 18 January 2015 Size: 2356 × 1464 (3.4 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Kreuzkogel Sportgastein

location shooting
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Taken: 09 February 2011 Uploaded: 18 January 2015 Size: 2994 × 2291 (6.8 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Cimice verde su mirto bianco maturo appena raccolto

A green stink bug (likely Nezara Virdula) lying on a berry of white myrtle harvested in a garden in Macomer.
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Taken: 25 December 2014 Uploaded: 18 January 2015 Size: 4500 × 3000 (13.5 MP)

Lone tulip near tidal basin Washington DC April 2013

Early blooming tulip near tidal basin in Washington, DC
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Taken: 10 April 2013 Uploaded: 18 January 2015 Size: 4000 × 3000 (12.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Peugeot, two white 206 and one grey 207

Peugeot, two white 206 and one grey 207
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Taken: 01 January 2015 Uploaded: 20 January 2015 Size: 4288 × 2848 (12.2 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Церемония возложения венков.An der Zeremonie der Kranzniederlegung.Wreath-laying ceremony. IMG 2425WI

Aufgenommen in Sant-Petersburg, Russland.
(Full size image)

Taken: 01 August 2014 Uploaded: 20 January 2015 Size: 5184 × 3456 (17.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Bergmännerbekleidung. IMG 9976WI

Aufgenommen in Annaberg-Buchholz.Bergparade im Dezember 2014.
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Taken: 21 December 2014 Uploaded: 20 January 2015 Size: 3572 × 2169 (7.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Pinces à linge plastique

Plastic clothes pegs.
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Taken: 21 January 2015 Uploaded: 21 January 2015 Size: 6016 × 4000 (24.0 MP)

New car with old cars in habana

New car with old Lada cars.
(Full size image)

Taken: 19 January 2015 Uploaded: 22 January 2015 Size: 3888 × 2592 (10.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking


Pigs eating whey. One has had enough.
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Taken: 27 July 2011 Uploaded: 24 January 2015 Size: 3996 × 2725 (10.8 MP)


obstructed view at Buckingham Palace, changing of the Guard
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Taken: 24 January 2015 Uploaded: 25 January 2015 Size: 3072 × 2040 (6.2 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Listvianka.- les omouls fumés du lac Baîkal

Omouls fumés du lac Baîkal à Listvianka (Sibérie)
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Taken: 02 September 2011 Uploaded: 26 January 2015 Size: 3949 × 3000 (11.8 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Diners with waiter

Servant (liveried) and diners
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Taken: 04 April 2014 Uploaded: 26 January 2015 Size: 1530 × 900 (1.3 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Cold colours in hot summer

White inflorescence among blue inflorescences
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Taken: 11 June 2014 Uploaded: 26 January 2015 Size: 1600 × 800 (1.2 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Several bravehearts

Bravehearts group and one braver
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Taken: 07 July 2014 Uploaded: 26 January 2015 Size: 1100 × 1100 (1.2 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Welcome, summer!

Backward bathing
(Full size image)

Taken: 13 July 2014 Uploaded: 26 January 2015 Size: 1050 × 700 (0.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Agricultural machines

Farmyard with two tractors and … plane
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Taken: 13 July 2014 Uploaded: 26 January 2015 Size: 1190 × 700 (0.8 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Summer idyll

Black cow among brown cows
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Taken: 13 July 2014 Uploaded: 26 January 2015 Size: 910 × 700 (0.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Swimming school

Exceptional teacher of dog-style swimming
(Full size image)

Taken: 29 July 2014 Uploaded: 26 January 2015 Size: 1620 × 900 (1.4 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Pikku-Vesijarvi Park2

Big fountain among small fountains
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Taken: 30 July 2014 Uploaded: 26 January 2015 Size: 3400 × 1700 (5.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Steps away from road

Steps away from road
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Taken: 01 January 2015 Uploaded: 26 January 2015 Size: 3000 × 3000 (9.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Eier im Becher

Boiled eggs
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Taken: 26 January 2015 Uploaded: 27 January 2015 Size: 3264 × 2448 (7.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Taças grandes e uma pequena


(Full size image)

Taken: 03 January 2015 Uploaded: 28 January 2015 Size: 2423 × 1612 (3.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

White fish

White fish between ordinaries fishes
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Taken: 05 October 2012 Uploaded: 28 January 2015 Size: 4000 × 3000 (12.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Lucky in the right direction

Only one lucky guy in right direction
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Taken: 31 May 2011 Uploaded: 28 January 2015 Size: 4000 × 3000 (12.0 MP)

Shoe trees

Shoe trees
(Full size image)

Taken: 18 January 2015 Uploaded: 28 January 2015 Size: 2500 × 1711 (4.2 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

NET-Margraten-American Cemetery 04

Grave markers in the Netherlands American Cemetery - crosses and a star
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Taken: 10 April 2014 Uploaded: 29 January 2015 Size: 7500 × 5712 (42.8 MP)

Ramo se destaca


(Full size image)

Taken: 03 January 2015 Uploaded: 29 January 2015 Size: 1560 × 1040 (1.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Sifones en Buenos Aires 03

Five blue soda siphons, and one green one.
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Taken: 04 January 2015 Uploaded: 29 January 2015 Size: 2592 × 1728 (4.4 MP)

Viejas botellas de Coca Cola 01

Four old Coca-Cola bottles.
(Full size image)

Taken: 04 January 2015 Uploaded: 29 January 2015 Size: 2529 × 1684 (4.2 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Missing brick

Missing brick
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Taken: 06 January 2015 Uploaded: 29 January 2015 Size: 2358 × 1572 (3.7 MP)

One brown pigeon 02

Only one brown pigeon
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Taken: 05 January 2015 Uploaded: 29 January 2015 Size: 2592 × 1728 (4.4 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Apfelspalten 4489

One piece is unbaken
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Taken: 01 January 2015 Uploaded: 29 January 2015 Size: 5184 × 3456 (17.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

W2349-Toyota AygoSandwichDuster 3645N8

(Full size image)

Taken: 28 November 2014 Uploaded: 30 January 2015 Size: 3985 × 1704 (6.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

W2350-Uno 96458

(Full size image)

Taken: 25 January 2015 Uploaded: 30 January 2015 Size: 4752 × 3168 (15.0 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Hojas del Gomero de la Recoleta

Leaves of the "Gomero de la Recoleta", a famous tree which is now over 200 years old, located in Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Taken: 07 January 2015 Uploaded: 31 January 2015 Size: 2337 × 1555 (3.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking


Only one mallard is female, only one mallard is completely brownish and only one mallard is interfering with the male mallard "triangle".
(Full size image)

Taken: 26 January 2015 Uploaded: 31 January 2015 Size: 3901 × 3453 (13.4 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking


Möwe unter Kormoranen an der winterlich schönen grauen Donau
(Full size image)

Taken: 31 January 2015 Uploaded: 31 January 2015 Size: 4115 × 2313 (9.5 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking


Kormoran unter Möwen an der winterlich schönen grauen Donau
(Full size image)

Taken: 31 January 2015 Uploaded: 31 January 2015 Size: 4342 × 2443 (10.6 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Марш мира Москва 21 сент 2014 L1450789 MAGIC SMILE

Gigantesque anti-war and anti-Putin MARCH OF PEACE in Moscow, 21 September 2014
(Full size image)

Taken: 21 September 2014 Uploaded: 31 January 2015 Size: 2133 × 1600 (3.4 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Graz Mehlplatz P1050343a

Graz Mehlplatz 4, Fassade um 1708, Stuckrelief ‚Maria mit Kind'
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Taken: 03 January 2015 Uploaded: 31 January 2015 Size: 2560 × 1920 (4.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Windräder in Sachsen. Erzgebirgskreis. IMG 2477WI

Windräder. Erzgebirgskreis. Sachsen. Zwischen Hohndorf und Gersdorf.
(Full size image)

Taken: 26 January 2015 Uploaded: 31 January 2015 Size: 4354 × 2724 (11.8 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Erholungsort Oelsnitz. Erzgebirgskreis. Sachsen. IMG 1802WI

Erholungsort Oelsnitz. Erzgebirgskreis. Sachsen.Auf dem Weg zum Glückauf Turm.
(Full size image)

Taken: 13 January 2015 Uploaded: 31 January 2015 Size: 3456 × 5184 (17.9 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

Sacada se destaca em Buenos Aires

Balcony stands out in a monotonous facade in Buenos Aires
(Full size image)

Taken: 06 January 2015 Uploaded: 31 January 2015 Size: 1577 × 2366 (3.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking

22:27, 7 February 2015 (UTC)

Schaf und Lämmer. IMG 9163WI

Schaf und Lämmer. Aufgenommen in Hohndorf. Erzgebirgskreis. Sachsen.
(Full size image)

Taken: 22 February 2014 Uploaded: 31 January 2015 Size: 3961 × 2977 (11.7 MP)

Current votes – please choose your own winners before looking