Commons:Upload Wizard feedback/Archive/2011/01

Uploading of image data fails


At the Upload step this error is displayed. The standard upload page works.

/media/platte/klausfotos2006/digifoto_1999-2005.09.18/199912/1999.12.20 coldstream/dscf0358.jpg
The server returned an error we did not understand: "permissiondenied"

Long path name or space in file name or yet something else? -- Klaus with K (talk) 17:56, 12 January 2011 (UTC) P.S. maybe related to bug 26076? -- Klaus with K (talk) 18:00, 12 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

My understanding is that the UploadWizard doesn't handle the title blacklist correctly yet. The blacklist prevents filenames like this (standard digital camera filenames); you'll have to give the file a more informative name for it to not die.--Eloquence (talk) 21:53, 12 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Yes, the file names on my storage match the title blacklist. I assumed that UploadWizard gives you the chance to choose new names as in Upload file. Usually I rename at upload time, first renaming then uploading is the exception. -- Klaus with K (talk) 21:06, 13 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
P.S. with another name one gets further, but stalls at this stage:
Getting file information and previews...

--Klaus with K (talk) 21:30, 13 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

I'd like to try to reproduce that, do you mind sending me the image at erik(at)wikimedia(dot)org?--Eloquence (talk) 04:54, 14 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Not this very file, but already uploaded File:Coldstream Bridge02 2000-01-03.jpg should be very similar. -- Klaus with K (talk) 13:16, 14 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
This definitely looks like bug 26076. guillom 09:34, 14 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
P.S. is changing the file name on upload foreseen as an UploadWizard feature? -- Klaus with K (talk) 13:16, 14 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
You can change the filename by editing the "title" field on step 3 or the upload wizard. I appreciate it's not obvious for experienced users, who have been used to editing the filename, but we think it makes more sense for new users. guillom 09:50, 16 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, I was expecting this rename option, but never got beyond step 2. So I already encoutered two bugs, (1) the title blacklist matching the original name before rename (2) bug 26076 (Firefox on Suse 10.3 Linux machine in my case). P.S. Is there a list of what happens at what step in the upload wizard? -- Klaus with K (talk) 11:28, 20 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Not a list per se, but I can break it down for you here. (1) Upload a file; should succeed as long as the file could POTENTIALLY be added to commons. (2) set a license, or, in the case of multiple files, choose to choose individually for each file. (3) Details -- everything else; set the title, description, license if deferred, date, other info, geo data (when we get that working), categories. (4) thanks and links to your files. NeilK (talk) 08:23, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

New user feedback


See Commons:Help_desk#MEADOWLARK_BOTANICAL_GARDENS_-_Uploaded_photo. --  Docu  at 11:42, 13 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, but... how is this relevant? guillom 09:33, 14 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
They wrote: "I uploaded an image that I took [..]. How I did it still remains a mystery to me. Pretty complicated process you folks have.". Cheers. -- User:Docu
It's fortunate we have a new upload system then, to replace the current "pretty complicated process" ;) guillom 12:33, 14 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
Indeed. I'm still wondering how that user ended up on the basic upload form. --  Docu  at 08:26, 15 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Unordered Bugs and Hints again


See my old list of bugs and hints. I tried again but it seems almost nothing has changed.

  1. It's possible to remove a file while upload is in progress. If I do this very strange things happen. The upload does not stop. The add button is displayed after removing the last file but nothing happens when I try to press the button. (Tested with Opera.)
  2. I tried to upload some large files but I'm always stuck in step 2. The upload progress never reaches 100%. Maybe it is because the file names are “IMG_1234.JPG” but if this is a problem an error message should be displayed before the upload starts or it should be possible to rename the files later. (Tested with Opera.)
  3. Uploading smaller files seem to work. I choose the option to enter individual descriptions. But then I'm stuck in step 4. Nothing happens when pressing the next button. No error is displayed in the Opera error console.
  4. It should be possible to go back, at least from step 4 to step 3.

I agree, it would be nice to have an easy to use upload tool for newbies. But the tool is completely broken and can not be used at all. I start to think I'm wasting my time testing this thing. --TMg 10:29, 17 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

You're not wasting your time at all; we do appreciate all your feedback. However, there is only one developer working on this project, and many bugs are not trivial to fix. If the current bugs are preventing you from using the upload wizard (which is also my case; I can't use it, because of bug 26076), I suggest you continue to use the "old" upload system while work is being done to fix and improve the new one. guillom 10:56, 17 January 2011 (UTC)Reply
I'm a nerd, I will always use the old system. I'm testing because I would like to suggest it for people who are new to Wikipedia and Commons. --TMg 15:00, 19 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Date and other comments

The upload form is tempting to state the upload date instead of the real date of creation (e. g. taken of the photo). I think, empty field would be more suitable than false creation date, if the real creation date is not stated.
The upload dialog should give more links and possibilities to full-value description and shouldn't be tempting or forcing to provide deficient one.
The language select dialog should offer as default languages two fields: English and the language according to settings of uploader's PC and personal setting of wiki. The current way of language select from the list sorted according to Unicode (?) is very impractical. --ŠJů (talk) 16:30, 14 February 2011 (UTC)Reply
Agreed that the language picker is impractical. Guillaume and I came up with a concept for a Universal Language Picker but I have not had time to implement it. There also is a possibility to have a compromise where one can simply have suggested-text entry for the current list, but I haven't tested the usability there so I am reluctant to enable it at this late date. NeilK (talk) 08:22, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Upload Wizard test


0) The cartoon on the first page (learn) looks good.

Thanks. The artist is Michael Bartalos and he is allowing us to CC-license it. Check out the different language versions that User:Guillom and the community have worked on! NeilK (talk) 08:54, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

1) The Learn > Upload > Release rights > Describe > Use sequence looks counterintuitive. I would rather describe, provide source and

license first, and not upload until I am sure I have been able to describe the file with whatever is requested.

I think this idea is worthy of testing. We settled on upload first, but we still have orientation first, which delves a little bit into licensing. Maybe we could combine steps 1 & 3 into 1. Sigh, 1.1? NeilK (talk) 08:54, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

2) After Upload, I would like to cancel. Where is the cancel button ?

Other people have mentioned this too -- the idea that maybe you made a mistake, and now what? I don't have a good idea about this yet. On the other hand if the big tutorial image didn't orient you as to what's going on I'm not sure what is going to stop you. That said you're right, there should be some sort of escape hatch. NeilK (talk) 08:54, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

4) The "back" button in the navigation bar of Firefox is not working.

Not being able to go back or to cancel while it is not too late makes me feel uncomfortable.

5) After doing such things as clicking on "back" on my Firefox navigation bar, and "Forward", The "next" button at the bottom of "Learn" is disabled (shown in a very light grey color, not clickable any longer). Even clicking [F5] to reload the page does not solve the problem. I have to go to the main page and click on "upload file" again to have the "next" button work again.

I am sorry that forward and back does not work yet. It is possible to make it work in newer browsers but I spend too much time getting the old ones to even do the basic flow. :( NeilK (talk) 08:54, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

6) The advice to use "your real name" instead of your wiki user name should be removed. If a famous painter uploads one of his paintings using his own name, that will not be enough evidence that he is really that painter and not an imposter. Conversely, people who want to have their full real name shown, should open a user account with that full real name on Commons. Letting people use alternative names different from their user account name makes things too complicated and may be a source of misunderstanding.

Um, good faith? In any case the upload is still tied to the user, it's just the license template parameter that is changing. I don't see a bug here. NeilK (talk) 08:54, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

7) The "title" field is not writing any extension (such as .jpg) It is not clear whether I need to add .jpg or if the software will automatically detect it from my computer.

It's automated. But it's true we don't make that clear. Some people have suggested adding ghost text or a ".JPG" outside the field...

8) I agree with the user who said that the incentive to use today's date as "created date" might be a source of wrong dates. The default should be "I don't know". Other options such as "date published", or "date sculpted", "date photographed", etc... would be good (but the proper place to discuss this is probably Template talk:Information rather than here.

Okay it's clear that nobody likes automatically adding dates, even though I think they are important to give people SOME idea of when this thing was uploaded (without going into upload history). By the way, if your image has an EXIF date, it does automatically use that, but I assume this is not controversial. NeilK (talk) 08:54, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

9) There seems to be a small syntax problem after <otherinfo>. A line break is needed before the "licensing" section name. See

hm, I thought we fixed that. On my TODO to check again

10)"To link to it in HTML, copy this URL address:" should provide a html code similar to the one found in the "use this file" link currently provided on Commons in a header above the file.

ok, sounds like a good idea to standardize NeilK (talk) 08:54, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

11) After clicking "upload more files", the "next" button at the bottom of the "learn" page is disabled as I said in 5) above.

I think you must have been using the wrong branch -- try /wiki/ not /uwd/ NeilK (talk) 08:54, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

12) I am trying to upload the same file again (with exactly the same name) : the upload is never ending. Maybe it means that my file has been recognized as a duplicate ? And is therefore refused ? Or does that mean the server is down ? Or that my internet connection is down ?

Try it now - be sure to use /wiki/ not /uwd/ NeilK (talk) 08:54, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

13) I have clicked the "remove" button. Then "select a media file" shows up. However I can click on this a number of times, but nothing happens. The page seems to be frozen.

Known bug :( NeilK (talk) 08:54, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

14) The default creative commons BYSA with no clear version name, no legal code provided system is not good. I think people should have an opportunity to read the legal code before clicking the "next" button. Without such a clear agreement, the file is not clearly licensed and is therefore unfree. You should have a "I have read the Creative Commons BY SA 3.0 legal code" tick box, there. Some wording with "irrevocably" is perhaps necessary. The software should make the people feel that they are performing some legal action here. Some inspiration can be taken from software install tools, where you are requested to tick "I agree with the license" before the install can proceed.

Maybe I will stop here for today. I have not tried uploading 2 or more files, but I guess this is going to be the most interesting feature of this wizard.

The above was tested using Firefox/3.6.13.

Teofilo (talk) 18:25, 15 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

I agree that the Upload Wizard should give people the opportunity to learn something about the license they're using. Apart from the issues with the default license described by Teofilo, the options when you click "Use a different license" are leaving users completely in the dark regarding what these licenses mean. They should at least contain a link to the respective license so that those interested can learn about them - this wouldn't compromise the desired straightforwardness of the Upload Wizard, I think. Gestumblindi (talk) 19:45, 22 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

Upload Wizard didn't work for video file


I've tried to upload a 22 MB .ogv video file using Upload Wizard; however, it got stuck at the "Getting file information and previews..." stage (i.e. after the actual uploading, I suppose). I waited for approximately 20 minutes, but it stayed at "Getting file information and previews...", so I used the "Remove" link to cancel and uploaded the file in the "classical" way using Special:Upload, it's now at File:Saltstraumen.ogv. Tested with SeaMonkey 2.0.11 on Windows Vista. Gestumblindi (talk) 21:50, 21 February 2011 (UTC)Reply

Commons prototype site is very slow


The commons prototype site is very slow (for me). This site is slow for a week now. HenkvD (talk) 15:20, 12 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Seems solved HenkvD (talk) 19:10, 23 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

IE7 error


Although the prototype is very slow (see above) I for the first time managed to get passed the UploadWizard "steps" appear before styling before the Learning stage. I got to the Upload stage, and selected a file to upload. After pressing the "Upload" button, the spinning keeps spinning forever.
The script error is:

Line: 5404
Char: 1
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method
Code: 0

HenkvD (talk) 15:20, 12 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Seems solved too. I finally managed to upload my first image with the UploadWiazzard. HenkvD (talk) 19:11, 23 March 2011 (UTC)Reply



Just a small suggestion: it would be nice if the help tooltips (from the [?] signs) would disappear if we clicked anywhere on the page, not necessarily on the icons. This already happens with the calendar.

Also, since it supports multiple files, it would be great if we could select multiple files directly in the select file dialog. Otherwise it is still very cumpersome to upload more than a few files

Thirdly, it probably shouldn't upload the files until the data is filled (or at least it should place them in a temporary location, where they'd be deleted after a while if they're not edited). I've read some things about this functionality, so it is possibly already implemented, but from the user interface perspective nothing indicates that, and I thought it'd be worth to mention.

Apart from this, the system is very nicely done, congratulations! --Waldir talk 22:34, 22 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Upload wizard: Add a "cancel" button


I think it would be a good idea to have a "cancel upload" button at every step of the wizard so that users who decide e.g. at the licensing stage not to upload their images after all have a clear option and know that they have safely aborted their upload - I presume that the images are deleted from the queue after some time when users don't proceed and simply leave the page, but being able to expressly cancel would just "feel" better in my opinion. Gestumblindi (talk) 01:44, 23 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

I think that makes sense. I can imagine a case where a user doesn't really want to donate their work to Commons, and yet somehow got past all our filters. They would want some assurance that the uploaded file would be deleted. Added as bug 28333. NeilK (talk) 17:58, 30 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Internal Server Error


When I click on a thumbnail image in the Upload Wizard to see the larger image, I'm getting an Internal Server Error: "Cannot serve a file larger than 262144 bytes". Gestumblindi (talk) 01:46, 23 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

I'm on it. bugzilla:28316 -- NeilK (talk) 18:06, 30 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Filetype restriction warning


When attempting to upload a file without extension (such as a file named README), you do not get the file type restriction warning (instead nothing happens). --Jeroen De Dauw (talk) 15:05, 23 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Good catch. Fixed in r84734. NeilK (talk) 08:38, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Uploading a file with the same name?


I tried to upload an updated image with the same name (to overwite the existing one). See the results below, where the bold parts have room for improvements.

  • Same image, same name: This is blocked with good reason
The message is: There is another file already on the wiki with the same content
  • Same image, different name: this gives a nondescriptive error
The message is: Unknown error: "unknown
The message should als be: There is another file already on the wiki with the same content
I had these cases a bit backwards before. Try it now. NeilK (talk) 08:43, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
This is OK now. HenkvD (talk) 19:11, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
  • Updated image, same name: I am unable to overwite an exiting image
The message is: There is another file already on the wiki with the same content
A better message is: There is another file already on the wiki with the same name
I am also unable to contintue to upload and give it an other name.
  • Updated image, different name, then change title to old name
The message is: A file with the title "xxxx" exists already. Please change your title to something unique.
The Next button is still shown, after pressing the Next button the error disappers, but I am unable to continue.
  • The original Upload program had a button "Ignore warning and upload anyway". It does not seem possible to overwite an image on the Upload Wizzard.
We (Guillaume & I) believe that updating a file by uploading an image of the same name is highly unintuitive. So, if you try this via uploadwizard, although the MediaWiki believes it is a "warning", for all practical purposes, for UploadWizard it is a fatal error. There is already a specialized interface to replace an existing file on the File: page. NeilK (talk) 08:43, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
The original upload program detected a duplicate name, and uploaded anyway, but the resulting file had a different name 'Nl-de.PNG' versus 'Nl-de.png'. The extension on my disk is .PNG, but the Upload wizzard changed the extension to .png, and the original upload programs gets confused in these extentions.
Okay, that is a bit nasty, but really, you should not rely on the case sensitivity of the extension to make a filename distinct. Unless there is a use case I am missing here. NeilK (talk) 08:43, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
I was not trying to upload with a different extention. In fact I tried to upload exactly the same file. In the original upload program it kept the extention as on my disk. I suppose the UploadWizzard will convert all extensions to lowercase, in order to prevent future mixups. It would be good to implement that on the origianl upload program too.... HenkvD (talk) 19:11, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

HenkvD (talk) 19:03, 24 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

According to bug 27273, reuploading is no longer possible with the Special:UploadWizard. That has to be done the old-fashioned way (Special:Upload). :| TelCoNaSpVe :| 08:36, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
As stated above, we think "reuploading" is best done via the interface on the File: page of the file to be replaced. NeilK (talk) 08:43, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for all the answers. HenkvD (talk) 19:11, 25 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Bit of a straight jacket, but it might work ;-)

  1. Tried uploading 4 images at once: it uploaded them, but after adding individual descriptions etc and clicking to continue, it did the first one ok then came up with "mw.Api: unknown error" and 18:0251537 at the other edge of the screen (I think that was in square brackets). Haven't been able to repeat that though.
  2. When a file with all zero's for it's EXIF date is uploaded, it puts "30 Nov 1899" in the information template date field rather than leaving it blank.
  3. In the "Release rights box", having chosen "This file is not my own work" it says "The copyright holder of published under the following license(s):" which doesn't quite make sense.
  4. In the existing upload dialog I can tell it that I am uploading a derivative of existing work(s) on commons and it uses a nice tool to copy info from the original and get the license right. Nothing useful like that here.
  5. In upload dialog can't shift-select multiple files or select a whole directory/folder, instead have to add, add, add - a feature request I suppose :-)

--Tony Wills (talk) 05:45, 29 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the thorough testing!
1. I have no idea what that is. Strange. Please let me know if you can reproduce it.
2. bugzilla:26090, known bug that insane dates are handled poorly.
3. I see this text, in English: "The copyright holder of this work published it under the following license(s):". Can you show me a screenshot of that?
4. you're right, derivative works aren't covered in this iteration. Not sure if we had a plan for them.
5. I really want this feature too... we are focused a lot on getting the "minimum" version out, but it's architected so that this kind of feature should be easy-ish to add for browsers that can handle it.
NeilK (talk) 18:13, 30 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
3. I should have been more explicit - the "release rights box" when annotating each file individually when uploading multiple files. PS currently the prototype wiki is very, very, very slow. --Tony Wills (talk) 20:47, 30 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
  • Just a user psychology question: when doing the initial actual upload of images, it displays a message something like "upload complete" (can't give the exact wording as prototype is very, very, very slow at the moment, stalling during the actual file upload :-) and displays a button to "continue". I am wondering whether this will induce any new users into thinking that their work is done and instead of hitting the "continue" button they might go away. --Tony Wills (talk) 20:47, 30 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
We never saw that in our user testing. The "arrows" make it clear that this is a multi-stage process. We could do better by adding numbers, which is something I've been meaning to do if I ever get a day to just polish CSS & HTML. NeilK (talk) 21:05, 30 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Feedback: hilight of a few remaining interaction design issues


Hi. I've just tested the upload wizard prototype, in a similar way that we do a user testing. Simply, instead of speaking the issues I encountered, I wrote them down. Most of the testing went fine, and demonstrated that the upload wizard has a high level of usability. However, I still encountered a few issues with interaction design. The testing was done with Firefox 4.0 on Vista, and I'm an experienced commons user.

  1. "After logging in, when I arrived at Special:UploadWizard I felt surprised because the page was empty. I felt like I was at the wrong place, or something. I thought maybe some AJAX script was loading, and check if there was a spinning wheel on the tab in my browser. There was a spinning wheel on Firefox's tab, so I waited."
    • Analysis afterwards: This was a slight issue on FF4, but not every browser is as quick as Firefox to execute JavaScript. Not every user is familiar enough with his browser to check instinctively the loading status of the page. This is an important issue, especially since the user might feel that the page is empty and might want to leave thinking he was at the wrong place. It can be solved easily using a usual spinning wheel like: File:Loading 2 transparent.gif
  2. "As a Wikipedian knowledgeable about commons and licences, I felt the instructions at the first page were particularly summarized, clear and readable. I enjoyed reading it. However, I couldn't figure out how to go to the next page. I scrolled until the bottom of the image, but not further as I did not expected to find anything under the image. I looked around, and tried clicking the "Upload" text indicated as the next step. It did not worked, and I felt I was blocked. I tried scrolling again, and ultimately found the "next" button.
    • Analysis afterwards: the horizontal grey line at the bottom of the image indicates that this is the bottom of the page. And it makes the space between the image and the button bigger, with reduces the chances to see the button. Removing the horizontal line will improve the situation. Another solution is to place the button at the top right of the page next to the image, as it will be seen immediately by users with a resolution of 1024x786 and higher. However, I understand it might defy the purpose, as the user might click the button immediately and skip the instructions.
  3. "During the upload of the image, I felt like I wanted to know how long the upload might take, to know if I should wait or do something else in the meantime."
    • Analysis afterwards: A progress bar indicating the status of the upload might be more appropriate than a spinning wheel.

The rest of the process went smoothly. I hope it helps. Dodoïste (talk) 20:25, 3 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Re: spinner, yes, we know about this and it's in our to-do list already
Re: horizontal line, I agree with the suggestion to remove it; perhaps the button should also be bigger. We're exploring other options as well, but I definitely want us to be careful not to make it too easy to skip the tutorial.
Re: progress bar, NeilK has looked into this extensively and may be able to answer what's possible. Note that there is a progress bar for multi-file uploads.--Eloquence (talk) 18:19, 5 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
Re: spinner, easily solved, should appear on prototype soon.
Re: horizontal line, you're right, the wizard isn't really "integrated". Normally in wizard interfaces there is a "hi this is a wizard" welcome page where one gets acquainted with the concept of clicking through the steps. The next/previous buttons are clearly associated with the progress steps somehow. This is especially broken because the tutorial is vertically very long.
Re: progress bar, totally can do this today in most browsers that serious Internet users are using (Chrome, Firefox). We could have done it in IE but then we would have to use Flash, which the WMF isn't keen on, since it's non-free. So, we are targeting a minimum feature set for 1.0, that's compatible with IE6 without Flash. And that means the best we can do is a spinner, without a guess about how long the upload will take. For multiple files I have a very cheesy algorithm to guess how long they will take, but it doesn't kick in until the first file is uploaded. The HTML5-style upload progress bar cannot come too soon. NeilK (talk) 00:58, 6 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
  1. Spinner: Cool, I just saw this new spinner. It's perfect. :-)
  2. horizontal line: this line is useless. It creates a significant problem at the first page with the image. On other pages, it potentially can confuse readers for an instant. Such a horizontal line marks the end of something, the following is not related. I suppose the significant space between the content and the "next" button also play a role in this, according to the "law of proximity" of the Gestalt's laws. My guess it that this horizontal line can be safely removed.
    • "learn" step: The "next" button should be seen immediately, but is not to be used early as the user must read instructions first. I suggest using a timer, or a countdown. For example, the "next" button could be a the top and bottom of the "learn" image - greyed out with a countdown of 30-60 seconds. The countdown comes with an text that says "please read instructions first". I hope this suggestion helps.
  3. "progress bar": I understand the constraints, I'll try to wait until the death of IE6. Thought it won't be happening any time soon because IE9 is not supported on Windows XP - sight. Could by any chance this HTML 5 progress bar be seen as a W:progressive enhancement? IE6 users can have the spinner, modern browsers users can be rewarded with the HTML5 progress bar. Yours, Dodoïste (talk) 20:53, 9 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Feedback using the wizard on Ubuntu


Hello, I tried to use the wizard to upload 6 images at once from my Laptop: Ubuntu 10.04, Firefox 3.6.13, JavaScript is enabled.

  • For every image to add to the upload-list, i had to click on "Add another file". Since they all were located in the same folder on my HD, it would have been great to be able to add multiple files at once by using the common CTRL+click and/or SHIFT+click
  • When I finally clicked on "Upload" all that happened was that "Uploading..." appeared below the first image and that little "wheel" rotating next to it, plus the estimated time for the upload increasing. I gave up when it reached 30 min. (Same things happens when I only try one file, but without the estimatesd upload-time appearing)

The last one might have to do with the proxy of my university, but for the "old fashioned" way of uploading this has never been a problem and afair Commonist works fine from here too. Greetings --El Grafo (talk) 08:40, 4 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

PS: I usually use https, but does not work with http either. --El Grafo (talk) 08:43, 4 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
PPS: Same problem with Midori 0.2.2 instead of Firefox; with Konqueror 4.4.5 the "Select a media file to Upload"-button doesn't do anything (the button in the old upload form works fine). --El Grafo (talk) 09:00, 4 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
Hi El Grafo. Can you tell me something about the files you were trying to upload? In any case, your complaints about lack of interactivity & lack of ability to shift-click multiple files are well taken. (They bug me a lot too.) This version, we are really targeting a minimum set of features that work everywhere (including IE6) so we haven't yet put any HTML5 features in, which will hopefully solve those issues. NeilK (talk) 00:51, 6 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
Hi NeilK, the files were just some JPG files from my camera. Nothing special except maybe the extension was *.JPG instead of *.jpg. --El Grafo (talk) 12:35, 6 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
OK, i think I've found the problem: The filenames started with DSCNxxx, which ist not allowed at commmons. After renaming one of the files I was able to upload it, so there seems to be a problem with blacklisted filenames. Greetings, --El Grafo (talk) 12:50, 6 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Now that I was able to upload a file, there is another thing I am missing: When you reach the "Use"-step, there is no direct link to the image description page. Most new users probably wouldn't care about that, but personally, I would like to check the description page after uploading media and add the file to my watchlist. But all in all: Well done! --El Grafo (talk) 13:08, 6 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Updated commons.prototype


We updated the UploadWizard interface at .

There are a number of interface bugs fixed, many of which even affect browsers released in this decade. But the biggest new thing is a new license picker.

  • Different license list for ownwork case and third-party case
  • Fancy icons, headings, explanations
  • Very configurable, behind the scenes, without being as insane as MediaWiki:Licenses. (Right now it works via LocalSettings.php, but this method can work through the frontend too... stay tuned)

There's also a feedback form visible now -- it's a work in progress.

We (Kaldari and I) continue to work on this... NeilK (talk) 05:35, 6 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Blacklisted file names


There is no feedback when trying to upload a file with a generic camera name that is on the blacklist. The spinners showing upload progress continue to spin and the upload time increases indefinitely. This is because the file name is blacklisted and can't even be temporarily uploaded. But this prevents someone from uploading images from a camera and giving them more specific names later on. This is a major issue. People will just give up and not upload at all. Nothing appears to even detail the problem and this completely inhibits the wizard's approach. Even asking them to rename the file and then upload may turn some people off. Feedback needs to be provided and/or temporary uploads should not be governed by the title blacklist. – Adrignola talk 15:20, 7 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

I second that (see above). It would be good to get at least an error message, but it would be even better to allow uploading such files and then make the uploader change the filename. Or both of it: First a warning message that says "We don't like that filename. You may upload it, but you will have to change the name in the next step" and then, if the uploader doesn't change it, an error message that says "dammit, I told you to to change that freakin' name" ;-). Greetings, --El Grafo (talk) 10:06, 8 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

creates a duplicate extention without warning and pngs bigger than 1MB


File:Fujitsu_ext_CD_(named_MiniCD).png.png since I changed the "title" to blabla.png. As one is used to. The wizard should warn.

It seems it cannot display pngs after upload (if you want to check that you have uploaded the correct file) - error message telling that it is bigger than 1048878 bytes (or so). Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 18:13, 7 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Upload wizard - error


When adding language description "Serbian cyrilic" it make false result with template sr-1 or the end in description page. Mile (talk) 08:36, 8 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Looks like Serbian cyrilic is "Cрпска (ћирилица)" in the dropdown. Kaldari (talk) 18:47, 8 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
Bug filed: Kaldari (talk) 22:55, 8 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Cannot continue


When I uploaded an svg file, the continue button didn't work. I am using Firefox 4 on Windows 7 in Chinese. Caiguanhao (talk) 11:37, 8 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Upload Wizard looks sweet, except ...


I love the Wizard, it makes uploading multiple files soooo much easier.

I noticed three bugs:

  • While picking the files which I want to upload, in IE7 the font size in the small window is so huge that I cannot read the text.
  • While picking the files I was able to pick more files after I had already uploaded one, but could not upload them.
  • Wizard does not notice if you upload the same file twice. No error during upload, but hangs later when trying the submit the description and categories. Tetris L (talk) 12:31, 8 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Excellent improvement - but also provide live hyperlinks at the end to the pages for the uploaded files -- Jtneill - Talk 13:53, 8 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

If you click on the thumbnail image on the thanks page it takes you to the file description page, but we should probably provide a more obvious link. Kaldari (talk) 18:19, 8 April 2011 (UTC)Reply



I was circulated on the "Learn" graphics when they were being developed, so I apologize that I had no time then to make this comment (no one's fault but my own). But the reference to one's own photographs of old building, statues and art, "usually over 150 years old", is not helpful. I'm not sure where "150 years old" came from, but the reference is (at best) misleading. We are better off without the "Learn" component than giving terrible and incorrect advice such as this. Skeezix1000 (talk) 15:46, 8 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Works good, more later


Tried again for first time in a month or two. Now works well. Before didn't work. Some quirkiness with categories, but that might be me Smallbones (talk) 16:11, 8 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

upload wizard


This feature is great. But I couldn't find my way back to the page - even searching for Upload Wizard Wikipedia Commons and got other stuff.

Also it didn't upload many of my photos even though they were correctly tagged/

I would sure like the right URL for this page.

thanks, and keep working on this function

Airbornemondial (talk) 00:36, 9 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

A live, working version is at Special:UploadWizard which you can use to upload your files to Commons. However, I am not sure it is the latest version. If/when the Wizard is finished/ready for broad use then it will be linked prominently in the standard upload form (or maybe even replace it in the standard settings). Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 01:40, 9 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

no title change possible


Upload gives my desktop title, my personal coding title, but i want to give the commons file a descriptive title withiout changing my desk top title. Havang(nl) (talk) 09:00, 9 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

wrong Template


Template:Pd-usgov for the "Original work of the US Federal Government" is wrong

天下文章一大抄 (talk) 18:41, 9 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
This is fixed now, and will be deployed next week. Kaldari (talk) 00:41, 10 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

browser back-button forgets about already done upload


I did a back to lookup the necessary license of the original. Upload lost? Non information about the current state. I want to be redirected to the state in the upload process I was in before. Herzi Pinki (talk) 20:43, 9 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Cannot paste into an article


The final "Thanks" screen says to paste from the screen into an article. But, when I mark with Google Chrome and use Contr-C, the copy buffer doesn't catch it. Jim.henderson (talk) 23:37, 9 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Great feature!


I think I will upload more images in the future (if I have them, though) using this wizard! It is really great! TBloemink (talk) 07:44, 10 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

upload always hangs...


I've tried the new upload widget a couple of times, and so far each time it's failed on me, usually either because it fails or the upload hangs or never completes. I don't think I've ever gotten to the next step with it. I'm on a mac using Safari, if that helps. --Dragfyre (talk) 01:42, 12 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Did you perhaps try to upload files with blacklisted filenames (see above)? --El Grafo (talk) 07:40, 12 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
Nope—it wasn't that. Actually, it's working for me now, and I think I know what was happening—I was confused because the time indicated under the progress bar at the bottom of the upload page kept on increasing. You know—"7 minutes and 4 seconds... 5 seconds... 6 seconds...". I assumed that this meant that the upload speed was tanking and that it would never complete. I tried it again this week and just let it go, and it worked. So what I thought was "hanging" was actually just the progress bar returning confusing information. --Dragfyre (talk) 02:00, 18 April 2011 (UTC)Reply