Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2017/Winners/United States

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These are the finalists for WSC2017 in the United States.

This country-level selection had a specific national organizer and a national coordination page.



Specific classes of files



  • the selection was performed by the local jury, with no tool.
  • coordinator: John P. Sadowski, member of the Board of Directors, Wikimedia District of Columbia
  • the jurors were chosen by the local organizers
  • Sandy Avila, Science Librarian, University of Central Florida
  • Esther Jackson, Public Services Librarian, New York Botanical Garden
  • Ryan McGrady, Community Engagement Manager, Wiki Education Foundation
  • Ian Ramjohn, Wikipedia Content Expert, Sciences, Wiki Education Foundation
  • Laura Soito, Physical Sciences Librarian, University of New Mexico
  • the selection lasted from 2017-12-01 to 2018-01-11.
  • The results were published on 2018-01-25.



No information about prefinalists was given in this case.



People in science

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
Lab Noir by DuckLionDog. As the sun sets on a forgotten campus on the ragged edge of a dirty town, a lone molecular ecologist prepares to find out just how dirty it really is.

Ice Core Researchers in Greenland by Helle Astrid Kjær. Ice core researchers drilling at the East Greenland Ice-Core Project site.

3rd national finalist 4th national finalist
Sample Collection Panoramic by HSchiebel121. Scientist Francesco Peri collects a sediment core in a New England salt marsh during autumn.

Ice Core Researchers in Greenland by Helle Astrid Kjær. Ice core researchers drilling at the East Greenland Ice-Core Project site.

5th national finalist
Weary But Hopeful by Nels2235. 67 days after Hurricane Maria hit his rural community in Puerto Rico, high school junior Nelson Badillo hopes to finish his robot in time to reach the U.S. one more time. Everything is a challenge this year.

Microscopy images

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
Beautiful... But Deadly by BernbaumJG. A colorized scanning electron micrograph of Ebola virus particles (green), found both as extracellular particles and budding particles from a chronically-infected African green monkey kidney cell (blue), at 20,000x magnification.
  National Jury's Choice Award

The Galaxy Within by Dchordpdx. A 10x image of cultured mouse cortical| neurons and astrocytes in cell culture. Neurons are stained red (MAP2 protein), while astrocytes are stained green (GFAP). As the presumed seat of consciousness, the infinity of questions still surrounding the brain are as nebulous as those surrounding our infinite universe. We are but stars in the end; and in the beginning.
  National Jury's Choice Award

3rd national finalist 4th national finalist
Three Species of Pollen Grains by Asja Radja. A scanning electron micrograph of false-colored Passiflora (passion vine), Spathiphyllum (peace lily), and Aster (daisy) pollen. The intraspecific pattern stability and interspecific pattern variation may be part of a broader class of biological patterns that result from first-order phase transitions on the surfaces of spherical cells.

Birefringent Water Ice by Tom Wagner. A thin layer of water ice that is two inches across between crossed polarizing filters. Bubbles are visible from air that came out of solution as the water froze.

5th national finalist
Body Louse by Noizyboy1961. A fresh, unstained, whole mounted specimen of body louse (Pediculus humanus humanus), obtained from a post-doctoral fellow's jacket. This phase contrast image reveals the trabeculae.

Non-photographic media

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
Cuttlefish Grabbing Shrimp with Tentacles by Rhinopias. Slow motion video of a flamboyant cuttlefish (Metasepia pfefferi) grabbing a grass shrimp (Palaemonetes sp.) with its feeding tentacles at the Museum of Science in Miami in November 2017.

Paddlefish 5-Day Embryo To Hatching by Betty Wills. An American paddlefish embryo's development from the first appearance of notochord to the larval stage.

3rd national finalist 4th national finalist
Birth of a Multi-Nucleated Cell by Erin Rod. Fluorescent proteins visualize the cell cycle progression. IFP2.0-hGem(1/110) fluorescence (green) highlights the S, G2, and M phases, while smURFP-hCdtI(30/120) fluorescence (orange) highlights the G0 and G1 phases.
Erin Rod

Earthquakes in the Cascadia Subduction Zone by Davezelenka. Earthquakes are displayed in a cross section from the Olympic Mountains east to Seattle and south to Mount Rainer in the Cascadia Subduction Zone.

5th national finalist
Green Fluorescent Protein Structure by Erin Rod. This video shows a rotating ribbon diagram of green fluorescent protein with the chromophore in yellow.
Erin Rod

Image sets

1st national finalist
Evolution of a Tornado by Jason Weingart. This image was created from eight images shot in sequence as a tornado formed north of Minneola, Kansas on May 24, 2016. This prolific supercell went on to produce at least 12 tornadoes, and at times had two and even three tornadoes on the ground at once.
  National Jury's Choice Award

2nd national finalist 3rd national finalist
Scientists at Work by Katherine Stember. Members of a biology laboratory carry out research and education activities.

Views of the Atacama Desert and Patagonia by Wescottm. Images of several locations in the Atacama Desert and Patagonia in Chile, including Altiplano, Salar de Tara, Piedras Rojas, and the Marble Caves of General Carrera Lake.

4th national finalist
Microscope Images with Polarized Light by PW31. This image set illustrates how polarized light microscopy can be used to create colorful images, analyze tissue structure, and produce microscopic landscapes.

5th national finalist
Willemite in Natural and Ultraviolet Light by Jud McCranie. These images show willemite in natural light, and how it fluoresces in ultraviolet light. The rock is from Franklin, New Jersey, and was on display at the Gem and Mineral Museum in Franklin, North Carolina.

General category

1st national finalist 2nd national finalist
Total Solar Eclipse by Michael S Adler. This image of the 2017 solar eclipse from outside Crowheart, Wyoming was taken using exposure bracketing in seven steps from from 1/2 to 1/8000 seconds.
  National Jury's Choice Award

Mantis Fly by Ron Sterling. A very close black-and-white film macrophotograph of a live Mantisfly found in the Santa Rita Mountains of Arizona in August 1963.
  National Jury's Choice Award

3rd national finalist 4th national finalist
Andromeda Galaxy by Michael S Adler. This image of the Andromeda Galaxy incldes 99 10-minute exposures for a total of 16.5 hours of imaging.

First Breath by Matt Burtchaell. The first breath of a child being born by Caesarean section.

5th national finalist
Banana Slug and Sword Fern of Damocles by Msuneson. A banana slug in a precarious position hanging off the tip of a sword fern in Patrick's Point State Park, California.