Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, VictoriaGalbur!

-- Wikimedia Commons Welcome (talk) 10:05, 4 November 2015 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Loves Earth: Vă mulțumim pentru participare!


Salut! Vă suntem foarte recunoscători pentru contribuțiile Dvs. la Wikipedia prin intermediul concursului Wiki Loves Earth 2017. Juriul format din fotografi și wikipediști a evaluat cele peste 1.700 de imagini încărcate în concurs și a ales cele mai bune 10 fotografii, care vor fi transmise juriului internațional. Vedeți dacă fotografiile Dvs. se numără printre cele din top 10 în pagina rezultatelor.

Dacă nu v-ați regăsit printre câștigători, fiți sigur că ați câștigat respectul nostru și al cititorilor Wikipediei, care acum vor vedea mai multe ilustrații în articolele despre ariile protejate ale Moldovei. Veniți duminică, 9 iulie, la ora 15:00, la Biblioteca Hasdeu filiala centrală din Chișinău să asistați la ceremonia de înmânare a premiilor. Faceți cunoștință cu câștigătorii și aflați cum sunt utilizate fotografiile încărcate în concurs. De asemenea, aflați mai multe despre cum funcționează Wikipedia. Vă puteți abona la pagina evenimentului pe Facebook pentru mai multe detalii.

Încă o dată vă mulțumim. Toate bune! //  Gikü  said  done  Thursday, 6 July 2017 16:40 (UTC)

Wiki Science Competition 2017 has started

Hi, "Wiki Science Competition" 2017 has started

This year is a world event.
The upload phase in many European countries ends on November 30th.
Here you can find more details in many languages.

This is a manually inserted message for the uploaders of the 2015 edition.

  #WSC2017 #WikiScience #WikiScience2017

  Wiki Science Competition

--Alexmar983 (talk) 03:16, 15 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Loves Earth / Вики любит землю 2018


Vă mulțumim pentru participarea la edițiile anterioare ale concursului de fotografie Wiki Loves Earth Moldova! În perioada 1-30 iunie 2018, organizăm cea de-a treia ediție, punând la bătaie și mai multe premii! Vedeți detalii la pagina concursului și urmăriți-ne pe Facebook și Instagram. Mult succes!

Благодарим Вас за участие в фотоконкурсе «Вики любит землю» в Молдове в 2016-ом и 2017-ом. В этом году, конкурс проводится с 1-го по 30-го июня, и мы будем очень рады увидеть Вас среди участников! Теперь у нас больше призов и больше шансов их получить. Читайте подробности на странице конкурса и следите за последними новостями на Facebook и Instagram. Удачи!

Cu respect, / С уважением, Gikü 12:29, 7 June 2018 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Science Competition 2019

Logo for Wiki Science Competition

Dear uploader of European Science Photo Competition 2015 and Wiki Science Competition 2017, we would like to remind you that Wiki Science Competition 2019 has started in the whole world. It is now completed in Russia (active in May), Ukraine and France (active during November), but it's still open in all the other countries.

If you want to take part where WSC2019 is still open, please consult this page. Only some national categories are associated to competitions with local prizes.

If you are an expert user, please consider that images uploaded within the deadline can be included in any case in their national category even if not uploaded with the main interface.

Please keep in mind that there is a new category this year, i.e. "nature and wildlife".

If you already took part in a country that has completed its upload phase, please consider improving the description in English of your files (click on the edit button), since such description is what the international jury will use to evaluate them. World finalists will be finalized after March 2020.

Sorry for bothering you and have a nice wiki.

Message discussed here. If you do not want to receive these messages in the future, please unsuscribe from this list

Social media:   Science&Wiki   Science&Wiki   Wiki Science Competition
Hashtag: #WSC2019 #WikiScience #WikiScience2019

Alexmar983 (promotion team and academic committee) using MediaWiki message delivery--01:23, 6 December 2019 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Science Competition 2021 has started

Logo for Wiki Science Competition

Dear uploader of European Science Photo Competition 2015, Wiki Science Competition 2017 and Wiki Science Competition 2019, we would like to remind you that Wiki Science Competition 2021 has started in the whole world. It is now completed in Russia (active in May), but it's still open in almost all the other countries.

If you want to take part in WSC2021, please consult this page. Only some national categories are associated to competitions with local prizes.

If you are an expert user, we remind you that images uploaded within the deadline can be included in any case in their national category even if not uploaded with the main interface.

Please keep in mind that there is a new category this year, that is "astronomy".

If you had already uploaded a file this year, please consider improving the description in English of your files (click on the edit button), since such description is what the international jury will use to evaluate them. World finalists will be finalized after March 2022.

Sorry for bothering you and have a nice wiki.

Message discussed here. If you do not want to receive these messages in the future, please unsubscribe from this list

Social media:   Science&Wiki   Science&Wiki   Science&Wiki   Wiki Science Competition
Hashtag: #WSC2021 #WikiScience #WikiScience2021

Alexmar983 (promotion team and academic committee) using MediaWiki message delivery--13:39, 23 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Science Competition 2023

Logo for Wiki Science Competition

Dear uploader of European Science Photo Competition 2015 and Wiki Science Competition 2017, Wiki Science Competition 2019 and Wiki Science Competition 2021, we would like to remind you that Wiki Science Competition 2023 has started in almost all the countries.

If you want to take part in WSC2023, please consult this page. Only some national categories are associated to competitions with local prizes.

If you are an expert user, we remind you that images uploaded within the deadline can be included in any case in their national category even if not uploaded with the main interface.

If you already took part in a country that has completed its upload phase (such as Russia), please consider improving the description in English of your files (click on the edit button), since such description is what the international jury will use to evaluate them. World finalists will be finalized after March 2024.

Sorry for bothering you and have a nice wiki.

Message discussed here. If you do not want to receive these messages in the future, please unsubscribe from this list

Social media:   Science&Wiki   Science&Wiki   Science&Wiki   Wiki Science Competition
Hashtag: #WSC2023 #WikiScience #WikiScience2023

Alexmar983 (promotion team and academic committee) using MediaWiki message delivery--20:12, 27 November 2023 (UTC)Reply