User talk:Odder/Archive 007

Latest comment: 10 years ago by سمرقندی in topic Urdu Wikipedia Logo

Archives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

I.Blu (talk · contribs)


Could you please take care of this user? He/she uploaded huge batches of advertisement from Original batch I deleted yesterday referred to web site. Repeated uploads claimed to be own work. --EugeneZelenko (talk) 15:57, 24 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Dziękuję barzdo! --EugeneZelenko (talk) 15:45, 25 January 2013 (UTC)Reply



Cześć! Możesz się przyjrzeć tej sprawie? A.J. (talk) 19:15, 28 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Już załatwiona, na razie! A.J. (talk) 21:46, 28 January 2013 (UTC)Reply

Category:San (rzeka) i problemy z botami


Ponowne problemy z botami. Dwa boty "Category:Files uploaded by Russavia (cleanup)" i "flickrreview|File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske)|2013-01-13" odwalają przysłowiową wilczą przysługę ładując (tylko diabeł wie dlaczego) pliki z Santiago de Chile, San Francisco i innych miejscowości z przedrostkiem "San" do kategorii rzeka San "category:San". To już któryś raz z rzędu, czy operatorzy tych botów mogliby tak ustawić parametry żeby ograniczyć "syzyfową pracę" innych i wreszcie pomagać a nie szkodzić ? 25 stycznia 2013 między 19:18 a 19:30 jako "IP" dokonałem kilku korekt wycofując bezsensowną kategorię z fotek przeróżónych zdjęć samolotów, miejscowości z przedrostkiem San a nawet z Tajlandii. Podobne problemy były kiedyś z "Puckiem" ale tam ktoś znalazł sposób na to żeby to wyeliminować i utrzymać porządek. Poniżej kolejne grafiki, które bot wrzucił do kategorii "San": [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] 19:47, 29 January 2013 (UTC)

Dzięki za wiadomość; bot Magnusa Manske, o ile mi wiadomo, jest publicznym narzędziem, którym mogą posługiwać się wszyscy użytkownicy Wikimedia Commons, więc ciężko jest go kontrolować, ale w przypadku plików przesłanych przez użytkownika Russavia wszystkie pliki umieszczone są w kategorii Category:Files uploaded by Russavia (cleanup) właśnie po to, żeby móc takie błędy poprawić (stąd angielskie słowo "cleanup" w nazwie kategorii). O ile wiem, Russavia wszystkie pliki przegląda ręcznie, jeden po drugim, więc na pewno tę kategorię poprawi, dlatego jego plików nie musisz poprawiać; dam mu jeszcze znać o Twojej wiadomości. odder (talk) 11:03, 30 January 2013 (UTC)Reply



Thanks --Herby talk thyme 14:47, 4 February 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hello Odder:

Muchas gracias por concederme ser autopatrolled. Thanks:--Raimundo Pastor (talk) 23:57, 4 February 2013 (UTC)Reply



robisz sobie jaja? czy tak na serio? Pomijam fakt, że piszesz po en, ale to co wyprawiasz jest poza wszelką logiką? palma, czy co? dalej mam nadzieję, że jesteś normalny i da się z Tobą współpracować, ale tracę nadzieję. A plik - uznaję, za błąd, mam nadzieję, że Leinada już przeprosiłeś? Maikking (talk) 18:12, 10 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

  • Dzięki za autopatrolled. Jeżeli jest jakakolwiek możliwość przywrócenia sejmowych zdjęć, proszę wykorzystaj ją, ponieważ ze względu na kruczki prawne na linii USA - Europa prędzej zbuntują się co najmniej wszystkie projekty polskojęzyczne, a w dalszej perspektywie inne projekty związane z państwami europejskimi, niż przyznamy rację Tobie i uczestnikom tej problematycznej dyskusji; w naszym odczuciu dyletanckiej, skandalicznej i sprzecznej z sensem istnienia Commons. Zwróć też uwagę na skutki, jakie wywołała na naszym pl-gruncie Twoja decyzja i zastanów się, czy nie warto patrzeć na Commonsy z perspektywy obróconej o 180 stopni. Bo patrząc na to, co się stało, muszę uznać, że stanęliście na głowach. Tar Lócesilion (talk) 16:58, 13 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Logo of Classical Chinese Wikipedia


The logo of Classical Chinese Wikipedia is zh-classical:File:Wiki.png, which have been used and agreed for the community since the project started. However, you have changed the logo to File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-zh-classical.png without seeking the opinion of the community of Classical Chinese Wikipedia. As the administrator of Classical Chinese Wikipedia, I urge you to change the logo back to the former and formal one immediately. Thanks for your co-operation and consideration.--ItsMine (talk) 10:52, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hello, the logo was updated following this process: m:User:Cbrown1023/Logos#Wikipedia. If the problem is a wrong translation, please update the relevant row there, because we need to know which is the correct one: many wikis had wrong translations and that page is usually more up to date because all projects were asked to contribute to it; sorry if it wasn't the case here.
The other problem is that your local logo didn't follow the wmf:Wikimedia_official_marks/Word_mark_creation rules, because the "title" is too wide, and the "subline" is missing: is there any particular reason for this? Moreover, remember that the font should be freely licensed if possible.
This said, if you really believe that it's impossible to fix the problems above I'm sure there won't be problems to get the logo here replaced with the local one. --Nemo 11:06, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for your quick reply. I have renewed the logo according to the rules you stated, please renew them as soon as possible, thanks! File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-zh-classical (updated).png, File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-zh-classical (updated).svg--ItsMine (talk) 11:41, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
The two files are different; why is that? odder (talk) 11:55, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
What are the differences? May you tell me? They should be the same, since the png is dervied from the svg. Thanks!--ItsMine (talk) 12:02, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
P.S. I was updating the sub-title, were you looking at the files at that time?--ItsMine (talk) 12:02, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
The fonts used in the text are different; can you please convert the text to path in that SVG file, and re-upload it again? There is no possibility for me to use the PNG version now, as it does not have a transparent background; I would appreciate if you updated that. Thanks in advance, odder (talk) 12:04, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
I have done all the changes you required, I would appreciate if you may renew the logo as soon as possible, thanks!--ItsMine (talk) 12:36, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, the logo should be updated now. odder (talk) 12:49, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks so much!!!--ItsMine (talk) 23:02, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Odder's version
Wider version
English version

Hello Odder. I recently find you changed the logo of Gan Wikipedia without any consent of the community and think it is a monstrous behaviour. I understand your point after reading the upper message, and made the new logo for Gan Wikipedia: gan:File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-gan.png, because the one you made has the characters much lighter, thinner, smaller and distorted. Therefore, please make the new one (png or svg) the official logo of Gan Wikipedia instantly, and delete the deformed ones File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-gan.svg and File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-gan.png. Thank you.--Symane (talk) 15:16, 15 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

You shall at first know that Chinese characters and Western letters are two completely different writings. Then, my version is thoroughly derived from File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-en.svg (you could compare the font sizes, they are almost the same). Thirdly, different writings come with different aesthetics, you may take a Chinese book and an English book, the font is always somewhat bigger, wider in the Chinese one than in the English one because Chinese characters have much more strokes. Taking File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-zh.png, File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-ja.png for example, you can easily perceive that the fonts in these logos "appear" bigger than the English one.--Symane (talk) 02:18, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Two new versions, fonts being exactly the same with File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-en.svg were made: 135px logo, 1000px logo. Please check them and renew Gan Wikipedia's logo if no problem occurs.
Hello, please stay calm: odder is just being helpful, and I'm the person to blame if you believe local community will was overruled; I don't think it was, because you still had a pre-2010 logo so you were rather being abandoned before, as if nobody cared about your wiki...
I'd like you to clarify what you mean with "distorted": characters look the same to me, except perhaps in the subline, can you confirm that there isn't any grammatical error or such? Otherwise we'd also need to update the list of translations.
With that cleared, if I understand correctly the problem is only the size of characters, right? We do understand that Chinese characters are different, but currently the rules for logo creation don't allow them to big so big (wider than the globe), for design reason. If it's really impossible to follow the rules then we can just upload your version instead and report that the rules have some problems, but I'm a bit confused because File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-zh-classical.png has not been considered too small, and the characters in the subline of your version actually look smaller and less readable than in odder's version. Please do understand that we're just trying to help you get the best logo for your wiki and that we can work together to that purpose (even asking the WMF to change the rules if necessary). --Nemo 06:34, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
I'm not blaming anyone here and I agree to change the old version of the logo. Talking of the logo's design, I even don't know how to explain to you how Odder's version is distorted, briefly, the font is not the usual font we daily use, or, excuse me for this wording, it looks "ugly".
Here, I'd like to upload the comparaison of Gan's and English logo (gan:File:Gan-eng.png), you can clearly see the characters in Gan's logo are as big as the letters in English logo. So, honestly, I esteem this logo respects very well the guideline of wmf:Wikimedia_official_marks/Word_mark_creation and moreover, it is good-looking.--Symane (talk) 07:34, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hello, you're right, I didn't express myself correctly, the proportions to respect are only wmf:Wikimedia official marks/Word mark creation#Wikipedia wordmark creation grid: you should compare your version to that grid. However, even in your comparison, you can see that the last character of both lines go a bit beyond the limit. There's also the vertical alignment to consider, and your characters seem a bit stretched, don't they?
On the font: sure, that can be changed if you really don't like it, however remember that it must be free software/freely licensed. The guide recommends "AR PL UMing" for Chinese, isn't it good?
Maybe you can try to check what above, you may find out that you'll be able to produce a version of the logo that you'll like more. Odder is away till this evening (European time), so please be patient. --Nemo 07:55, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Could you please explain what "freely licensed font" is? I used "Hei" and "Kai" for the title and subline which are used the most often in China. Besides, do you think we shall argue only for 1 or 2 millimeter? If you insist, of course, I can try not crossing the line. Regards.--Symane (talk) 09:44, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hello, see w:Free license or w:Free software. For instance GPL is a free license (more examples in the first line here). As for the 1-2 mm, I hope we're not going to argue! Personally I care only about the font being legally correct; then I can tell you that odder is very diligent and he surely cares even about those mm, but in the end it's your logo... if it's imperfect and you're still happy about it, I won't be sad. --Nemo 10:08, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
After some search, I find out that "typefaces are exempt from copyright protection in the United States" (en:Intellectual property protection of typefaces) and "Hei-Song-Fang-Kai which are used the most frequently in China can be freely used because operating systems have already bought the copyright of these basic fonts." [9]
So, there's no problem of copyright in the "wider logo" as it's Hei and Kai used for the title and subline; and then I shortened the length of the subline. I hope these clarifications and changes could now satisfy everyone and the new requirements.--Symane (talk) 11:25, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
«Note that this license only applies to the font file (which is a computer program), and not to the shape of the typeface»: typefaces are not fonts, fonts are copyrighted. The passage you quote doesn't matter: I can see a photo on a newspaper "freely" because the newspaper paid it for me, but this doesn't mean that it's a free work that I can upload to Commons... Have you tried using another font like AR PL UMing or other free-as-in-freedom ones? Thank you for your tweaks to the logo, Nemo 11:52, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
I'm not trying solving a hotly debated legislative issue here, but what is fairly clear, is that "Hei-Song-Fang-Kai" have been made free and released into the public domain because they were derived from ancient steles and the copyright has been expired. Xinmin Newspaper Unless you can prove "Hei" and "Kai" are copyrighted fonts, I think there's no need we get tangled on this issue.--Symane (talk) 13:46, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Do you have any concrete proof that the two fonts (Hei and Kai) I used for the logo are copyrighted, as my quotation clearly attests they are not?--Symane (talk) 15:00, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Actually, your quotation proved that they are copyrighted: if they were in the public domain, «operating systems» would not «have already bought the copyright»... Unless you find the license where you took the font, they are not free. As you noted, typefaces are not copyrighted, so there are surely implementations that are very similar or identical but free software. w:List of CJK fonts has several suggestions (with free fonts in green) and more can surely be found in the web... I can't search them for you, I can't see what's best. --Nemo 18:08, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
PNG version
SVG version
Anyway, I give in. I renew the logo with AR PL UMing, less esthetic but not bad. I think all questions should be over.--Symane (talk) 01:08, 17 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Can we also have the SVG version, please? odder (talk) 06:32, 17 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
With pleasure, here you are.--Symane (talk) 07:25, 17 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for creating the PNG version; I re-uploaded it under File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-gan.png, and it is currently the logo visible in the top left corner of every page on the Gan Wikipedia (I guess you have noticed that already). However, the SVG version that you created is not a true SVG file, but a raster image inserted into an SVG. Could you please create a true SVG version of the logo? You can use File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-en.svg as a blueprint, and Inkscape to edit it with the appropriate text. Thanks in advance, odder (talk) 21:33, 17 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
I am trying making the SVG file, could you please tell me how to merge different layers on inkscape? English logo being the blueprint, I made the lines, then I don't know how to merge them together as I do on photoshop.
Besides, the PNG logo doesn't make any change although I delete my browser's cache.--Symane (talk) 08:44, 18 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
I am not sure what you mean; there is no need to merge layers in Inkscape to create an SVG version of the logo (besides, I don't even know if it's possible). All you need to do is to open the logo in Inkscape, and add the Chinese wordmark and the subline in place of the English ones; the file has very helpful guides to make this easier for you. As for the PNG logo not being visible to you, I have no idea: maybe this is a cache problem; it has looked all right for me since the very moment I re-uploaded your version over mine. odder (talk) 10:12, 18 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
But after adding the wordmark, the file will be blank when I save it. I upload the wordmak in SVG (gan:File:Wiki mark .svg), could you see whether you can combine it with the wiki mark? Thanks a lot.--Symane (talk) 10:32, 18 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Sure, no problem, but I will need to have that text converted to path before I can merge the two files. Thanks, odder (talk) 10:35, 18 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Conversion is done, nothing changed, then? I think you can obtain the text by running gan:File:Wiki mark .svg on your computer.--Symane (talk) 11:30, 18 February 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hello again, did you get any time to make the new svg-version logo for us? I was reported the logo still remains the version you contributed whose characters are really not very readable. So could you please take the text from gan:File:Wiki mark .svg and make a true svg file? Thanks a lot.
Moreover, I do see in the file history your upload replacing the old File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-gan.png by File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-gan-135px.png, but weirdly, the file still presents the old image, instead of the new one. Could you please check where the problem comes from? Thx.--Symane (talk) 13:04, 9 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hi, thanks for the message. I did have a look at the file you provided, but I apparently haven't noticed that apart from the raster image, there was also a path in there, sorry! In any case, I had a stab at merging the two files, and here's what I came out with. As you see, there is a huge difference between the font that you used in that file, and the one in File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-gan.png; are you sure that the PNG version uses AR PL UMing? The font looks quite differently on my system, so I have no idea how to solve that…

With regards to the PNG file, I am seeing the new version in all browsers (screenshot), and that includes the thumbnail on the file description page, too. This might be a cache issue, though; have you already tried clearing the cache in your browser? odder (talk) 14:06, 9 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

I specially downloaded AR PL UMing for the file and there'll be no problem with this, but I deleted my cache many times and tried with IE and firefox, or even saved the file on my computer, the logo is always the "unreadable" one, and other users reported the same issue. The making of the svg file may be not urgent, but it will be very nice of you to check out this annoyance. (Could it be a solution that you delete File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-gan.png and upload the new logo right away?)--Symane (talk) 15:09, 9 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
To address these things separately: I cannot create a new SVG logo unless I know which font you used in File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-gan.png. On my system, AR PL UMing looks differently than in that file, so I cannot create the logo myself — maybe you could create the text in Inkscape, convert it into path, and upload it somewhere so I can use it? The font in File:Wiki mark.svg is not the same as in File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-gan.png, so it wouldn't be of much use.

Also, it is pretty hard for me to troubleshoot the logo issue just with the information you provided. Can you please clarify what is the problem here? What is the logo that you see if you go to gan.wikipedia and the logo page (I'm pointing you to the HTTPS version for a reason). Did you follow the directions from the English Wikipedia? Did you try purging the thumbnail? Are there any details about your browser, operating system or Internet connection that might influence what you're seeing? Please let me know. odder (talk) 16:16, 9 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Syzyfowa praca


1. Dotyczy kategoryzacji zabytków w Polsce i doładnych opisów. Zabytki zgodnie z rejestrem są grupowane przez przeróżnych userów, najczęściej w języku angielskim z dokładnym opisem po polsku, tak żeby każdy ładujący grafiki (nawet ci którzy nie znają angielskiego "ni w ząb") wiedział czego to dotyczy. W przypadku zespołu rezydencjonalnego w Książu mamy do czynienia z zespołem niescalonym rejestrowo tzn. z różnymi numerami rejestru. A tu nagle [10] nadgorliwy user, zapewne "lepiejwiedzący" decyduje że bez tego będzie lepiej. Proszę wytłumaczyć temu userowi żeby nie niszczył pracy innych. Zbiory są otwarte i dokładny opis zespołu jest bardzo przydatny w dalszym kategoryzowaniu zbiorów. Inna sprawa to mój czas i praca, które są dla takiego usera najprawdopodobniej niezbyt wiele warte. 2. Zmiany nazw kategorii. Współpraca z userem Foroa i Siebotem funkcjonuje bardzo dobrze. Jednak dziś w nocy moje propozycje zmian nazw kategorii zostały [11] usunięte z adnotacją rm series of moves suggested by blocked user. Z tego co wiem to nie jestem zablokowany i nigdy zablokowany nie byłem, więc nie wiem o co chodzi. Propozozycje przywróciłem ponownie [12]. Tu prośba o osąd czy jest w tych propozycjach zmian coś na granicy "braku logiki" i "błędu" ? 3. Prośba o wytłumaczenie tu a[13] dlaczego tworzymy kategorię "14 Mickiewicza Street in Przykładowo" a nie "Ulica Mickiewicza 14 w Przykładowie". Dobry rok temu z hakiem też wykorzystywałem drugą opcję, ale polskojęzyczni userzy wytłumaczyli mi że tak będzie zrozumialsze dla niepolskojęzycznych i że wcale nie tzrba się kierować oficjalną "wersją pocztowoadresową". Dzięki z góry za ewentualną pomoc. 15:13, 24 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hej, dzięki za wiadomość – postaram się odpowiedzieć po kolei, w punktach.
  1. Z tego, co widzę, to temu użytkownikowi chodziło głównie o to, że stworzony przez Ciebie opis był za długi jak na standardy przyjęte na Commons; tutaj zwykle wpisujemy jedną-dwie linijki na temat konkretnego tematu w każdym języku. W tym momencie ciężko mi stwierdzić, jak tę sytuację rozwiązać: widzę, że w zespole zamku w Książu jest sporo obiektów, które są osobnym zabytkami – może dla nich warto byłoby stworzyć osobne kategoria w ramach głównej kategorii zamku, a pozostałe obiekty (kuźnia, leśniczówka, stodoła, itp.) kategoryzować w ramach Category:Surroundings of the Książ Castle‎ do momentu, kiedy nie będą miały wystarczającej ilości fotografii, by stworzyć dla nich osobne kategorie? Przy takim rozwiązaniu opis, który stworzyłeś, możnaby po prostu rozdzielić na te różne mniejsze kategorie.
  2. Bardzo dobrze, że przywróciłeś te propozycje–widzę, że Foroa już się nimi zajął. Podejrzewam, że to tylko pomyłka, bo Billinghurst usuwał wcześniej inne propozycje dodane przez jakiegoś zablokowanego użytkownika (związane z nazewnictwem kategorii nt. miast w Izraelu; mają tam problemy z transkrypcją hebrajskiego na angielski) i po prostu Twoje propozycje zostały przypadkowo usunięte.
  3. Dzięki za zwrócenie uwagi, za chwilę dopiszę się do tego wątku. ŠJů (talk · contribs) ma sporo racji, bo oficjalny standard adresowy w Polsce to Stary Rynek 7, a nie 7 Stary Rynek, ale rzeczywiście w pewnym momencie na Commons po prostu przyjął się standard, że w celu ułatwienia życia użytkownikom anglojęzycznym (i takim, którzy nie znają polskiego, a spodziewają się pewnej standardyzacji) będziemy używać formatu przyjęgo w krajach anglosaskich (por. 10 Downing Street czy 70 Pine Street). Pozdrawiam, odder (talk) 08:48, 25 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Autonomous Communities page


If you actually cared about reverting back to how it originally was, you would revert back to before Miguillen replaced everything, not to how he thinks everything should be and will edit war to get it there. Fry1989 eh? 17:43, 2 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi Odder, I've reverted to the version that existed before the CommonsDelinker editions (it was not the original one, but had been there for more than a year, with no challenges, so that I think it can be considered consensual for the purposes of any Bold, Discuss, Revert cycle). Fry "forgot" to mention that CommonsDelinker editions were ordered by him to sidestep any discussion and therefore a complaint was handled in the Admins' board (boring and somehow unfocused discussion here). Per BRD I've reverted to the previous edition and asked Fry to justify why his versions are better than the existing ones (BTW, I see such a behaviour, including cheating and admin to impose his editions, as deeply inappropriate and against all our policies). Sorry for the inconvenience --Ecemaml talk to me/habla conmigo 22:48, 3 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
And Ecemaml should be reverted, because Miguillen is using him to get his way, and Ecemaml doesn't understand the situation. This page should be in it's original state, BEFORE Miguillen replaced everything with how he wants. The only person here imposing anything is Miguillen, and he is being allowed to by ignorant admins who don't look at the facts buit take him at his word. Fry1989 eh? 23:06, 3 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Sorry, Odder, but as I explained, the version that Fry decided to override is a stable version not challenged for a whole year. Therefore, I consistently apply the BDR guidelines and return to the prior version to the edit war. If Fry wishes to challenge the status quo, he's welcome to do it, but not without providing any rationale or source. If Miguillen had changed the existing version one week ago, I'd have supported your reversion, but I can't see why we have to revert to a 2011 edition. Sorry for any inconvenience --Ecemaml talk to me/habla conmigo 09:41, 4 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Yes, spin this on it's head and try and say this is a language barrier issue, that because I can't speak Spanish I have no ability to question Miguillen's claims of superiority. He had no consensus on English Wikipedia anywhere to force a page to change how it was for a period of 3 years, he has no consensus on any of the projects where he has edit warred and repeatedly replaced images. Reward the vandal, punish the person trying to stop the vandal. Fry1989 eh? 17:52, 4 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

File:Unimie 1929.JPG


Chyba należałoby ten plik skasować – zrzut ekranu z zastrzeżonymi znakami Windows, Google i błędny opis autorstwa. Aotearoa (talk) 19:22, 4 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Właśnie nie mam pojęcia jak to jest z prawami do tej mapy. Gdyby to była polska mapa topograficzna, to nie byłoby najmniejszych problemów, ale to jest mapa niemieckie i nie wiem jak wygląda kwestia wygasania praw do przedwojennych urzędowych map topograficznych opracowanych i wydanych w tym kraju (na Commons podobnych nie widzę). Może Ty coś na ten temat wiesz? Cały arkusz tej mapy można obejrzeć/pobrać tutaj. Aotearoa (talk) 08:44, 5 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Oj, nie wiem czy pomysł z przesyłaniem całego arkusza jest dobry – widnieje na nim pieszczątka-logo Archiwum Map Zachodniej Polski, które raczej jest chronione. Aotearoa (talk) 20:32, 5 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Dołączę się do wątku. Ten sam użytkownik [14] popełnił ten błąd ze zrzutem ekranu w paru innych grafikach. [15], [16] i [17] można od razu skasować, są to fragmenty tej załadowanej już mapy z 1929. Co do [18] i [19], są to fragmenty mapy [20], i ją chyba można też załadować na licencji Anonymous-EU.
Ponadto parę innych grafik budzi wątpliwości, np. [21]
Pozdrawiam, --Hektor Absurdus (talk) 15:18, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Jak uważasz, że nadanie mu tych uprawnień było nadużyciem i doprowadziło(-i) do szkód w projekcie - proszę odbierz mu je. Masur (talk) 07:13, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Dzień dobry. Ten plik [22] został skategoryzowany jako symbol Łodzi mimo iż nigdy symbolem Łodzi nie był i nie jest. Jest to herb sztucznego tworu zwanego "Litzmannstadt", symbolizujący tylko "Litzmannstadt" i nic więcej. Dopisanie tego hitlerowskiego herbu do symboli Łodzi burzy porządek heraldyczny Łodzi i jest zwykłą neonazistowską nadinterpretacją a niewykluczone że i prowokacją. Cytat ze strony [23] "Okupant hitlerowski w kwietniu 1940 roku zmienił nazwę miasta na Litzmannstadt. Rok później łódkę w herbie zastąpiła złota swastyka (element ikonograficzny urny odkrytej w Białej w 1936 roku)" Oficjalna strona miasta Łodzi [24] odnosząca się do "Statutu, herbu i barw miasta" nie uznaje tego "dzieła" nazistów za symbol miasta. Proszę o interwencję. 14:07, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Dzięki za zgłoszenie — zmieniłem nazwę pliku i usunąłem go z tej kategorii. odder (talk) 16:15, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Your concerns


I have taken your comments on board, and have them onto the author of the image. I will await a response from him and advise.

Of course, you do realise that you are free to create derivatives of this work? ;) russavia (talk) 22:20, 6 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hi we are members of the Chechen wikipedia decided to upgrade to a higher quality logo and distinctive. On this please remove the file protection for a time when I will do everything I tell you. regards. -- Дагиров Умар (talk) 15:35, 11 March 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hi, just wanted to thank you for that favor the other day - thanks for your help. Mono 00:44, 13 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Import a gadget


I propose to import a gadget in Commons. It is a clock that shows the local time of user's computer. The gadget is this es:MediaWiki:Gadget-LocalLiveClock.js. I already know UTCLiveClock, but this gadget is better because use work with personal time of every user (UTC+1, UTC+6, UTC-5, ...) Can you import this gadget? --Vivaelcelta {discussion  · contributions} 15:51, 13 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

You already requested that on the IRC channel #wikimedia-commons, and someone answered that (as far as I remember) you can import the gadget for your own use via your own JS page, and that importing this gadget onto Commons would require a wider request from the community — so I have no idea why you're asking me this privately, too. odder (talk) 12:56, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ok, I have already propused it in Commons:Village pump/Proposals. --Vivaelcelta {discussion  · contributions} 14:51, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Edit request


Please review this request MediaWiki_talk:Gadget-RotateLink.js#Update_the_Spanish_.28es.29_translation. And these requests Category:Commons_protected_edit_requests--Vivaelcelta {discussion  · contributions} 11:37, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

  • Seems already taken care of; plus, I took care of a lot of requests from that category yesterday, and am really not in a mood to go through that list again today, sorry. odder (talk) 12:56, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Why did you delete my recording Habemus_Papam_2013.ogg as "copyright violation"? --Majoritems (talk) 17:17, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Did you record this yourself, or was this recorded by someone else, and you simply removed other parts of the recording (or removed video) and uploaded such a cut to Commons? Are you hailing from Rome right now? odder (talk) 18:03, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Why did yo delete?? I recorded myself and am back home. Please restore my file. --Majoritems (talk) 18:06, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Let me repeat my question once again. In this case, with such a short file, and the amount of files about the new Catholic Pope that violate someone's copyright being uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, one sometimes has to err on the side of caution, and that's why I deleted your file. I am not accusing you of bad faith here, but seeing that you're most active on the German-language Wikipedia, I am assuming that this is your native language, and hence there are a few questions that come to my mind.

How did you manage to record the habemus papam speech? Were you present at the Saint Peter's Square in Rome at the time of the announcement, or did you merely record the announcement via radio/television/the Internet? If so, what was the original source that you had used to create the file that you then uploaded to Commons? Answering those questions would greatly help me to make a decision here. Thanks in advance, odder (talk) 18:48, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

I was using professional equipment in Rome. --Majoritems (talk) 18:53, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Apologies for being so nosey, but I would really like to get a detailed answer to those questions; without that, I can't make an informed decision whether to restore this file or not. odder (talk) 20:16, 14 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
I have answered your questions. --Majoritems (talk) 01:49, 15 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Since you are not reacting, I have uploaded the recording again - slightly changed, and for the benefit of the project, not to give you the chance to "err on the side of caution" again. So stop goofing around. --Majoritems (talk) 09:54, 15 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

File deleted again. Please continue this discussion before re-uploading.russavia (talk) 10:26, 15 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Again, I have answered the questions. If you like to play kinky games, don't do it here. --Majoritems (talk) 12:17, 15 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
I love playing kinky games; god you should see what I got up to the other night. But what I like to do in private isn't really the issue here. The issue is the recording that Odder has asked you about, and for which we will need something more to be sure it is not a copyright violation. russavia (talk) 12:30, 15 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Will we see a restore of the file before my retirement? --Majoritems (talk) 07:47, 16 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

No. odder (talk) 09:14, 16 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Why? --Majoritems (talk) 09:36, 16 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Oh, his majesty the odder has no need to answer. How cool this must be. --Majoritems (talk) 19:53, 16 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
It is! odder (talk) 19:58, 16 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
I am inclined to give you a reason to block me. --Majoritems (talk) 20:02, 16 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Go ahead then! odder (talk) 20:04, 16 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
I could, but you will not have the intellectual resources necessary to grasp it. --Majoritems (talk) 08:22, 17 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
How charming! odder (talk) 11:44, 17 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi Odder, would you be willing to weigh in here: User talk:Bori64? This good-faith user has uploaded images from an university archive in Poland, but is not able to provide much information about date and photographer. I am not accustomed to the provisions for anonymous works in Polish copyright law. --Túrelio (talk) 12:00, 18 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Dzięki za wyczerpujace wyjaśnienie - co cóż, nie ma sensu dyskutować z przepisami prawnymi, niezależnie od tego, jak absurdalne one są :( Mam jednak w związku z tym jeszcze jedno pytanie: jeśli umieszczę te zdjęcia np. na oficjalnej stronie internetowej naszego instytutu i podam odnośnik do tej strony, to jak wówczas wygląda kwestia "legalności" zdjęć? :) --Bori64 (talk) 08:54, 19 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Chętnie skorzystam z Twojego zaproszenia do zadawania pytań, bo akurat w kwestii praw autorskich jestem dość "zielony" :) Czy wobec tego, że w Polsce zdjęcia te nie są objęte prawem autorskim, legalne byłoby umieszczenie ich bezpośrednio na polskiej "wikipedii" a nie na "commons" (ponoć istnieje taka "niezalecana" opcja?) Spotkałem się też ze stwierdzeniem, że w przypadku, kiedy nie można ustalić autora dzieła, to prawa autorskie do niego wygasają po upływie 70 lat od jego powstania (dotyczy Polski) - czy mógłbyś pomóc mi zweryfikować jakoś tą informację? Pozdrowienia z Poznania :) --Bori64 (talk) 13:08, 19 March 2013 (UTC)Reply


Hej! Dobrze mi poszło dodawanie zdjęć (w związku z tym: [25])? Na razie załadowałem część i pytam czy czegoś nie zepsułem ;) Pozdrawiam, Mateuszek045 (talk) 17:38, 19 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Chodzi o taki link i zmianę daty [26]? Mateuszek045 (talk) 20:12, 19 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
No właśnie, zapoczątkowałem [27] takie nazwy. Chyba dobre? Mateuszek045 (talk) 20:25, 19 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Kurczę, sory, że Ci tak głowę zawracam, ale mam jeszcze jeden mały problem. Chodzi o to, że przesyłam pliki, już pod odpowiednie nazwy "Konkurs drużynowy mężczyzn na skoczni K-120 (...)", ale tak sobie myślę, pod jakie nazwy dodam pliki z MŚ 2011. Bo w nazwach nie ma żadnej wzmianki o MŚ 2013. Nie wiem właśnie czy zmienić czy zostawić. Pozdrawiam, Mateuszek045 (talk) 15:10, 20 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Znaczy na odwrót, bo teraz dodaję 2013, a później zajmę się 2011. Ale w gruncie rzeczy rozumiem ;) Dzięki. Mateuszek045 (talk) 15:16, 20 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Jasne, jasne :) Mateuszek045 (talk) 20:32, 20 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
OK, dziękuję za info. Będę się stosował przy kolejnych edycjach. :) Pozdrawiam, Szoltys (talk) 20:19, 21 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Hej. Dodałem nową partię zdjęć (część 23 marca, część przed momentem). Dodasz proszę OTRS w wolnej chwili? ;) W najbliższych dniach prawdopodobnie powrzucam resztę zdjęć, więc (nie)stety jeszcze trochę obowiązków Ci dołożę. Dla pocieszenia dodam, że kolejne tak masowe dodawanie skokowych zdjęć będzie miało miejsce najprawdopodobniej dopiero w marcu 2014, tj. po igrzyskach w Soczi. :) Pozdrawiam, Szoltys (talk) 23:14, 28 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Wielkie dzięki za ogrom pracy. :) 800 zdjęć brzmi nieźle. Chociaż jeśli spojrzy się na tę liczbę w inny sposób - są to zdjęcia przede wszystkim z czterech różnych imprez, na których średnio wystąpiło po ~90 zawodników, to wynik nie jest już tak imponujący. Zresztą, swego czasu zdjęć było znacznie więcej (niestety wszystkie poleciały przez moje zaniedbanie). ;) Pozdrawiam, Szoltys (talk) 10:31, 29 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

nowe wersje plików


Załadowałam nową wersję pliku "PL Na drogach duszy str 120.jpg" - minęły już 24h - ale podgląd pliku - w Commons - i na stronie w Wikiźródłach nie zmienia się :( Dalej wyświetlany jest stary, zażółcony plik. Czy to chwilowe błędy w Commons, czy też coś się zepsuło? Czy mogę Cię prosić o pomoc? Bardzo proszę... Wieralee (talk) 20:14, 20 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Dzięki za szybki odzew :) Tak, pousuwałam wszystkie cookies, ale nie pomogło. Cóż... poczekam jeszcze. Chciałam zamienić dziś inne pliki z tej książki - ale skoro ta funkcja nie działa na niektórych wyszukiwarkach, to może je dodam jako nowe? Zaczekam jeszcze ze 2 dni, zobaczę, co się dzieje... Jeszcze raz dziękuję, miłego wieczoru :)

Request for adoption


Hi! Buenas tardes to any and all administrators who would like to guide me in sharing wisdom to Commons. May I respectfully ask if it is possible like in Wikipedia, to be adopted by you and/or any Administrator? I am just looking at Wikipedia articles and found that there is such thing as adoption there for purposes. I want to learn more but as you know the tons of Commons and Wikipedia rules are very difficult for me, a slow learner, but I love photography. I discover Commons and it asks many lovers to join and share their wisdom, photos. Hence, like a prolific creater of Philippine towns, maps, etc.[28] User talk:TheCoffee, and Administrator [29] on Wikipedia, even in good faith, it so difficult not to commit mistakes. I believe that if I am guided by a Commons administrator, then, it will be easier for me to share my original photos here in Commons. Please help me and adopt me, best wishes ([30]Total editcount: 10:40, 27 January 201018,466 -17,099)--Ramon FVelasquez (talk) 07:46, 24 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

ASN on minwiki


Can you explain about "no Facebook links in the SiteNotice"? Kind regards,  Ę-oиė  >>> 06:32, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Very appreciate with your thanks on Minangkabau. How do you know "tarimo kasih" anyway? :) I accept all your explanation about sitenotice and the logo. I apologize if I'm misunderstood first of all. Kind regards,  Ę-oиė  >>> 14:40, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply
Glad to have you here on Wikipedia. A humble and open minded person. :) If I have something to ask later, I will find you, Sir. Have a nice day.. and Yup, midnight around here. :)  Ę-oиė  >>> 

About logo Wikipedia Minangkabau


I've made that svg exactly with the guide from meta derifative from blueprint logo and with Linux Libertine Font. Why you make derifative from wiki-id? Is it Indonesian make rule now?  Ę-oиė  >>> 08:32, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Maybe you ask why not have a grid? That's grid is for blueprint. I've remove that to reduce it size. Sorry fo my bad English.  Ę-oиė  >>> 08:38, 25 March 2013 (UTC)Reply

Logo of Sanskrit wiki


Hello Odder. We at Sanskrit wiki surprisingly noticed that the logo has been changed, without any discussion on local wiki. I think this was done mistakenly. Plz revert it to the previous copy, as the tagline is different in this version, which was decided after a lot of discussion by the community, which is now changed in this version. Plz let me know on my Sanskrit wiki talk page, if there is some issue. Thanks. - Hemant wikikosh (talk) 17:52, 6 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hello, no problem, but the previous version was graphically incorrect. Please update m:User:Cbrown1023/Logos with the correct tagline so that the logo can be fixed: we didn't notice that you had changed it without updating the list of translations. Thanks, Nemo 15:27, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

(moved from talk page of user:Hemant wikikosh at
Could you please let me know what is wrong with this version, in detail? I was under the impression that my version was exactly the same as the one you had been using so far (with the exception of not including || on both sides of विकिपीडिया, which is what the Meta page suggested), and it wasn't my intention to ignore community consensus. Thanks in advance for your help, and apologies for the inconvenience created. odder (talk) १५:३१, ७ एप्रिल् २०१३ (UTC) (moved text ends.)

I thank you for caring for the file-format of logo. Now coming to your query, you can see the final logo (the previous one) here. And the difference from current one is that the tagline we finalized is: स्वतन्त्रविश्वकोशः . Also, the signs both sides of word are not ।। but ॥ , which is U+0965 . Moreover, this is rendered differently by different unicode fonts: We had adopted a rendering in which the two ends (top and bottom) of ॥ are bevelled, which is traditional Devanagari style, while abrupt 90 degree ends were not favored (Note the difference between the one shown by me above and this logo. So if you can incorporate those changes, it would be as per our final conclusion.
So if you want to make it from scratch, I would make one more point that, plz try to make it clearer (even my version was not so clear). By 'clear' I mean like this logo. This is Hindi wiki logo. If you open both wikis in adjacent tabs, and see one by one, you will note that there is a clear resolution difference, keeping other things as mentioned, if we could get a better resolution, it would be great. Thanks a lot for your patience for reading our overwhelming demands :) . Plz let me know if this can be done. Else try to do the minimal change as per our needs, we would highly appreciate your help. Thanks. -Hemant wikikosh (talk) 17:33, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
In fact, after the discussion on I was perplexed due to lack of tool to create an svg logo, and finally improvised it using an open-source tool. I believed that my version had only issue that it was not so clear. But now you have told the true story, that the format itself has issues. So in fact I am pleasantly surprised. We would appreciate if you create it from scratch again by taking requirements as mentioned above, and if not possible, we would like the previous version to be restored. Do as per your convenience. Thanks a lot! -Hemant wikikosh (talk) 18:32, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
My time-zone is telling me to sleep now...may be last msg today.

Everything ok, but श् and व after joining become श्व which is rendered differently in both versions (ours and this one), this is third last symbol in the tagline. If you could make it like our version, it would be great help. And, less imposingly, if you could choose a horizontally more expanded font would be nice. Other factors appear perfectly fine. Thanks. -Hemant wikikosh (talk) 19:44, 7 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Yes, I think it is ok now. But it is but it is a png again?.......May be i am mistaken. Please carry on. The logo is looking great! -Hemant wikikosh (talk) 05:17, 8 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks Odder, for your kind help! -Hemant wikikosh (talk) 18:43, 9 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Please consider स्वतन्त्रसर्वविज्ञानकोशः as the tagline


Hai Odder, noticed the newer version of Sanskrit Wikipedia logo and the modifications made later. The logo looks great and your work is highly appreciable. In Sanskrit, it is customary to use the danda chihnas ("॥") (full stops, as you said) on both sides of the title/heading. The use of danda chihnas gave the logo a traditional and Sanskrit-style look. Great. However, I should register my difference in opinion about the translation of the tagline ‘The free encyclopedia’. The tagline now used in Sanskrit is स्वतन्त्रविश्वकोशः which is not an apt word. It must be स्वतन्त्रसर्वविज्ञानकोशः on the basis of following points:

  • The term विश्वकोशः is neither a defining word nor a proper translation for the word ‘encyclopedia’. The term विश्व refers to ‘all’ or ‘universal’ and कोशः refers to ‘a cell’ or ‘chamber’. Hence the term विश्वकोशः translates to ‘a chamber of all, including physical objects’ whereas ‘encyclopedia’ is a collection of only valid/verifiable knowledge. Due to this, the use of term विज्ञान (knowledge) is necessary in between विश्व and कोशः. Avoiding विज्ञान for getting a smaller/simpler word is not justifiable. It may be noted that the term विश्व can come up with two different meanings (i) ‘all’ and (ii) the ‘world’/’universe’. Hence, it is suggested to use सर्व instead of विश्व. The term सर्व always mean ‘all’. Hence, the correct translation of the term ‘encyclopaedia’ is सर्वविज्ञानकोशः, not विश्वकोशः.
  • The opposition from some Wikipedians against the use of word विज्ञान is mainly due to the fact that, in Hindi and in other Hindi-affected languages like Gujarati, Marathi etc. this term is used as a translation for ‘Science’. Due to the misconception that the word विज्ञान is translation for Science, the people who speak Hindi or Hindi-affected languages like Marathi/Gujarati/Bengali etc. generally oppose the use of the term विज्ञान as Knowledge. But in Sanskrit, the meaning of विज्ञान is different. In Sanskrit विज्ञान means ‘Valuable Knowledge' (i.e. not all kind of knowledge, but has some importance) विशिष्टं ज्ञानं इति. Similarly, in Sanskrit, the term वैज्ञानिक does not mean Scientist. It refers only to a wise person, or a learned person. In Sanskrit, the use of the term विज्ञान is highly justifiable, and necessary.
  • As already pointed out, in Sanskrit, कोशः means a 'cell' or pocket or some compartment/chamber which can be used for collection. Hence, to imply the meaning of encyclopedia as a collection of all knowledge, all the three words सर्व-, विज्ञान-, and कोशः are required and necessary. If we use विश्वकोश only, it will not give the exact meaning. Hence, as the translation of ‘ encyclopedia’, the term सर्वविज्ञानकोशः is preferred to विश्वकोशः

स्वतन्त्र- refers to 'Free' or 'Independent'. Hence I request you to use ‘स्वतन्त्रसर्वविज्ञानकोशः’ as the translation of ‘The free encyclopedia’ in the new logo. -Naveen Sankar (talk) 10:29, 8 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Dear Odder, thank you for your reply. As you have pointed out, having a correct logo is very important and we also don't like to change the tagline back and forth depending on the views of certain community members. I will try my best to reach the community consensus. Anyway, I request you to see the experimental image, that I have created, incorporating my suggestions here. When there is a consensus on the matter of tagline, you may please develop actual logo based on this. It can also be noted that using the term स्वतन्त्रविश्वकोशः invite the problem of rendering of श्व also. The श्व used in this logo is in modern style. The traditional style श्व is as in this logo. As far as Sanskrit is concerned, the traditional style is preferred to modern style. I hope, these issues will be discussed and solved in Sanskrit Wikipedia. Waiting eagerly for a rectified svg logo ---Naveen Sankar (talk) 14:49, 8 April 2013 (UTC)Reply



I think your block of Tony1 ignores that those involved on Commons were taunting him at Commons, inappropriately using adminship here while involved in a dispute over there, and that he was only saying the same thing that others said to him back at them. There was no warning before your block, which also goes against our standards. Mattbuck's followup was clearly an abuse because he was heavily involved in the prior dispute and was taunting Tony1. I would respectfully ask that you unblock Tony1 with the condition that he does not use Commons to fight about the matter anymore. Ottava Rima (talk) 13:51, 16 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

  • Do your homework, Ottava, and check how the events unfolded. I left Tony1 a warning five hours before I blocked him — I specifically let him know that bringing conflicts from the English Wikipedia into Commons is not welcome. The only thing I received in response was an abusive e-mail, which prompted Moogsi (talk · contribs) to revoke Tony1's e-mail access; and when Tony1 learnt that he had no possibility to insult people over e-mail, he left another uncivil comment on his talk page, which left him with no talk page access as well.

    I have no desire to get involved in anything that's happening on the English Wikipedia, and I was unaware of anything that might or might not have happened there. It was only Tony1's uncivil behaviour that earned him a block here — and I have no desire to lift the block; I believe that one week might be just enough for him to re-think his actions here on Commons. odder (talk) 14:32, 16 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

The warning was for something that you did not block him for. He told you to leave him alone (i.e. "fuck off") and you blocked him for a personal insult against yourself. That is a conflict of interest too. I did not say that above because I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. However, your response that I did not pay attention to it is obviously wrong. Please do not make such bad assumptions like that. If Tony1 wanted to insult people via email, he had both and meta to use the email feature on, so I find your explanation quite false. Tony1 told people to leave him alone. Using "fuck" can only be deemed uncivil if you are taking a hardline stance against cussing. If so, you would need to block both Russavia and Mattbuck for using the term quite more often. Half of the admin corpse here uses the term regularly. You were personally responded to and you reacted harshly. How does that help anyone? Ottava Rima (talk) 16:17, 16 April 2013 (UTC)Reply



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--Neotarf (talk) 07:07, 17 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

WLPA announcement


Hi Odder, Would you be able and willing to use your magic abilities (or message bot) to put a {{Welcome to WLPA}}-message on talkpages to WLM-participants of the countries/regions where WLPA is organized? If so, what would be required to do that?
/Axel Pettersson (WMSE) (talk) 07:47, 22 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi, Odder. See my comment on Commons talk:Wiki Loves Public Art 2013#WLPA announcement on talk pages of WLM participants. --V.Riullop (talk) 15:52, 24 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi again, Although the template is not translated to german and hebrew yet, can you put it out to swedish and Barcelona participants now? Thanks in advance. /Axel Pettersson (WMSE) (talk) 10:31, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Sorry about that, I named it {{WLPA_2013_start}}. /Axel Pettersson (WMSE) (talk) 12:37, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
{{Hebrew translation}} done. Can you put it out now? There are three participants who has already uploaded images. Thanks in advance. /Axel Pettersson (WMSE) (talk) 12:11, 8 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hej. Jeśli możesz, to dodaj proszę szablony do zdjęć, które dodałem w kwietniu. Przepraszam, zupełnie zapomniałem o tym, aby Cię poinformować o nowych plikach. ;) Pozdrawiam, Szoltys (talk) 19:28, 23 April 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hi! Please, can you tell me if someone really speak with Tadeusz Mieczyński? And please can you explain me what is in OTRS tickets 2013031810006609 and 2011121210016597 please. Sorry for that, but previously was a similar problem about upload by the the uploader from the same website, see Commons:Deletion requests/Files of user:Szoltys from You can send me an e-mail, thank you. ----MGuf (d) 20:13, 23 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi—no, I don't think anyone actually spoke with Tadeusz Mieczyński, but we received a very clear permission to use images from the 2011 and 2013 FIS Alpine Nordic World Ski Championships 2013 (ticket 2013031810006609) and from the 2011 Adam Małysz Benefit Competition (ticket 2011121210016597). I was the OTRS agent that took care of both these tickets, and I worked closely with Szoltys and other members of the Polish Wikipedia community in importing them into Wikimedia Commons (or, at least, I tagged all of them with the {{PermissionOTRS}} template) once they were uploaded. I am aware of the previous trouble; the mere existence of those OTRS permission is specifically due to this sad misunderstanding having occurred—but I can assure you that everything's all right with the images that I tagged. odder (talk) 20:37, 23 April 2013 (UTC)Reply
Ok, thank you very much. And also thanks to Tadeusz Mieczyński and user:Szoltys. ----MGuf (d) 07:38, 24 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Deletion request


Hi, could you please delete this redirection: 1. The name is wrong and misleading. Redirects such as this cause the image to appear in wrong articles. Thank you in advance. Gidip (talk) 03:26, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

WLPA Barnstar to you!

  Thanks for telling the world
Thanks for help with putting WLPA-templates on talk pages. Axel Pettersson (WMSE) (talk) 15:44, 6 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for your advice!


I'm participating already in this photo contest in Barcelona. I've uploaded somewhat 800 images... Thanks for your interest! --Enfo (talk) 08:09, 7 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

File mover


dzięki DingirXul (talk) 17:12, 15 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Help me


Hi ... Suddenly, I cannot use this Upload Wizzard of Commons[31] even using Google Chrome and I tried Opera. I can just use the old form but I have many images. May I please know if there is something wrong with the Commons Server Upload Wizzard? Thanks waiting for your kind reply. Cheers. -Ramon FVelasquez (talk) 15 March 2013 (UTC)

Thanks for your time, and now, not the Wizzard is working.--Ramon FVelasquez (talk) 14:19, 16 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hi, ... Buenas dias! Since 10:40, 27 January 2010 (3 years ago) until May 15, 2013 (Wednesday in the Philippines, with my total editcount of 29,302 - or of more than 28,000 Commons uploaded photos, large files of 6-8 MB each or 4,600 x 3,400 each) --- yesterday, at 3:33 p.m., this DSCN 1329, [32] raw, unedited and original picture is and was uploaded by myself, shared to all believers, skeptics, agnostics, mystics, photographers and infidels alike); I respectfully request thee, as I hereby submit to the Commons community of passionate and professional, including amateur photographers, the instant Picture perfect of mystical origin, but never magic, in the very Sanctuary and main Altar of the 1638 St. Mary Magdalene Church of Kawit[33] for Commons judgment and comment. I did submit some photos of this category to the Philippines professional photographers when I bought my Nikon AW 100 last year, but they failed to decipher the pictures. Embedded in this photo are Cryptology[34] Lights trillion of times faster than the speed of earth light, meaning, no time, no space, no mass ... time travel direly absolute. I ponder that at this time, at your moments, thou may not be able to detect the innermost core of the deepest secrets of the entire existence of Universe, but, for sure, as I and you are both passionate scientists of photography, then, if you would please, I hope that this rarest photo with embedded Codes of Light, would be a candidate for the next Picture of the Year. Sincerely, --Ramon FVelasquez (talk) 14:19, 16 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Commons:Reporting abuse


I'm lost, is this one alternative to your simple and clean proposal? --Nemo 06:53, 17 May 2013 (UTC)Reply


  Done I want to remove it early, but since my temporary access is expired last week, I'm waiting till now. Thanks anyway to remembering it to me. :)  Ę-oиė  >>> 07:42, 18 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

You're welcome. In Minangkabau we said "Samo-samo". :)  Ę-oиė  >>> 08:03, 18 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Nice to see that you are from the university town of Jerzy Neyman. :)  Kiefer.Wolfowitz  (Discussion) 14:53, 18 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thai Wikipedia logo changing


Hello, Odder. You have new messages at File_talk:Wikipedia-logo-v2-th.png. --Nullzero (talk) 14:07, 20 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hi Odder. Just let you know that we are having a discussion at w:th:คุยเรื่องวิกิพีเดีย:โครงการออกแบบโลโก้วิกิพีเดียไทย and this is likely to lead to a revert back to old logo or another new logo. In the future, it would be more productive if we keep in touch with the community and seek the consensus first. If you don't speak Thai, we can be reached at w:th:วิกิพีเดีย:สถานทูตวิกิมีเดีย or w:th:WP:AN. Thank you. --taweethaも (talk) 10:40, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, I'll try to keep up with the discussion. (And no, I don't speak any Thai.) odder (talk) 11:04, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Watchlist notice


Hi, I had it geolocalized but I was asked to remove it; see the village pump. —Mono 20:39, 21 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

No, you grabbed some really old code you found somewhere, including lots of deprecated functions, did not use any meaningful edit summary and forgot a closing </div>. I like the idea of targeted notes; that's why I am writing on a more sophisticated solution which will be jshint valid, does not use deprecated functions and will be available tomorrow. All features listed at Template:WatchlistNotice +user preferences about the message type to which a user wants to subscribe to (or hide by default) will be available. The watchlist notice will then consume a fixed space. Collapsing content like it is currently done is rather optimal because the following text visibly (especially on slow machines) jumps towards the top. Best and, I agree that something had to be done in the regard of improving the watchlist notice so don't worry, -- Rillke(q?) 21:48, 21 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Rillke, I applaud for doing this. It looks very powerful. I took that code from the English Wikipedia. All of it, directly from the calls in Common.js. Perhaps you could help them out over there as well? One other idea is to integrate this into a central notification service (i.e. Echo, which will be deployed here fairly soon) and create a central community bulletin board for showing these kinds of messages on login, watchlist, and also in the community portal. —Mono 22:22, 21 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Hello Odder!

Can you please add the {{Licensereview}}-tag to US Army images as listed above? Oftenly it is the case that the source homepage disappears in a few months/years. Possibly in future somebody doubts its copyright status. Reviewed files do not have such problems. Regards, High Contrast (talk) 10:56, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply


Hello Odder. Why you undo this image? this font (Pak Type Tehreer font) was very very ugly. We don't use this ugly logo. Thank you.--Calak (talk) 15:26, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

No problem, [35] :)).--Calak (talk) 20:41, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Yes, that exactly why I wrote that I liked it—I already noticed you were using a different logo. odder (talk) 20:43, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Yes, we told you help us, we told you this font is ugly, but you slighted our offer.--Calak (talk) 20:56, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
What offer do you have in mind? You only wrote that the font is ugly, and I responded to your message the very same day, asking why you think it's ugly—I never heard back from you, and that's why the logo was changed. Perhaps you confused me with someone else, because I never heard anything from anyone from the ckb.wikipedia community. odder (talk) 21:15, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
No problem Odder, if you don't trust me, you can ask from persian, arabic or urdu wikipedia about this font. Be sure, all of them tell you this font is ugly. Thank you--Calak (talk) 21:29, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
That's interesting, because no one ever complained about this font, even though we informed all the projects that had their logos changed about our plans, and you are the first one to say that the font is ugly. odder (talk) 22:06, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Which wikipedia using this font now (in Arabic script)? --Calak (talk) 08:57, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
glk, pnb, ps, sd and ug odder (talk) 10:00, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
But important project (like ar, fa, ur) don't using this font. Why you don't changing this font to "Amiri"?--Calak (talk) 10:11, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Because you're using a different logo, which means that it doesn't matter what font is used in that particular picture. odder (talk) 10:15, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
No, it was only a temporary logo. we want using your logo with Amiri font, we creat this logo, but you undo our logo.--Calak (talk) 10:35, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Even so, it's File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-ckb.png that needs overwriting. And since that file is protected, you'll need to provide better arguments than it's ugly. odder (talk) 11:02, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
You upload it, you are admin. If it is necessary, we do local consensus.--Calak (talk) 11:16, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
I know that I uploaded it, and I know that I'm an admin here—what is it that you're trying to say? odder (talk) 11:18, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Chaning font to Amiri font! Can you help us?--Calak (talk) 11:23, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Done; I changed the font used in File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-ckb.svg as well as in File:Wikipedia-logo-v2-ckb.png—you can now revert this edit. Hope this helps :) odder (talk) 12:39, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

I don't see any change Odder. This font is not Amiri.--Calak (talk) 12:53, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
It's the same font that Ghybu used, just compare the two files: 1 and 2. If that font was not Amiri, then I can look into it again. odder (talk) 12:57, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
No Odder. It is not Amiri. It is very different from Ghybu used.--Calak (talk) 15:54, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Clear your cache. odder (talk) 15:55, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Yes Odder, you are right. Thank you very much for your help :) [36]. --Calak (talk) 16:00, 24 May 2013 (UTC)]Reply
I'm glad it worked, in the end! :) odder (talk) 16:02, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
:))--Calak (talk) 16:09, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Odder, you seem to have added "autopatroller" to my rights, but I liked my rights the way they were. Can you remove it? Thanks. Delicious carbuncle (talk) 22:21, 23 May 2013 (UTC)Reply



Hej. Usunąłbyś? Mój błąd, a nie mam możliwości poprawić nagrania. // Bubel (dyskusja) 15:49, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Dzięki. Popraw sobie płeć w preferencjach, bo jest "Odder usunęła":) // Bubel (dyskusja) 15:53, 24 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Welcome, dear translation administrator!


Hi Odder, thanks for your application for translation administrator. Your request was closed as successful, and you've been added to the list of translation administrators.

Please take a moment to read our help page before marking pages for translation.

For existing translations

Make sure to move all existing translations to language subpages (/fr, /de, etc.). Pages with existing translations need to have them manually copied to the new system or some process to be created for it. Translation administrators must ensure existing translations don't get lost or hidden, or translators will be unhappy and we'll lose them.

Helpful links: COM:TN, Special:PageTranslation, Special:AggregateGroups, Special:LanguageStats, IRC channelconnect

Thank you for your contributions to Commons! --Steinsplitter (talk) 11:58, 26 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Ogg Theora uploads


I noticed that you've uploaded quite a few videos, but always in Ogg Theora format. Is there any reason why you're not uploading in WebM? WebM is better quality at the same bitrate as Theora, and the browser support is similar, if not better too. - hahnchen 22:45, 26 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

There is no particular reason, maybe except the fact that I have a handy tool for converting files into Ogv (ffmpeg2theora), and the fact that when I started doing this, Commons did not accept WebM (yet). I am aware that some people consider WebM better than Ogv, but since Commons provides trancoded versions, the format of the uploaded file is not that important anymore (I guess). odder (talk) 23:21, 26 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
By transcoding to Theora, you lose more quality than if you were transcoding to WebM, or you could get the same quality at a lower bitrate. Commons does transcode to smaller sizes, but you still want the source to be of the highest quality possible. Take a look at WebM options if you have time. I have only uploaded 2 WebM files, and did find the process/tools confusing. I used Firefogg on one file, but it completely mangled the second one, so I switched to VLC. VLC is quite easy to use, but the help page states that targeting a bit rate (the only thing VLC can do in GUI mode) is not as good as specifying a quality - but I suspect that it would still be better than Theora. - hahnchen 00:35, 27 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
I had a go at transcoding the latest White House video from its original H264 to WebM - you can view it at File:2013-05-25 President Obama's Weekly Address.webm. I compared identical frames from the Theora, WebM and H264 versions - the only different you see is the texture quality of the president's skin. It's noticeable in stills, but not really in movement. Instead of using Firefogg or VLC which I had used previously, I'm just using FFmpeg in the command line - you can download a version from which includes the latest WebM encoder. The command I used was:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v 1.8M -pass 1 output.webm
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v 1.8M -pass 2 -c:a libvorbis -qscale:a 6 output.webm
I ran 2 pass encoding so there are two commands, although I haven't checked to see whether it actually helps. Note that I set a maximum bit rate to be 1.8Mb in order for it to be of similar size to the Theora version. Removing the bit rate flag, the default high quality (-crf 4) setting outputs at around 1Mb. How did you decide on the bitrate of your Theora upload? In File:2013-05-18 President Obama's Weekly Address.ogv, the bit rate is 3Mb, which is noticeably higher. - hahnchen 21:50, 27 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
I didn't—I'm just using ffmpeg2theora -a 6 -v 7 which sets the quality level on 6 for audio and 7 for video, out of 10. I did a couple of tests to see if there is any noticeable difference between video quality 7 and 8, and there were none that I could notice, so I just stayed with that level ever since. Thanks for the suggested ffmpeg commands for WebM—I'll see if I can get this latest version on the server I'm using to convert these files. odder (talk) 22:10, 27 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Oversighter advice needed


INeverCry 01:56, 27 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Looks like there's a technical issue with this. INeverCry 20:34, 28 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Reply Flag of Malaysia.svg


I still can't update the file because the edit permission is still set for only administrators. :( — иz нίpнόp   23:25, 28 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Whoops! I forgot I had to lower the edit protection level, too, but fortunately I see that Fastily already took care of it. Sorry! :) odder (talk) 10:02, 29 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
It's ok, could you un-protect it again for temporarily? I need to do some minor fix on it. Need a quick response. Thanks. :) — иz нίpнόp ʜᴇʟᴘ! 18:08, 30 May 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks, but I think it's already been fix by Zscout370, sorry for the late response. :) — иz нίpнόp ʜᴇʟᴘ! 05:45, 31 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Dzień dobry. Ta mapa wprowadza zamęt i prowadzi do szerzenia głupoty. Autor tego czegoś wg swojego widzimisię skomasował dzisiejsze województwa w regiony o samowymyślnych granicach wbrew historii i tradycji. 1. Zielona Góra i południe Lubuskiego to Śląsk 2. Żywiecczyzna, Częstochowa, Zagłębie Dąbrowskie to Małopolska 3. Obszar na zachód od Bydgoszczy to Wielkopolska 4. Ziemia wałecka i drahimska to Wielkopolska 5. Północna-wschodnia część Lubelskiego to Podlasie 6. Zachodnia część Podlaskiego to Mazowsze 7. Elbląg, Lubawa, Nowe Miasto Lubawskie to nie Warmia i Mazury tylko dawne Prusy Królewskie aka Pomorze Nadwiślańskie. 8. Zachodnia część Łódzkiego to Wielkopolska.

Grafika w obecnej postaci nadaje się jedynie do skasowania. 06:14, 29 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Wydaje mi się, że problemy z tą grafiką najlepiej byłoby opisać na jej stronie dyskusji albo bezpośrednio na stronie dyskusji użytkownika, który przesłał ją do Commons. odder (talk) 19:27, 30 May 2013 (UTC)Reply

Can you help? [37] --MF-W 18:40, 2 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, (as you may have already seen, but I'm writing it nevertheless), the translations would be Википедия / Хостуг энциклопедия. --MF-W 22:41, 3 June 2013 (UTC)Reply
Thanks a lot. --MF-W 22:50, 4 June 2013 (UTC)Reply

Oversight attention needed


INeverCry 22:16, 9 June 2013 (UTC)Reply


Hello Odder! I am Samarqandi from the Urdu Wikipedia and we at Urdu Wikipedia wants to make the fonts of Urdu Wikipedia from present naskh type to nastaleeq type. I have uploaded of a nastaleeq version of Urdu Wikipedia logo, you were the last editor of that page, please take a look if anything need to be fixed, as the file I uploaded for nastaleeq seems not to appear as current logo, the nastaleeq file date is 5 October 2013. Thank you. --سمرقندی (talk) 06:02, 5 October 2013 (UTC)Reply

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