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Tompot blenny (Parablennius gattorugine), Arrábida National Park, Portugal. Note: no FP of this species. It can be found in shallow, coastal waters off western Europe and northern Africa and in the Mediterranean. The tompot blenny is a relatively large blenny that can grow up to 30 centimetres (12 in) in length. There is a single branched tentacle over each of its eyes. It's very territorial and its territory is centred around a crevice in the rocky reef which the fish uses for shelter. It occurs in shallow seas at depths of 3–32 metres (9.8–105.0 ft) and is crepuscular, being active mainly at dawn and at dusk. It has sharp, comb-like teeth which it uses to scrape food from the substrate. It feeds on sea anemones and other invertebrates such as prawns and other crustaceans.
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